a goose egg

: i logged on to unsubscribe but also to tell all the “biden is the exact same as trump but i …

: it’s fucking hilarious to watch americans enjoy the fruits of a working democracy on a daily …

: you can perform online all you want for the worms dancing in your brain begging to be fed that daily …

: worrying about democratic voter enthusiasm 10 months before the election is like worrying about …

: looks like nimrata’s 15 year old “foreign policy buff” child has once again been …

: the only thing i have to say to american muslims threatening to vote for trump over biden is that it …

: maybe we should have voted for the person who predicted all of this in 2016 …

: donalds been always narcissistically delusional but this is full blown dementia: feeling he …

: at this point there’s no difference between trumpism and mental illness …

: the white rurals who dont want their tax dollars to go to urban minorities are totally fine with …

: white supremacism is so strong in this country that right wingers will vote for a serial rapist too …

: this year, take some time off from trying to prove how you are the smartest, angriest person online …

: if you love theatrical performance (parading around in the streets waving cleverly worded protest …

: you would expect rock stars to perform and progressive “activists” to make change happen …

: we keep talking about tech bros needing to take more social sciences courses in university, but no …

: it’s the year 2024, one badly mismanaged pandemic and one violent coup attempt later, white …

: the magas dont need social services they need mental health services. and vivek breh, its time to …

: fascists will eventually come for you regardless of whether you support fascism or not

: the American ornithological society will be renaming several bird species. here are my suggestions the American ornithological society is planning on renaming several bird species because many of …

: enjoying a delicious pint of dogfish head 60 minutes IPA from Joe Bidens home state to celebrate …

: Donald: file an appeal Alina: on what grounds Donald: I walked out before the verdict so it …

: feels like donald should have seen this coming after his lawyer went on tv to say she was faking …

: there’s a 0% probability that donald will stop posting more defamation. rack that tab up, …

: keep hawking those trashy red hats from china, motherfucker. you’re gonna need the money


: just standing here by the window waiting for a serial rapist to be held accountable

: if progressive single-issue protest-vote enthusiasts get their shit together and vote for the guy …

: we’re participating in a cosplay revolutionary pub crawl tomorrow. i only have a french …

: is it a good thing if the judge threatens to lock up your lawyer during a civil trial? asking for a …

: I measure my mental health by the number of dinners I am able to cook on weekdays. this week was 3 …

: has anyone checked on elon musk to see if he has enough drugs and shitter likes to get him through …

: qanon is basically christianity for people who were requesting a modern interpretation of an ancient …

: there’s a direct line between voting a vengeful serial rapist into the presidency and abusing …

: it’s amusing, nay fucking hilarious that we’re still blaming hillary for calling (some) …

: welcome to the year of accountability, season 2, pete. enjoy the open air toilet facilities

: my parents keep asking me to visit india for a vacation. i haven’t been to india for ten …

: the gop is turning red states into third world fascist shitholes. this is the stuff that is a …

: melancholy is healthy. lean into your melancholy. forcing yourself to be joyous all the time is …

: trying to come up with a plan to maintain my mental health this year but I just don’t see how …

: oklahoma republicans just appointed the anti-lgbtq child abusing domestic terrorist chaya raichick …

: white ppl excited about trying out their shiny new toys in the coming election (RFK jr, Cornell …

: a close childhood friend who i thought was liberal just “celebrated” vivek campaigning …

: for some reason Boeing put this bearded mug in their presentation during the inauguration of their …

: it shouldnt be this hard to vote for the guy who is not promising to free domestic terrorists who …

: do protest vote enthusiasts make similar decisions in other areas of their life: slurp down a …

: elon musk is “aspirationally” a lot of things: smart, funny, popular, jewish

: if you want anyone to take anything you say seriously stop calling joe biden a fascist. all …

: watching donald try to say words at a rally its clear that by next november he’ll only be able …

: i dont know how to deal with the fact that close and extended family are now full blown fascists. i …

: if you want to see america’s future with trump as president just look at india’s present …

: never been more grateful that i was able to flee india when i did. jai shree ram

: it’s no longer left vs right it’s ppl who want to make things better vs performative …

: I just think you should’ve listened to Hillary in 2016 but white progressives are not only …

: it’s amazing how many people recognize Donald Trump’s existential danger to civilization …

: souderton, a former North Pennsylvania railroad town, one of seven area railroad sister towns …

: theres a direct correlation between how far a Pennsylvania bar is from Philadelphia and the number …

: sitting in a rural Pennsylvania bar listening to economically anxious white men being homophobic

: my relatives in India are jai shree raming the shit out of me and I don’t know what to do

: I keep wishing for America to go back to when I could drink in a rural bar with white boys without …

: if mike pence is allowed to have an opinion on abortion athletes are allowed to have opinions on …

: this, absolutely this. Biden should have a fireside chat with Americans describing the hell women …

: the thing i miss the most about the eagles being done for the season is random ppl whispering go …

: the moment nimrata drops out Joe Biden is gonna get a whole bunch of money from me and you should …

: to be fair, Christianity has given us more than vacuous fascist shitheads: majestic cathedrals, a …

: who could have predicted (other than everyone with more than half a brain), Ronda destroyed Florida …

: “a president should be allowed to do crimes” seems like a not winning strategy except …

: vote blue you performative shitheads this is not hard. and convince people to vote blue. literally …

: a lot of people, mostly white progressives, don’t realize that good intentions are way way …

: does the bread and circus guy who keeps getting reposted on my timeline ever realize he’s …

: this woman nimrata, who was so bad at her trump job that she had to ask her 15 year old son for …

: people still seem to be oblivious to the fact that the next presidential election is going to be …

: snow shoeing tomorrow, fat tire snow biking on Sunday. that’s the plan.

: “my grandpa was a nazi”. this was written by an anti-fascist as a warning to his fellow …

: we’re the only country in the world that steals money from trains and gives it to billionaires …

: happy cardinals in snow day

: why do anti-Biden American Muslims hate Palestinian refugees?

: apparently while a mentally disabled narcissist was killing americans with a preventable illness a …

: out of all the places I’ve ever visited winter woods and the stream outside my home office …

: after watching elon musk and vivek ramu flush a whole bunch of their own money down the toilet can …

: if you wouldn’t use social media owned by donald trump there’s no moral justification …

: theres zero difference between normalizing qanon conspiracy theories and normalizing religion

: i think donald trump should just accept the fact that he’s going to jail and lie back and …

: which white rural demographic should the democrats try to outreach? which white rural demographic should the democrats try to outreach? 1 the friendly bartender in the …

: why will many white progressives believe literally any cock and balls theory about the rise of …

: the only opinion I am interested in hearing from trump supporters is the wailing as they die of a …

: brah, as a christian man who supports a serial rapist who attempted a violent coup against the …

: alina habba is basically vinny in the first half of my cousin vinny but too dumb to make it to the …

: the maga dating scene seems to be getting dire

: i’m glad the orange shitbag is in the courtroom today listening about the real life effects of …

: if you’re a “free speech absolutist” read this thread and then go to hell …

: if “independent voters” paid any attention to donalds rape civil trial today i doubt any …

: trump lawyer alina habba: i’m glad i’m pretty because its easy to fake smarts narrator: …

: oh, “not trump” isnt a good enough reason to vote for joe biden? the half million …

: its fucking hilarious how even with exhaustive evidence to the contrary, white progressives are …

: how do you fight fascists like this devoted idiot when the people who claim to be on the side of …

: vivek ramaswamy is dropping out of the presidential race to spend more time with ppl who dont think …

: vivek ramaswamy is still hanging around polling lines offering fellatio to ease your dick frostbite …

: it’s still surreal to me how much America has normalized a serial rapist who attempted a …

: doesn’t matter if their crops are wiped out, white rurals aren’t worried about climate …

: the only question remaining about vivek ramu’s campaign is how much toxic pandering fascist …

: “is a president allowed to assassinate political rivals?” donald: of course otherwise …

: i feel like there should be more concern over the fact that while president donald was under the …

: i couldnt remember madison cawthorns name but google helped me

: i like to imagine hercshel walker, madison cawthorn and rush limbaugh’s decapitated ghost …

: my current obsession is the argentinian band tonolec live in concert. this is coke studio level …

: it’s amazing how much federal money Democrats spend on improving the lives of rural whites …

: donald is asking for the January 6 terrorists to be released because he will be requiring their …

: sure trumps civil fraud case is a victimless crime just like the housing market crash was a …

: trump terrorists are threatening democratic politicians and judges because from experience they know …

: my favorite thing is when white people accuse each other of having white privilege without knowing …

: feels like even the most sociopathic of swing state white suburbanites might feel hesitant about …

: hate when I try and escape real life wokes criticizing oppressive white power structures by …

: the moment hillary clinton lost in 2016 it was guaranteed that 7 years later we would be debating …

: who could’ve ever imagined that donald would eventually go all racist on nimrata haley? …

: after 4 inches of rain last night i saw a mink scampering around by the backyard creek. the …

: “there’s no difference between trump and biden”

: i bought an under desk cycle for my home office but the only time i use it is when i remember how …

: no one seems to be remotely aware that the whole point of donald busily litigating his crimes …

: his voice was so melodious, his technique so commanding, his renditions so accessible to the …

: it’s nice that donald attended the immunity court proceedings in person so the judges could …

: miike pences brother is retiring from congress probably because he’s afraid trump supporters …

: excited to know what the appeals court thinks about donalds claim that every president of the United …

: first rule of privilege: rules always favor privilege

: a white Christian dude being able to seamlessly subvert a discussion about white Christian privilege …

: white christians will travel all the way to Africa to save the people there from eternal damnation …

: minority/marginalized/vulnerable/persecuted communities use social media as a safe space to call out …

: black ppl being able to say black lives matter is empowerment. women being able to say men are trash …

: please make sure you tip your bipoc friends for teaching you about institutional white privilege and …

: looking forward to someone on this website explain to a Jewish person how actually, work does set …

: I’ve always felt that what this website was missing was more white people explaining to bipoc …

: according to some people on this website, all lives matter would, by definition, be more inclusive …

: donald is going down statuskuo.substack.com/p/new-rec…

: i dont know why ppl bother engaging with elon musk. guy’s nothing more than a bad faith …

: camping with Steve Wallis on YouTube. it’s my comfortable space

: I would vote for a diseased rat carcass over laura bobert but that’s just me

: it’s been an infuriating Philadelphia eagles season but this was one of the few good things in …

: elon musk might be a drug abusing jackass but a more likely explanation is that he’s always …

: it’s so fucking hard to tell you’re having a mental breakdown until you’re waist …

: in the interest of self care I’m going to spend 0% of my waking hours this year pointing out …

: listen to biden speak, listen to trump speak and be honest about whose brain is deteriorating faster …

: biden is speaking in my neighborhood right now. joe, if you need a drink afterwards i have a few …

: just found out that my electric toothbrush actually has 4 additional modes: soft clean, massage, …

: my new years social media resolution is to scream less, laugh more. otherwise i am not gonna survive …

: i thought i smelled donald trump in the house but it was just my dog farting in his sleep

: glad that national “shit I had forgotten I have a job” week is over

: one of my neighbors just wished me a happy national bird day so now i’m thinking she was not …

: feels like we need a mandatory course in school to teach white kids how to channel their righteous …

: if you care about climate justice I implore you to direct all your energy this year towards getting …

: lol threads has turned into shitter V2 with nothing but troll on troll violence. new years …

: white progressives can scream all they want, but until you people get past your white privilege and …

: the gop is hosting a party to celebrate the january 6th terrorist attack. yup, both parties are the …

: perhaps if someone sucked cornell wests dick on a regular basis and told him his brain was large and …

: white progressives: america is an imperialist warmonger controlled by the military industrial …

: the gop and its leader thinks i’m “poisoning the blood” of this country but sure …

: “i was okay with trump’s lies until he started lying about me”: nikki haley, …

: considering they love calling democrats “lesser of the two evils”, by that definition, i …

: dont worry guys i’m sure we’ll find a way to relocate the entire indian subcontinent …

: imagine typing out these words and then not shitting your pants giggling at your grift

: why is george will working for the Washington Post instead of an establishment more suited to his …

: this is not rocket science except for, apparently, white progressives

: it’s just tragic that elon musk doesn’t have any friends or loved ones who will gently …

: tell me you haven’t listened to green day or rage against the machine by mentioning both of …

: I like how older Americans are all, I didn’t buy a house with a giant carbon footprint so I …

: clearly I’m having a fabulous new year

: certain blacks, hispanics and asians are turning into trump supporters because every ethnic …

: me, to friend yesterday: it’s gonna be a great year, even better than 2023 me to myself: lol …

: all these third party candidates means that the 2024 election will be less about fighting trump dumb …

: motherfuckers who can’t even put in the effort to vote for the only party taking climate …

: “what have the Democrats done to earn my vote”: this is either ignorance / gaslighting. …

: my climate resolutions for this year: continue to not fly except for work and to visit family. give …

: if you wanted better options in 2024 perhaps you should have made a better choice in 2016 you …

: I’m just glad this will be the final year of 2016

: my visit to wrexham was easily the best part of my 2023. a close second was all the trump …

: I realize it’s a hard concept to grasp especially if you have a PhD in social media theater …

: my new years resolution: send donald trump to prison and the GOP to oblivion

: ok Google, if my name is nimrata but I want to be white what should I change my name to

: if you want to pardon a Nazi who is actively doing Nazi shit, you too are in fact a Nazi, nimrata

: when I first came to this country I picked up a book about American history left by our dumpster …

: the Maine secretary of state laid it all out in simple words. these are objectively true facts. once …

: it’s still an insurrection even if it failed. every argument to the contrary is gaslighting

: the surest way to turn a white man into a trumpy fascist is by holding him accountable. because …

: here’s a new years resolution for progressives: before you type out another hot take about how …

: immigrants, minorities and vulnerable groups shouldn’t have to perpetually do the heavy …

: before you fix climate change fix the fact that GOP presidential candidates are unwilling to admit …

: even after an attempted coup, found guilty of insurrection by courts, four indictments, found guilty …

: why would any trump supporter choose nimrata over donald? she’s a only slightly less dumb, …

: nikki haley is basically donald trump without the wholesale rape

: cool bro your ideas for mitigating climate change are amazing. but how do you plan to implement them …

: gentle note to white progressives: fix your fucking white supremacist family, friends and social …

: think of America as the human brain. GOP is the part that wants to binge eat, drink, do drugs and …

: in a country where white settlers almost made the American buffalo extinct because it fed and …

: I’m sorry but once you’ve plopped out your “both parties are the same” …

: white progressives: the rurals want more government services and socialism white rurals: actually …

: thinking out of the box: when you want your agenda to be implemented but you vote for the guy who is …

: nobody cares why you won’t be voting for Joe Biden. you should care though because it makes …

: what is the protocol after using a fork to scratch your back do you quickly put it back in the …

: you’re not a “creator” you just have access to the Internet

: just can’t escape the fucking stupid. it might not be which social media but just social media …

: if you expect to get everything you want all the time and if you don’t you’re gonna cry …

: how it started, how it’s going

: Christmas eve plan: sit by a campfire, drink local ale and watch the Dallas cowboys get their ass …

: jingle bells donald smells shit stains all the way oh what fun it is to poop in your diaper all the …

: all I want for Christmas is some fucking snow, Santa you racist degenerate

: if you see a guy in red in your neighborhood tonight it’s Mike Johnson in a maga hat crawling …

: in this era of narcissistic abuse/violence/fascism there’s a case to be made for the mandatory …

: to understand donald trumps actions, think people who cheat at online video games. the thrill is not …

: feminism bad. reproductive rights good. green new deal bad. inflation reduction good. defund the …

: at the farmers market me: I’ll take one bunch of cilantro farmer: take another one for free, …

: in his defense sometimes I suck at call of duty online multiplayer and then I call for the execution …

: if young ppl want to vote for trump or sit out the election go ahead you fucking nitwits I have …

: I don’t know why people are speculating about who’s gonna be donalds vice president. it …

: ronna mcdaniel belongs in prison

: vivek ramu sitting naked on his couch with his laptop vivek ramu: I just fixed a bug in my rural …

: can’t wait for vivek ramu to go back to being irrelevant like the Georgia running back whose …

: ppl who dont think they’re nazis but are actually nazis: nazis ppl who monetize nazis ppl who …

: going to a christmas party today where there will be three white suburbanites in attendance and …

: i dont have a law degree but if the 14th amendment says dont allow an insurrectionist to hold a …

: its great to see the media debating whether donald stole the “immigrants polluting the blood …

: white progressives would rather blame the democratic party for not reaching out to white rurals than …

: you can try talking to rural trump supporters until your mouth falls off but it wont help and you …

: just got a christmas card from our former realtor who was a covid denier before everyone around her …

: holy shit it’s happening

: this country’s direction will be decided by whoever gives enough fucks to go out and vote. if …

: the cyber truck can drive through water but will it allow me to drive through a legion of orcs on my …

: really appreciate that while I’m out there, a brown man in jesustan, chatting with rural …

: white progressives: I’m gonna stop voting because I’m not getting everything I want me: …

: you really want things to get better? how about you start with not making things worse boo

: white progressives: meh voting is overrated reality: your 2016 protest vote killed and will kill …

: white progressives who were born yesterday and want everything to change overnight are the absolute …


: please reset the “days since the new york times had a garbage gaslighting take” counter …

: i dont know bro at least dont vote for a guy who killed 700,000 people with a preventable illness

: your 2016 protest vote is going to kill people like me

: waking up to the knowledge that the gop candidate for president just shrieked out that people like …

: if it feels like I’m having a meltdown, it’s because I am. how is everyone else not

: brown immigrants can vote GOP all they want because of religion but the GOP will eventually come …

: I’m sorry guys but voting your conscience is a privilege you lost the moment you voted for …

: people don’t understand the level of violence we’re going to see in 2024 from trump …

: if you care about: democracy, the climate, women’s rights, black lives, LGBTQ rights, human …

: history is going to judge your protest vote poorly

: one party is encouraging violence against brown people. but yes let’s pretend that both …

: I like how Americans are all, the cowboys lost, the niners won and falcons lost so the eagles are …

: every senate republican who didn’t vote to convict donald for January 6 should and will be …

: you can suck donald’s toadstool dick all you want but in the end the only face he will cover …

: I cut my finger slicing bread so my wife made me a dog

: ron desantis and donald trump trying to hurl insults at each other is like two bananas trying to …

: outside the bar: sign saying do not enter if you’re afraid to be within six feet of someone …

: took 3 photos today with my finger in the picture. is this what getting old looks like

: the theme of 2023 has been mediocre men being held accountable for their actions. 2024 will be …

: everything donald trump touches turns to shit. in this case the shit turned into a pool of diarrhea

: this year of accountability has outdone itself. bravo 2023, bravo

: giuliani is not going to have a good rest of his life

: i dont know why white people watch horror movies when they are already terrified 24/7 about …

: done donating to my five charities with employer match. natural lands (local land conservation org), …

: America’s mayor, America’s team, America first. America seems to have a branding problem

: I envy people who have the emotional strength to care about things in addition to their own internal …

: this christmas if you are planning to gift a loved one donalds farts in a jar, please please make …

: if you would never think of watching fox news because it propagates and normalizes fascism why are …

: donald is selling pieces of the suit he wore during the mugshot in atlanta. the diaper he filled …

: Tesla is recalling all its cars perhaps it’s time to recall its CEO from his smartphone

: today i learnt that the expression “criminy!” comes from “christ’s …

: human fart rocket rudolph “america’s drunk pedophile uncle” giuliani is not having …

: elon musk, just like donald trump, would be unemployable in pretty much every company other than the …

: of course, like every other mediocre privileged narcissistic motherfucker, he will blame it on …

: my laptop is giving me a “sunset coming” warning which means its time to gather my oxen, …

: if i’d attempted a coup i wouldn’t even joke about being a dictator but then i am not a …

: elon musk really paid 44 billion to get publicly owned on shitter by shitters own community notes. I …

: i hope texans have a plan B if plan A to turn texas blue doesn’t work out. living in a failed …

: all i want for christmas is for rudy giuliani to lose everything he owns and be forced to live …

: “why can’t we have good things”? here’s a clue: the white majority will once …

: I don’t care what your single issue is, it goes through democrats gaining power at every level …

: it’s not too much to ask progressives to stop performing online. like there are people who …

: I don’t want to be a downer for the climate justice community but the fact that musician …

: there’s a couple sitting next to me in the bar the girl is wearing an eagles jersey and the …

: remember dumbfuck sarah palin and her fantasy “death panels”? this is a real life GOP …

: elon musk is normalizing and propagating white supremacist fascism. he’s more dangerous than …

: “why are we accepting refugees when we can’t even take care of our own citizens” …

: “I don’t think he poops in his pants all the time, even while he’s talking to you. …

: donald trump is still not shitting on shitter. which means whoever is still shitting on shitter is …

: there’s a trump store in this farmers market selling “back the blue” shirts right …

: met a coworker today at the gym after a year. apparently he only works out to get ready for skiing …

: happy 30th birthday, doom tomorrow is the 30 year anniversary of doom, still my all time favorite video game, barely edging …

: you dont have to be excited about voting for biden just like how i’m not excited about taking …

: gentle reminder that the gop fake biden impeachment is 100% targeted towards the “both parties …

: me playing mw3 online on my new PS5 wife walks in me: theres a kid in this game moaning and groaning …

: theres nothing wrong in pretending to be an alpha male. even intellectually mediocre people deserve …

: young ppl: biden didn’t send me a heart emoji on valentines day so i might sit out the …

: i dont know man, if the guy i was supporting for president started selling christmas wrapping paper …

: “ten movies you HAVE to see before you die”. right, i’m gonna spend time watching …

: my favorite moment from the gop debate was when vivek ramaswamy crafted a trump ice sculpture on …

: she is part of the rock star team of democrats who swept the moms 4 liberty neo nazis out of the …

: very much looking forward to Kevin “donald’s 😘 kevin” McCarthy getting the fuck …

: “don’t worry, trump won’t…” no. just shut the fuck up.

: lol when i read my own posts about the “both parties are same"ers i get comically …

: donald trump: i will be a dictator on day 1 and come after the media and leftist vermin leftists: …

: my safe space online is people who are as fucking panicked about trump 2024 and the possible end of …

: it’s amazing how much this sounds exactly like biden’s 2024 platform because both …

: i have two requests of white americans before the 2024 election. 1 read up on fascism and how the …

: every single thing donald and elon say or do screams “i’m extremely unwell”. but …

: the 2000s: gop: why does the rest of the world hate America the 2020s: rest of the world: why does …

: if young people sit out this election just because biden didnt give them a cookie and a kiss before …

: the gop wants to protect literal domestic terrorists from retaliation (from the DOJ). meanwhile they …

: white people will buy a giant house they dont need thats too expensive to heat, a giant truck they …

: timely message for white progressives

: if you’re an activist who’s passionate about changing things for good but don’t …

: I don’t care what kind of single issue progressive voter you are but if you don’t start …

: I don’t know what it means that old people are forming a circle and I’m at the center of …

: I just can’t figure out why it’s so hard for biden and the democrats to give everybody …

: Hate when I see an Alabama license plate on the road because then my wife has to sit next to me and …

: conservative opinion is a race to dumbfuckville but christine flowers is already at the finish line …

: i hereby sentence the entire 3rd congressional district of new york to walk around wearing a t shirt …

: bye georgie you mediocre nitwit

: We’re all living in the reality of a world completely distorted by white supremacism. Adjust …

: Sitting in a bar listening to country roads and John Denver singing about mountain mamas and …

: Holy shit I just watched the full clip of elon musks interview and the man is deeply unwell. You can …

: i remember back on election day 2004 i knew that a coworker was going to vote for dubya so i kept …

: i barely survived four years of trump and i dont plan to find out if i would survive four more. its …

: dude claims to be for climate justice but is also doing his best to discourage ppl from voting …

: i wish tony bourdain was alive today to see kissinger die

: to everyone who cant understand why elon musk and trump behave the way they do, just google …

: Spotify you know me so well

: theres nothing funnier than knowing that trumplets may be burning furniture to stay warm in winter …

: nancy pelosi is a bad-ass. she was warned by her staff not to put liz cheney on the J6 committee: …

: you can (probably rightfully) criticize liz cheney all you want for her past actions but at this …

: as a new citizen who cant wait to vote in every fucking election so as to save this country from …

: hey white progressives who claim to be passionate about climate change mitigation but are going to …

: oh okay so it was actually mike pences son, an unelected person who actually prevented a …

: its almost like it doesnt matter if you stop doing a whole bunch of low impact things as long as you …

: starting to miss when i had covid and couldn’t smell my dogs farts or asparagus pee

: raises hand uh….because your supporters are paying for your crime lords legal bills?

: explain it to me like i’m a narcissistic billionaire: why is elon musk touring israel

: “single mom of 9 hurting from price hikes”. allow me to present an alternative theory …

: it boggles my mind how we normalize “God” in casual conversation. oh okay so you believe …

: I will tolerate religious people just like I tolerate climate change denialists, creationists and …

: people thought elon musk was tony stark from iron man instead he turned out to be gollum from Lord …

: you’d think the rest of the world, after watching America’s trump and Brazils bolsonaro, …

: everybody relax. the country isn’t going to vote for a guy who ended roe, who was found guilty …

: here’s a handy tip on spotting intellectual mediocrity: when someone is asked to defend an …

: the world’s two largest democracies are racing each other towards complete goofiness but …

: nice to see another insurrectionist go down. happy Thanksgiving

: holiday spirit: that jovial mindset every winter when you take a break during every meal from …

: how many times a day do you think donald thinks about nuking Gaza just so American Jews will like …

: if you see a small man in a large graveyard with his dick hanging out don’t worry it’s …

: my wife’s car died so we’ve decided to transition into a 1 car + ebike lifestyle. feels …

: this is an extremely philly story about how a few local immigrants in the 17th century started …

: the first rule of tech bro club is you let your bro say stupid shit and not point out how stupid it …

: it’s cool to know my life’s roadmap is based on a line from fargo

: elon musk flexes his bicep but instead of a bicep his belly pops out #largegraveyardenergy

: elon musk has a large graveyard full of enemies. their graves were scattered around the country but …

: it’s fucked up that these motherfuckers actually believe this and that we’re still …

: I’m sure many people were all, why are you interrupting my entertainment, find a different way …

: this year I’m thankful to live in a blue state with a blue governor and a blue legislature in …

: get outta here with your “religion is good because I personally am not a fundamentalist” …

: I’ve always been a fan of sigur ros but I didn’t really understand the band until I …

: this says more about how grifty mcshitgrin feels about religion and God than it says about his views …

: who else is excited about the new season of terrorism? the domestic white supremacist season was fun …

: creepy, right? except it’s not much creepier than female modesty culture, certain forms of …

: only a dumb mediocre shitbabboon like vivek ramu would believe that staying out of world war 3 is a …

: pun intended?

: if i believed that god has been fucking with the earth on and off with genocidal floods and shit …

: the first step towards a working democracy is not voting for ppl who literally believe that humanity …

: why is it ridiculously easy to find passable Indian food but ridiculously hard to find passable …

: “money cant buy you happiness” makes more sense when you realize its target was …

: just realized i’ve been using the word “jive” when i should’ve been using …

: feels like more americans should give a fucking fuck that a court agreed that donald trump engaged …

: what happened in vegas didnt stay in vegas (covid)

: it worked. thank you mr. nugget

: just like donald elon is going through a years long mental breakdown and just like donald he …

: if elon musk hadn’t been born with money he’d probably be dead by now for eating a …

: the founding fathers intended the first amendment to be more about allowing Elon musk to say Nazi …

: your reporting is infringing upon my right to free speech without consequence

: whoever forced him to do this is likely covered in ketchup

: I never checked in so I didn’t have to check out so once it was time to leave I just up and …

: my day

: feels like the headline is missing some critical information

: how many Nazis can one billionaire be

: remember when a qanon conspiracy theorist attacked Nancy pelosis husband and the response of …

: I’m at the closing party of a tech conference and I’m trying to figure out if I’m …

: vivek ramu isn’t doing well in the GOP primary so he went dumber. always a good move

: every right wing fascist horror comes to you courtesy of religion

: there was a desi vendor selling sarees at a local church holiday craft fair. we will not stop until …

: when I get old I want to be Kevin Bacons Instagram feed

: to all the republicans calling each other losers, please allow me to mediate this dispute. you are …

: what time do I need to be standing outside to catch Icelanders falling from the sky

: taking the opportunity of a work conference in Vegas to jump off into the desert. we gonna visit …

: if everybody ate one millionaire a day we could fix climate change

: the thing about white supremacists is, they have a very low opinion of the suburban white parent …

: the only job position requiring fewer skills than gop politician is right wing commentator

: the federal government will officially be warning against ultra processed food which means majorie …

: sometimes I feel like I have too many opinions but people listen to them and agree with them and …

: I like to occasionally visit Philly not just to gawk at women in business suits but also to gawk at …

: nikki haley is against executing women for having an abortion which means she’ll likely start …

: when I get old I want ppl to look at me and say when I get old I want to look slightly less old than …

: whenever I get anxious I remind myself that whatever it is it’s not gonna kill me and I feel …

: is there anything more Indian tech bro than believing that the only role of school is to teach kids …

: this country might have some hope. garbage sociopathic Indian maga tech goober lost to empathic …

: the neo-nazi group moms 4 liberty is starting to realize that you can fool dumbfuck illiterate white …

: two suburban philly school districts flipped blue last night from neo-nazi moms 4 liberty affiliated …

: if you feel trepidation about this country, Mississippi just elected its first openly gay state …

: everyone: biden sucks and he should stop running for president dark brandon: sends an off-year blue …

: another blue wave in Pennsylvania. thank you, donald

: the GOP is targeting immigrants in suburbs for brain washing because it’s easy to convince …

: this is not hard. don’t vote for anyone who relies on “gut feeling” to shape …

: goofy election denying republicans out there deadass asking for my vote. why dont you gargle my …

: hey suburbanites, the fascists are going to show up en masse today at polling booths to try oppress …

: i dont fucking care why you’re not voting or voting red, but all it means is you’re a …

: there’s nothing dumber than an “I agree with your cause but I don’t like the way …

: just took the new covid booster and a flu shot and now i can hear the murmurs of every saturnian …

: sitting by the fire listening to raga rageshree and thinking about the eagles victory over the …

: I used to be so into technology and now I just don’t care. sorry technology I’m sure …

: “eccentric billionaire” is a strange thing to call an amoral rich sociopath

: voting third party or not voting at all because you dont like either biden or trump is like walking …

: met a guy yesterday at the bar who was a doomsday hoarder. but then he started asking me to give him …

: who else is excited to do voter fraud next tuesday by performing the simple act of not voting for …

: how does mike pence feel about the fact that god made him lose the gop primary three years after god …

: a lot of erotic women are following me on instagram. please stop following me i am not erotic

: thinking of doing a hundred push ups today just to fuck with mother nature

: it’s amazing now much republicans hate the constitution and America itself

: if I haven’t made this clear yet, fuck your fucking religions, okay?

: I know someone who passionately attends pride parades but is also passionately active on shitter, a …

: every single organized religion demonizes the vulnerable and the marginalized. after all, when …

: ron desantis: Florida is open for business. we are full of freedom and we will put all the wokes in …

: bug bomb fun we found a few fleas in the cabin so we decided to bug bomb the shit out of it. we read the …

: so…tackle swift instead of kelce. good to know for this Superbowl

: dolphins fan at the other end of the bar is screaming and cursing at the eagles team and fanbase …

: it’s fucking 2023 in fucking America and politicians who use “religion” to make …

: won consolation prize for best Halloween costume in our local tavern. this hat will never leave my …

: the most fucking hilarious thing to me about americans is they all seem to agree that the country is …

: maga goobs keep calling donald masculine. which of these is a masculine trait? stay in bed until 11 …

: my dove sunflowers in the middle of the hot baking Pennsylvania summer one day we found a couple of fledgling mourning …

: it’s not that hard. white supremacism and religion

: imagine being a trumpster donating money to fund donalds right to threaten some random court clerk …

: sure, religion is responsible for wholesale murder, the subjugation of women and the lgbtq …

: the same liberals who believe thoughts and prayers are not a legitimate solution to any problem will …

: law-abiding gun owner murders a lot of people

: any time any news article mentions iowa caucuses it is necessary to also mention that donald trump …

: sometimes I think there must be a better life out there where your emotional well being does not …

: this is the only correct way to honor Texas sporting teams

: how it started, how it’s going

: its been a big day for flipping rats abcnews.go.com/US/chief-…

: gonna be fun when everyone around donald pleads guilty and he’s left holding his own dick …

: anyone in the media want to ask rafael “ted” cruz why he was willing to contest the 2020 …

: amazing how the gop is completely rotten top down and bottom up. at the top its infested by white …

: trump lawyer, religious nutjob and insurrectionist shit-sipper jenna ellis pleads guilty. i still …

: I’m ready to go to the world series. let’s go phils

: yeah, Joe Biden is the one with the donkey brain

: you can tell a lot about someone by their sense of humor. elon musks sense of humor tells me …

: it’s amusing to watch trumpy goobers get educated on how the legal system works. yes, …

: gop politicians are mediocre dumb fucks because the gop base is mediocre and dumb as fuck. there are …

: whenever ppl justify human rights violations with “state rights” it’s fascist. …

: just had an argument with a guy at the bar about which team’s jersey Taylor Swift will be …

: birds win today, phillies play tomorrow. let’s go sports

: standing in the backyard in the rain after escaping from the party I hear a barred owl hooting from …

: sitting in a bar in willimantic, connecticut waiting for the rain to subside so I can go trespass on …

: donald the domestic terrorist is not having a good day

: I hope that between every loser session jim jordan and matt gaetz are taking time off from their …

: stopped at a random little diner just off the Merritt parkway in Connecticut and this is the view …

: you fucking cockbags. you don’t need to try shit. get the fuck off twitter, read some history …

: you don’t have terrible politics you’re a terrible person

: just found my long lost twin sister

: jim jordan really thought a dirty insurrectionist terrorist would get to be speaker of the house. …

: is it still a witch hunt if people keep pleading guilty to being a witch

: i only have a fake law degree from trump university but this seems ominous for donnie doofus

: now that his minions will start flipping soon donalds campaign donors are gonna see more diaper …

: shittiest kraken ever www.cnn.com/2023/10/1…

: people will think five times before adding an extra dollar to a tip and then throw their entire …

: 40 degrees, watching baseball by the fire with coke studio playing on the speaker

: not even halfway through my covid canned kidney beans

: took off early from work to walk some mountain rails

: if you wont speak out against the problematic beliefs intrinsic to your religion, others will and …

: its hard to not be complicit in fascism when your livelihood depends on being complicit in fascism

: starting to think jim jordan is only running for speaker to make trump feel less of a loser by …

: my latest acquisition, an udu style drum. my wife says it looks like two dicks but I say it looks …

: i like how trumpies refuse to believe terrible stories about donald as recounted by someone else …

: it’s a gorgeous fall morning in the Pennsylvania mountains

: polls don’t mean shit right now but still, lol

: thoughts and prayers to everybody in florida who is experiencing freezing 60 degree weather. be …

: the success of every single gop primary candidate’s campaign mathematically hinges on donald …

: murdery toilet granola wants to deport hamas supporters. i will go a step further and propose that …

: american democracy is at defcon level “is it legal for the gop presidential nominee to …

: good luck enforcing a gag order on a mentally incapacitated malignant narcissist without putting him …

: I’m sorry birds fans it was me I was drinking a jersey beer during the game. should not have …

: astros vs rangers hmm. do I root against the assholes who beat us in the world series or do I root …

: poland seems to have trumped their trump

: why is mike pence running for president? donald is the exact same person he is today that he was in …

: cynicism is just a bad faith performance of apathy especially if you have kids

: eclipse shmeclipse. just a large rock obstructing an old fire

: its raining at the local LGBTQ craft fair where my wife has a booth and a gop pol entered our tent …

: gentle reminder: the GOP nominee for president will be a guy who tried to redirect a hurricane into …

: be careful theres a lot of evil out there that surrounds itself with stupid

: I always have a bro hug waiting for me in a local bar. what have you done with your life

: braves probably regret atta boy harpering now

: can’t fucking believe we beat the best team in baseball second year in a row to go to the nlcs

: 4 more games away from the world series

: holy fucking shit my Phillies

: some days I can’t believe they pay me to sit in a sweet ass room in my own house, tap on the …

: funny that tommy tuberville fighting so hard for his Lord by trying to keep women from having …

: donald trump’s vision for the world is very simple. he wants everyone to stop fighting and …

: I don’t know how the world expects Americans to have the energy to worry about climate change …

: aaron rodgers wants to debate anthony fauci about vaccines. how about anthony fauci debate you …

: stop trying to make people happy who can only be happy through self validation. they will never be …

: I get the purpose of a dress tie, it’s a big fancy dick hanging from your neck because your …

: we strategically stationed the dog outside my wife’s booth in our local craft fair to attract …

: October wilderness protocol in South East Pennsylvania passing a fellow hiker hiker: go Phils me: go …

: fall hikes are the closest I’ve come to sensing a non malignant god type thing

: today the eagles play at 4, Phillies play at 6 so there will be a window of an hour when I will be …

: the mobile trump store has again appeared at this year’s local craft fair but they’ve …

: taking a stand for science by partially trimming my beard before the Phillies NL divisional series. …

: sometimes I worry I’m eating too much butter but then I crunch a few numbers and conclude that …

: so vivek ramu lied about liberal protestors driving into his car. a good rule of thumb is to never …

: donald could give Russia a nuclear submarine and magas would be like traveling underwater is …

: went out for a walk but then started jogging like an insane person

: feels like blue jays are always at defcon 1

: RFK jr will take away votes from both biden and trump because the demographic of people who shove a …

: apparently twitter is only valued at 8 billion now and 7.5 billion of that is dril tweets

: i have fall eye allergies for the very first time in my life. is this climate change or is this old …

: once the gop is done inviting donald trump to speak at the capitol they should look for osama bin …

: malignant narcissists have been responsible for most of humanity’s downfall. and yet we still …

: narcissistic, possibly mentally disabled man says things

: accidentally high fived a pirates fan after the Phillies went to the nlds and now I feel bad

: happy Phillies Grand slam in a playoff game day to everyone who observes

: if people read your anti-lgbtq hate tweets and get inspired to send bomb threats to schools …

: it’s not been a good day for Florida man and it won’t be a good day for Florida baseball …

: it’s Phillies o' clock

: if you dont shut down the stock market right now i’m gonna claim its rigged

: the other day i saw someone wearing a trump mugshot shirt and really the only way it can work for a …

: we are officially in the “fascists eventually coming after fascists” stage of fascism …

: why are they calling it populism when dumbfuckism is available

: I just don’t understand the sociopathy that goes into being able to lie on a regular basis. I …

: donald is complaining that he was not allowed a jury trial, a right he himself failed to exercise. …

: guy at the bar bought me a couple of beers because he misremembered my name for the tenth time. I …

: there’s no one I respect less than the ppl who performatively opened a mastodon account when …

: yeah its joe biden who’s too old to be president

: i like traveling for work but i also like coming back to my home office with the view of the woods …

: there’s a straight line between donald trump telling Americans they’re being indicted …

: eagles just won in overtime, Phillies are about to win a 90 win season I hope the world is ready for …

: drinking bud lite at the birds game because I’m tay-tra woke

: I’m walking up stairs just behind a woman and her tiny boy boy: mom he’s following you …

: AOC is going to help Matt gaetz topple Kevin McCarthy which makes sense because like they say, …

: I don’t wear my Fitbit during eagles games because I don’t need a Fitbit to know …

: you’d think more people would be concerned that the richest guy in the world is a literal …

: looks like I just returned from a COVID super spreader event in the UK but so far the only thing I …

: according to my tax filing 101 course from trump university I can legally file fraudulent tax …

: I like when British toilets come with clear instructions

: 2 hours of sleep last night from the eagles win and stayed up again tonight watching the Phillies …

: I’m panicking

: if both parties are the same how come the leader of one party is publicly calling for the execution …

: so basically the first trump term

: in Birmingham it’s illegal to drink your beer not next to a canal

: this city knows how to push my buttons

: hate when female British bartenders call me mate. no we’re not mates, I’m married. also, …

: Birmingham at night gets you undrunk just to take pictures then it drunks you back in

: I can’t go to that pub anymore because I allowed a guy there to buy me drinks and he might …

: there seems to be a rule in England that every pub has to have a cat that is the owner of the pub

: in Birmingham UK for work and I’ve already hit both my number 1 and number 2 favorite cask ale …

: I related the hell out of this article: why highly sensitive people (HSPs) have a special connection …

: which part of his character makes a man lie about how much he paid for a burger

: imagine having David Brooks on your payroll

: I really like working out of the cabin. of course I don’t get a lot done, especially during …

: spent a few days at the cabin after a month and a half and since i was here last one asshole …

: moms for liberty is a gop domestic terrorist outfit www.thereporteronline.com/2023/09/2…

: rock star

: I love my Pennsylvania mountain mist. she creeps up on you and tickles your butthole

: i dont know how americans manage to mispronounce both “punjab” and “muslim”

: my man destroyed floridas educational system and tourism industry, took away women’s rights …

: *rupert murdoch gets off the elevator in hell" rupert murdoch: what the hell, there must be a …

: when rupert murdoch dies they wont know what to do with his carcass because fire cant burn pure evil …

: rupert murdoch didnt retire he gave up a life of crime against humanity

: i like john fetterman but come on man, wearing a suit once in a while isnt the end of the world

: every time i talk to people in rural PA, on a trail, in a bar, even in a grocery parking lot, i …

: pleased to report that a friend and i had an after-hours conversation on politics with the bartender …

: seriously, bring him on more tv shows until the trial turns into a mere formality. and use a less …

: god sure loves to be thanked for all the good in the world but not be blamed for all the bad things. …

: christians love the crucifix like trump supporters love indictments

: there’s nothing more to trump than a brainless fuckwit, ignorant but also proud, thinks he …

: every national TV channel should invite this man to confess to more of his crimes

: helped a vendor at a local arts festival by letting her know that the WiFi hotspot she was using to …

: Texas is a failed state

: the weekend of the mantis today, as we were loading up the car for tomorrow’s pennridge arts and crafts festival in …

: a maga cousin who stopped being a Colin Kaepernick fan when he started kneeling is furious at cops. …

: yeah, Joe Biden is the one who’s too old for the job

: David McCormick who lost the Pennsylvania GOP senate primary against Mehmet “Dr” oz is …

: periodically i’ll remember that much of gop election denialism is based on the fact that they …

: apparently our local escaped killer only ate watermelon and drank creek water for two weeks. hate …

: please stop calling murdery toilet granola a “firebrand”. at the most she is a …

: elon musk is a free speech absolutist the same way i am a climate activist. lots of aspiration, lots …

: life-saving vaccines are all well and good but when is the fda going to approve anti-aging baby …

: imagine being such a big goofy imbecile that you listen to donald speak and listen to joe speak and …

: motherfuckers dont realize that joe biden saved america from a literal nazi. fuck your approval …

: I love fall, the season of shouting go birds at ppl you pass on the street if you’re in the …

: gym followed by the Philadelphia eagles game

: this is my favorite Carolina wren. dude was singing his heart out right next to the trail on a windy …

: apparently birds problem solving skills are linked to their song complexity. this explains why wrens …

: when you indict hunter biden you indict me, you indict democracy and you indict all americans. just …

: our local Fox franchise has managed to raise the bar for the dumbest both-siding shit rivaling even …

: pretty amazing that the people of Florida are okay with their governor turning them into roadkill on …

: I say, every opportunity he gets to incriminate himself on national TV is worth pursuing

: good news our area escaped killer has been caught so all my fellow law abiding gun owners can go …

: the escaped killer wandering our neighborhood is now armed because a “law abiding” gun …

: managed to incorporate the words “spring dance of the American woodcock” into a …

: theres an escaped killer roaming our area for the past two weeks. i dont know why he’s still …

: i have a powerpoint to make in the next 2 hours but there’s a flock of migrating warblers, …

: the only proof we need for how bad climate change is gonna get is elon musk claiming that its not …

: I have found an eagles bar in north Jersey and it is awesome, magnificent, loud and on point

: we’re ready 2 fly. but first, a walk

: my friends, he’s not an “eccentric billionaire”, he’s a “mentally …

: it is obscene that a party that preaches “family values” keeps unconditionally …

: very interested to see how libertarians navigate their way through the future when nothing conforms …

: starting to think free market capitalism fails when one person could buy the entire earth with his …

: “dog catches car”?

: I’ve been trying to teach white boy Jeff at the bar to remember my name. his name might be …

: I hope I never ever in my life get depantsed and deballsed this brutally

: religion is stochastic terrorism

: what is up with Americans? guy sexually assaulted 24 women, confessed to it on video, everybody …

: rot in prison, mediocre insurrectionist clown

: yeah keep sheeting on shitter even though the shithead who owns it is apparently now complicit in …

: the ppl who gave us the big lie first and then went looking for evidence to support it now want to …

: man those legal bills took a toll on Trump Force one

: www.vox.com/politics/…

: some liberals continue to patronize an openly anti-semitic fascist’s social network. your …

: i wish my parents had told me this when i was young: no matter how stupid you think you are, …

: donald destroyed the republican party, the oath keepers and the proud boys. therefore I believe he …

: mitch mcconnell’s doctor is reporting that he didnt have a stroke or seizure but merely …

: since donald is designating the 14th amendment as “illegal” i’m gonna do my part …

: the only pointless job in the world other than that of trump “spokesman” steven cheung …

: final heat wave of the season. we can get through it, people.

: I knew about the remains of this dam that used to power the 18th century mill downstream but today …

: plan for the day : stare at this view and read a book

: it’s again that time of night when you feel good in the moment, listening to the crickets in …

: well it was bound to happen a yellow jacket fell into my beer, I drank it and motherfucker stung my …

: “tens of thousands trapped at the burning man festival” bro maybe stop flying private …

: motherfuckers trying so hard to get to my beer. get your own beer, donald

: the guy next to me at the bar ordered Boston steak tips and I had never heard of this thing before …

: how about crime? is crime a crime?

: sitting in an outdoor bar and yellowjackets keep falling into my beer and I have to keep pouring out …

: I too believe that vivek ramu would be a splendid turd

: I don’t get the joy in watching cars drive around a track but whatever poops your butthole

: definitely a serious presidential candidate, this one

: I use my first amendment every single day how often do you use your second amendment

: vivek ramu, drinking with his dad dad: so son, what is your platform? vivek ramu, completely drunk …

: Texas is transforming into a human rights disaster. we, the citizens of the northeast federation …

: it’s not the long weekend until the fat dog snores. it’s finally here.

: I miss the two fledgling doves that hid out for a few days in the tiny wildflower patch in our front …

: me, opening my goat biryani dogs staring at me intently wife: I wonder which type of human food he …

: it is very satisfying to see all the money donald scammed out of his supporters while attempting a …

: this is fucking awesome. all these trumpy incel insurrectionist losers need to be humiliated daily …

: september day 1 is septembering the shit out of south-east Pennsylvania with its sunshine, cool …

: I’m sure we’ll do better because we’re a much more attractive species now

: two different bartenders have told me that my new haircut makes me look handsome so thinking of …

: the bartender says that I missed the dollar oyster special by five minutes and now I’m an …

: google maps just sent me a notification to ask me to identify a dish whose picture I had attached to …

: there’s a slight glimmer of hope that donald might actually lose the gop primary. if that …

: bro you should definitely start a civil war if you want to end up crying and shitting your pants in …

: does anyone else in the world just sit outside at night staring into the trees and listening to the …

: I don’t know how I manage to get any work done in this room

: walking back from our local park where they have concerts every Tuesday summer night. ever since …

: might be time to stop calling climate catastrophes as “once in a lifetime” events

: the con artist grin the gop debate reminded me of this one dude we hired back in the day. the first thing he wanted to …

: i wish the gop would stop forcing sketchy mediocre people on us. havent we been through enough …

: this is just tragic man

: mortal combat we were walking our dog in a newly discovered local park and I saw something thrashing around in the …

: lol I had almost forgotten about this grifting loser. good luck finding heaven in your state of non …

: donald is shitting his pants now because a march 2024 trial date ensures he will be convicted by …

: just sitting outside on the deck listening to the crickets in the woods and watching the last two …

: a straight line can be drawn from the belief in a narcissistic vengeful deity prone to random acts …

: reading Wodehouse, drinking an oktoberfest and watching trains

: since we have an ebike but no ebike car rack yet we went street biking in the adjacent village of …

: Cornell West is basically a slightly dumber version of vivek ramu

: if you’re gonna ask mike pence about how he feels about racial violence first ask him how he …

: sir the mug shot is because you’re going to prison where the only currency is cigarettes and …

: tech bros seem to have realized that it’s very easy to be president of America. you just have …

: if I was president I would bomb all the tech bro cartels

: a local brewery whose owner is a member of the “moms for liberty” neo-nazi anti-lgbtq …

: founders day 151 years ago this town of Lansdale, Pennsylvania was founded on the North Pennsylvania railroad …

: young conservatives = young sociopaths who wish to not be boiled alive but still retain the option …

: the joy of solitude a thing that is extremely toxic and socially harmful in my opinion other than “the American …

: my town is celebrating its founders day today. trying to decide if I should do the police station …

: motherfuckers physically transforming into dark Brandon in front of our very eyes like jeff goldblum …

: a friend who hasn’t been on a date forever asked me yesterday if he should ask a lady hes …

: I just realized who vivek ramu reminds me of: it’s Sarah Palin. he’s trying to be an …

: vivek ramu’s parents watching him on tv mom: what is he saying dad: his hair looks nice mom: I …

: feels like my local bar is expecting vivek ramu to walk in

: i keep getting mistaken for an italian guy whose name is tony. tony brah i dont think this town is …

: cool moon landing though

: writing a hit piece on vivek ramu might be the easiest job in the world but even so george will did …

: what is climate change denier vivek ramu’s solution to fixing the drought issue with the …

: call me an idealist but if your solution to drug smuggling is to invade mexico you should probably …

: so much winning

: you know why donald is back on twitter? because when you are about to incite large scale violence …

: at least 18 women are looking at his mugshot right now, saying, motherfucker, finally.

: donald thought he was going for cool smug in his mug shot but he only managed serial sexual predator

: I fought the law but the law won

: where can i pay to have literally none of this

: if vivek ramu wants to be president of a fascist country maybe go back to india you absolute buffoon

: seriously, how many pictures does donald trump have of alan derschowitz doing pedophilia? guys just …

: when Arby’s said they’ve got the meats they weren’t kidding. gonna go check my …

: i’m glad all these anti-trans musicians are coming out of the closet so i can choose not to …

: if you forget to wear your Fitbit to the gym did you even work out

: when trump supporters inevitably start to commit acts of violence and terrorism please never forget …

: alright I’ve had enough of watching shit eaters try and eat more shit than the seven other …

: ron desantis sounds like an angry teenager trying to explain to his mom why his socks are so crusty …

: Tim scott: I too will pronounce it fentanol because I trust the angry shrieky violent bobble head

: Ron desantis wants to kill “fentanol” smugglers at the border

: vivek ramu belongs in a late night fox news show nowhere close to government

: I didn’t think vivek ramu would be a more annoying performative jackass on TV than he looks in …

: has ron desantis always been this shrieky? I’ve only been witness to his head bobbling around …

: they said Tim scott had an optimistic aura. guys just an off the shelf fascist like everybody else …

: lol vivek ramu looks and sounds like a cartoon character. I’m embarrassed for all Indians

: donald doesn’t realize the sheer number of democrats who will watch the GOP debate just to …

: do these insurrectionist shitballs not realize, the only people who grin in their mug shot are …

: donald wants a civil war but the only civil war he’s gonna get is inside his adult diapers …

: sidney powell arrested. happy insurrectionist accountability day to everyone who celebrates

: i know my dog doesnt have a medical degree but i still wonder what he knows about the human body …

: welcome to the trump felon conga line, rudolph the red nose fucknugget

: 25 years ago this day i discovered america. along with a courageous band of pioneers i soared over …

: congratulations to indian prime minister narendra modi for personally landing a spaceship on the …

: book mills and book bans standing in line for the porta potty at our local summer park concert in Lansdale. couple behind me …

: how much time until waltine “walt” nauta switches lawyers and flips as well

: 1: lol he’s toastier than toast 2: lol are you fucking kidding me

: i fucking hate chris christie more than covid but i am very much looking forward to him lighting …

: the lark's on the wing the other day while on vacation we were puttering around in a sweet antique shop in the tiny …

: I’m afraid to watch the GOP debate because someone’s gonna come up with the “slap …

: i have provided the local house finches a bowl full of water on the deck and yet they insist on …

: is there any doubt that donald trump wont be at the gop debate because he’s fucking terrified …

: i dont know about productivity issues employers may or may not be having but working from home is …

: i have yet to meet anything more enterprising and vicious than the woodland bugs of southern new …

: liberal bumper sticker: no justice no peace conservative bumper sticker: donald trump will fight …

: every time I happen to be within an hour of it I like to visit my absolute favorite place in the …

: it’s been a long road trip and I’m sitting outside a rural new Hampshire airbnb brewery …

: my wife and friends went canoeing on the lake. I stayed on shore because I’m a land lubber and …

: the Adirondacks are magical

: I might have gotten myself into trouble at work by putting my slack status as an evergreen emoji …

: spontaneous jam with a guitarist to close out a bar in the Adirondacks. turns out he also went to …

: I WILL BE YOUR RETRIBUTION gets indicted for the 4th fucking time

: so many good choices for leader of the fascist party

: watching an indie folk band play under the steel stacks and I noticed a hummingbird flying around …

: today we met Georgie, a drummer, at the Bethlehem musik fest who now creates art from his drumming. …

: hate when my doctor asks me to stop masturbating furiously to Twitter user cat turd 2s dms because …

: first time at the Bethlehem musik fest. big old party with great fucking music and giant beer mugs …

: a former president of this country is in court today because he tried to violently overthrow the …

: donald is not having a good day in court mastodon.social/@GottaLaf…

: i dont know who needs to hear this but if you cant do the time (prior obligations, would prefer to …

: took the half bike out for a spin and then realized I didn’t bring any water to handle the …

: boris epshteyn has decided to go to prison for sexual assault instead of trying to overthrow the …

: soon no one will be safe from wildfires. even you in the suburbs. it’s just a matter of time.

: the simplest way to describe donald trumps popularity among right wingers is he’s a sloppy …

: the easiest red flag to spot fascist-adjacents amongst us is when they get more pissed off at the …

: oh no elon musks fascist boyfriends are gonna be frothing mad that he provided trumps tweet archive …

: apparently 50 million people may turn into climate change refugees just in Iran just by 2050. …

: every professionally run company stresses on DEI training so their employees dont fuck up and make …

: lessons from ohio and kansas: white americans massively support individual liberal policy items. but …

: i appreciate companies putting in the effort to make me feel good about doing the dumbest shit. …

: these are also my exact thoughts about chris christie’s seemingly pointless campaign. …

: why do we have to keep explaining to grown sentient human beings why appeasing a fascist will never …

: i dont know if farmers market evangelist is an actual job position but if not i will create it after …

: wife just did her first work commute on her ebike and had a lot of fun. it helps that the route goes …

: every morning when i wake up i have to remind myself to not worry about every wild plant, animal and …

: first tornado warning of the season cracks open a fresh squeezed bottle of liberal tears …

: yeah good luck to us

: a software forum user just demanded that my company “get rid of DEI”. the gop is …

: the weather forecast calls for tornadoes today. havent you done enough, china?

: apparently conservative thought leader ben shapiro has been burning barbie dolls because he couldnt …

: donald did a lot of damage in four years but think of the damage he could’ve done if he hadnt …

: my wife could probably run me over with her fat tire bike and the police would just chalk it up to a …

: the more time I spend in Jersey the more I feel like the state has been unfairly maligned in public …

: kudos to the man he’s been busy getting all the terrible defenses out all in the same day. …

: guy at the bar: hey man how you doing… let me think, I’ll get your name right this …

: fuck that intellectual mediocrity fascist-ally shit-bucket who calls himself Cornell West

: the Washington Post has a “both sides” piece but the pictures of the ppl they are both …

: glad to see that the quality of donalds legal representation remains underwhelming

: ppl with a nihilistic mindset of “oh well climate change is gonna kill us all anyways”, …

: I’ll convince myself that the federal government is the best solution to climate change …

: Nazi assholes understand how ideas and mindset have to be infiltrated at the grass roots level in …

: my two cents on the climate change mitigation issue: I completely agree with everything @denny, …

: today I have discovered the band hermanos gutierrez, a band I have been looking for ever since I was …

: took the new ebike for a spin around town. most exhilarating. it’s the perfect balance between …

: for the first time in his life donald is learning that gaslighting does not work outside of the gop …

: my wife is assembling the new ebike so we can take it on its maiden voyage today. the complication …

: mother seems to have temporarily allowed mikey pence the custody of his own balls

: translation: I’m gonna roll around in bed in my shit filled diapers squealing and clapping, …

: this is beyond parody. henry olson of the washington post: “Republicans saved democracy in …

: all these motherfuckers don’t realize how bad history is gonna judge them because they think …

: before you crown mike pence as the Savior of democracy (I’m addressing no one because no one …

: how do you not realize that America barely escaped a coup? what do you think a coup looks like? is …

: this is how a terrorist movement dies. with poop emojis

: donald, you know you’re going to prison. now why dont you put the phone down, stop screaming, …

: it’s gonna be fun watching a drunk giuliani in the witness stand admitting to crimes and not …

: it needs to be mentioned, whatever is happening today was completely predictable the moment …

: this is a good day

: i always knew donalds call to tuberville while the insurrection was on was going to bite him more …

: well, it’s finally on. bring it you trumpy goobers. we got a lot of prison space for domestic …

: big props to the january 6 committee. a nation turns its grateful eyes to you

: page 3, 4: co-conspirators who will likely be indicted: giuliani, eastman, powell, clark, perhaps …

: am i going to read all 45 pages of donald trumps indictment? you bet your salty ass i am …

: luckily there’s a vacant bathroom available where he can store the pile of all his indictments

: happy indictment day #3

: boom. happy indictment day. again.

: indictment time?

: the Washington Post has discovered boiling frog syndrome but apparently not how it ends

: see you in court, mr terrorist

: watching a killdeer patrol the road probably protecting its nest. I am your friend my love. I patrol …

: donalds excuses for the classified documents donalds excuses for the classified documents: they are my classified documents. ask your dad. I …

: breaking news: donald trump says he would run for president even if he were to crash his golf cart …

: how embarrassing for donald. if there was one thing he was good at, it was doing and getting away …

: my county has an unvaccinated measles case. cool thanks mr rfk

: holy shit this thread. Donald is fucked. which makes him extremely dangerous. once he realizes the …

: I don’t plan anything in advance ever but I’m definitely planning for next summer when …

: I remember back in the day I was explaining to a white friend why the Iraq war was a bad idea, the …

: I’m assuming the “another employee” has flipped so stick an apple in his mouth, …

: if donald asked me to do some crime I would go up to him with tears in my eyes and say sir I love …

: it’s so weird that ppl just straight up do crime when Donald tells them to. anyways have fun …

: I should probably go back to therapy but I feel like my therapist is just going to tell me to do …

: they trod on him. I guess the flag doesn’t work

: vivek ramaswamy: “young people do not value the country they passively inherit”. bhai, …

: this is the first time i’ve seen the giant black cherry tree outside my window actually bear …

: this is the article that pushed me over the edge in terms of making hard decisions about the future …

: this essay nails it. we are out of time. we aren’t mitigating climate change anymore. …

: flying for a vacation will have to stop. there’s just no getting around this …

: excited about setting a local temperature record tomorrow. gonna slather myself in sun screen, sit …

: a good way to know if a politician is relevant is by ignoring their tweets and instagram stories and …

: if you don’t want to get bit don’t fucking lie to the January 6 committee

: what is the billionaire plan for surviving global warming and is the secret portal to the …

: my favorite part of the gop presidential primary is a brown Hindu trying to become leader of a white …

: Canada and Europe are turning into ash and the gop has 0 serious presidential candidates promising …

: our first backyard baby hummingbird of the season has been spotted availing of the recreational …

: soon ron desantis campaign is just going to be sweaty ron desantis getting out of his rental car and …

: whatever happened to all the goofy south park libertarians who used to run around screaming man bear …

: donalds gonna be sent to prison so many times in the coming year he’s gonna earn a coupon for …

: what the hell modi sir I supported you in all your killings and now you’re refusing to send us …

: it is fucking insane that people are still having kids knowing the climate violence that lies ahead

: “what if your toothbrush could also wipe your butthole”: elon musk, probably

: extreme is an underrated band and waiting for the punchline is an underrated album

: holy shit of Christ how have I not watched this before. rock gods sitting together playing the game …

: it shouldn’t be this hard to get white people to believe science over twitter user cat turd 2

: every criminal should be judged by history instead of a jury of their peers, not just Donald Trump

: grilling in the woods to music. it’s all I need to be happy

: after sex mike pences wife: was it good for you mike pence: I believe your actions were honorable …

: do billionaires not realize that they are edible

: yes Michael, thank you for defining due process. the question is, will you have the courage to …

: just discovered that tagging someones micro blog account somehow automatically tags their mastodon …

: things you can do to mitigate the climate crisis by @Denny beardystarstuff.net/2023/07/2… for …

: I miss when you could ask the question “what did that imbecile piece of shit do today” …

: if you do anything bad to this otter I will do terrorism. this is a promise.

: band starts to play summer of 69 guy at the bar: HELL YEAH I REMEMBER THE SUMMER OF 69. I WAS 11

: if they did this in Florida ron desantis would personally show up in camo with an ar-15 and arrest …

: lol this fucking mentally incapacitated imbecile was in charge of the country for four years

: so many white people thinking they’re the solution when they don’t even know the problem

: white people need to spend a lot of time feeling guilty about so many things. I will join you …

: Cornell West another malignant narcissist. how many of these are we going to have to endure until …

: I’m just grateful for all the time I got to spend on this planet

: I will never get over the fact that I can simultaneously watch a live Phillies game and the live …

: today I have discovered bimbocore

: rhonda santy: I’m not gonna drink Bud light anymore because they’re too woke. anyways I …

: how is donald still able to recruit attorneys? are they on an H1-B visa

: may 2024. springtime, greenery, birds, bees, flowers, united states vs donald john trump


: mark meadows (or one of the other flipped rats) has likely already testified that donald tried to …

: cant wait for donald to lose iowa and blame desantis for rigging the election

: the worst failure of elbow masturbator’s career will be that he couldn’t even keep …

: holy shit ppl put down your damn phones

: a very significant part of the “American dream” is to make sure that your house, your …

: yes, there are two political parties. no, they are not the same.

: it’s so weird to wake up completely devoid of hope and gradually gain the life force required …

: tim scott is the ghost of herman cain who doesn’t even know he’s already dead like bruce …

: what the fuck is a “friendly” game? there are no friends in sports motherfucker …

: gop primary candidates finally speak out on Trump's indictment pence: don’t indict trump even though he tried to kill me because I’m a little bitch. …

: how does one go on the political offense in a criminal probe? oh wait he’s trying to get ppl …

: I read the article and ted cruz is actually dumber than the headline makes him out to be

: the January 6th kraken has finally been released

: its almost guaranteed that as the indictments pile up donald will be further indicted for witness / …

: the indian indie music scene is just absolutely rocking right now. widely available and easy to use …

: i like how every time donald receives bad news he comes running and weeping to his supporters …

: about fucking time

: tourists flocking to death valley to experience the heat record, why not just wait for the heat …

: breaking news: the georgia supreme court has responded to donald’s request that he not be …

: i dont know if these climate protests are making any kind of difference but at this late stage of …

: respect.

: still can’t believe a local bar thought it could get away with holding a transphobic hate …

: moms for liberty or moms sans brains?

: a freight train has derailed in my area for “weather-related” reasons

: I just realized something. don’t pick a fight, pick a purpose

: mid season extra inning winning Phillies are the best Phillies

: starting to think Steven Cheung only has a job because he possesses a video of trump having a …

: man climate change is really ramping shit up

: Sunday funday

: if you dont want your kids to learn about the “bad history” of this country perhaps you …

: i’ve seen Rhonda outside her safe space. being asked questions by someone who isn’t …

: this man doesn’t belong in a democratic primary he belongs in a psychiatric hospital

: the moms for liberty Nazi bar in my neighborhood got a bunch of bad reviews in the last couple of …

: tornado watches in new Hampshire. everything’s fine

: is this egg lost

: my town doesn’t care for your hate. fuck you

: too many people who want to do the right thing don’t understand the role of politics in …

: how dare you show up in my neighborhood with your anti LGBTQ shit I’m still fucking mad

: elon musk has a personal valet whose only job is to stop him from snipping off his own balls when he …

: guys, what’s a bigger campaign flub, not knowing what a dairy queen blizzard is or attempting …

: to promote hatred towards children who are already at risk of bullying, self harm and suicide just …

: if you’re a local business that chooses fascism and hate towards vulnerable marginalized …

: sure support the “moms for liberty” if you want your son to grow up to be an alt right …

: how do you normalize a mentally ill abusive fascist who attempted a violent coup to overthrow the …

: if you’re gonna invite a nazi grifter like “chris billboard” and the “moms …

: my review of the keychron q1 pro keyboard: it’s like having sex with your sexy computer

: perhaps it was not a good idea to put a college football coach in a position of power

: there is something seriously mentally wrong with trump spokesman steven cheung which is probably how …

: excited about the new chaat restaurant in my neighborhood. or like my wife would call it, a fart …

: I don’t know how fani willis can possibly counter the famous ham sandwich-mustard stained …

: not to be confused with the limpdick which continues to be native to palm beach, Florida

: because why rely on facts when a gut feeling is available

: i asked google to stop showing me ads for the keyboard i just purchased. so now google is showing me …

: i dont understand multi-billionaires. what is the point of making more billions after the first …

: donald trumps campaign platform is basically this: make me your boss so you can’t fire me

: I’ve never been this excited about a keyboard

: you’d think more people would care that donald wants to become president purely for the …

: the trump covid genocide happened in full view but its still worth revisiting because no one seems …

: if we cant even get people to leave twitter how are we going to get people to do anything for the …

: they canceled a fishing competition at our mountain lake because the water is too hot. what?

: these are exactly the thoughts I live with daily

: thinking I might just sleep on the deck staring at the fireflies

: the fireflies are almost done for the night. but I’m glad they’re finally here. they …

: when I die I want my birds to pick me up from the deck chair and place me gently next to the stream …

: sometimes I wish we had kids just so we could worry about something other than the planet

: I want more people visibly and publicly panicking on a daily basis. how are you not for fucks sake

: the fucking “American dream” has destroyed the planet

: Vermont right now, after catastrophic flooding just a few days ago. how are we going to survive

: I don’t know if I need to go back to therapy or if everyone else does

: governor ron desantis is urging floridians to stop the woke by getting bit by mosquitoes and leaving …

: places that will be uninhabitable in a few years: the southwest because heat and no water the south …

: i dont know, call me an idealist but i think a minimal prerequisite for pardoning someone of …

: if biden achieved everything he did in 2 years while being high on coke i think this a lifestyle …

: clarence thomas could shoot someone on 5th avenue and a republican billionaire would provide his …

: I hope Indian libertarians don’t like tomatoes and if they do, well life’s gonna get a …

: Vivek bhai put your analytical tech bro brain aside and perhaps you’ll realize why …

: apparently elton mustardfucker wants to build a new AI model. good i was worried that AI would get …

: why are insurance companies pulling out of florida? have they not received the memo that global …

: me, flailing around in a 1000 year flood me: INVESTIGATE HUNTER BIDEN drowns

: florida is infected with malaria, the beach water is boiling at 100 degrees, meanwhile the governor …

: I hope this motherfucker goes bankrupt before he goes to prison just so he gets to experience the …

: who are the people watching this summer unfold and are all, Donald was right that turned out to be a …

: Vivek had one job: to not turn out to be an Amway salesman

: the new pink panther movie sounds like fun

: grabbed the chance for a campfire between two storms. Pennsylvania mountain forests after rain are a …

: both my wife and i have decided that at this point, recreational flying, especially overseas, is an …

: it just feels like global warming will make the american south uninhabitable not just in my lifetime …

: stop calling it a goddamn “culture war”. the fascists aren’t warring against …

: I can’t tell if I’m high (which I am) or not

: this was the highlight of my day. and also the birder I met at our mountain craft fair who now hand …

: apparently the only jobs AI isn’t gonna be able to do are those that involve caring, or as …

: the “moms for liberty” isn’t just a Nazi group, it’s a stealth Nazi group …

: if your eyes roll back inside your head whenever you hear the words “cultural marxism” …


: I feel bad for all the life forms on this planet desperately trying to live with us alongside us

: I’m trying to understand fireflies and mother nature in general and I don’t no matter …

: listening to and enjoying a song that my ex wife loved and not getting triggered. it’s still …

: sitting outside breathing in the fragrant pennsylvania july woodsy soupy air watching the fireflies …

: impeach this motherfucker again until he dies and then impeach him once more at his funeral

: feels like 2022 all over again

: watching the sunset and a really good cover band and the Phillies just won a record 13 straight game …

: in light of this ruling I have no choice but to also recommend giuliani’s disbarment from the …

: trump and giuliani are going to prison in Georgia and there’s nothing they can do about it …

: I don’t know how people decide what to wear in the morning but I have a hard time deciding …

: trump supporter: i like Donald Trump because he is a straight shooter translation: I like Donald …

: how do people live in the Arizona heat do they vaporize in the morning rise up into the clouds and …

: came to this brewery for trivia but the topic is golden girls so now what

: not only is pence a ratty coward but like the rest of the gop, is still delusional that the gop base …

: let’s fucking go

: what

: the edible has kicked in, I’m watching dancing fireflies and listening to funeral doom. …

: it’s only going to get worse

: I spend at least two hours a day experiencing mind numbing horror that a guy who attempted a violent …

: welcome to the year of accountability scumbag

: I’m very afraid that white people are assuming that elon musk will fix global warming

: tried noise cancelling headphones to protect the dog from fireworks. unfortunately the experiment …

: people are watching fireworks at the lake I’m watching a firefly in my backyard

: living my American dream. happy fourth my friends

: work life balance

: white leftism in a nutshell: more white than leftism

: There are so many things that make more sense than “only parents should be allowed to …

: daisies and milkweed and swallowtails

: one way to protect the planet would be by creating fewer billionaires

: I’m not suicidal but I also don’t want to live while watching my wildlife die

: I don’t know anymore how to feel optimistic about the future

: in a world where forests are on fire, oak trees are dying, 100 year storms happen every 15 years, …

: this tiny little native wildflower has become my new favorite wildflower. it’s called blue …

: fuck the moms for liberty and fuck every gop fascist who attended this klan conference. get the fuck …

: good morning

: sitting by the fire wondering how many Americans are celebrating Independence Day who were also …

: I was telling my wife how I heard a hummingbird in the backyard and then i saw a hummingbird land on …

: drinking in a brewery in a village in the Poconos, both named after this guy

: I think we should shine ultra violet light on the sun and if that doesn’t work, nuke it

: me: glad I’m in the north east, the only place that’s gonna be habitable in a few years …

: tis the season

: can’t wait for the dirtbag left to somehow blame Hillary for the supreme courts assgoblinery

: Philadelphia is full of smoke from burning forests and what are the gop presidential candidates …

: hey dirtbag left, hows your 2016 protest vote looking now

: oh hey there’s the supreme court we know and fucking loathe

: apparently an underground ocean on saturn’s death moon might be habitable. motherfuckers how …

: thoughts and prayers for dying Midwestern crops. there I fixed the problem you’re welcome

: sir mr clarence thomas i hear good things about diving down to the ocean floor to check out the …

: got the sony WH-1000XM5 and holy shit, spatial audio is quite the experience. but even just …

: the “American dream”

: my office is a whole different vibe at night

: so hard to start the day without coffee and something terrible befalling donald trump

: anyone who still denies climate change is unqualified to have a job, any job, leave alone a …

: the new Yorker and I are on the same page: the case against travel …

: at what point are southern whites gonna say okay this is the point where i feel less racist now …

: the fact that AI still hasnt eliminated the dumbest possible job, that of trump spokesperson steven …

: oh no the supreme court decided not to hand over the 2024 election to donald. disappointing! whats …

: the american revolution museum is hosting the suburban nazi group “moms for liberty” in …

: time seemed to stand still during the pandemic and now it feels like its making up for lost time

: there’s a non zero probability that elon brings a keyboard to a cage fight

: excited about the Elon-Zuckerberg cage match. will they provide the cage poking stick at the match …

: nice bübs. too loud though. 4 stars

: you know how I know elon musk is acutely aware of his own intellectual mediocrity? because he spends …

: what is America planning to do about the dangerously mentally ill 20-30% of America that is maga

: all these years american conservatives were all this is a great ideology lots of ppl love it …

: the mere fact that ron desantis or mike pence or any of the other gaping mouth gop primary …

: ron desantis the pasty faced little asshole in house fascist operating within castle dumbledore …

: if you want to know what the Russians are doing here’s the deal. they’re fingering each …

: this is the sweet ending to the Titanic movie we’ve been waiting for all these years instead …

: hate when ppl poop in a porta potty dude I don’t want to stare at your poop while I’m …

: hate when the wagners decide not to assassinate putin bro I already bought your laptop sticker on …

: ron desantis resume is basically signing a whole bunch of laws that were or will be struck down for …

: why are we allowing people who are eagerly awaiting the scriptural end of the world make policy …

: my dad hates me buying him things but he’s okay with me giving him things that I already own …

: I don’t know who came up with the idea of drowning billionaires on the wreckage of the Titanic …

: if this is true then here comes donald indictment no 3 …

: some day when its too late people will realize that donalds embrace of the january 6 terrorists and …

: the problem with getting texans to believe in climate change is they will start shooting at the …

: the destroyed I-95 bridge was supposed to take months to get operational. the dem gov took 2 weeks …

: breaking: gop freedom caucus to purge rep marjorie “marge the toilet” taylor greene for …

: i-95 livecam and chill

: when you’ve been waiting all your life for Jesus Christ to return you’ll see Jesus …

: libertarians hate the government because look at donald trump, he succeeded in the private sector …

: if Cornell West really wanted to run for president he would compete in a primary but he wants to …

: Cornell West and Jill Stein really want to destroy the planet huh

: nothing makes me feel old than when the younger members of my team respond to a slack message with …

: surely there must be something rich people can do to alleviate boredom other than drowning …

: aww look at all these sweet little moderates running primaries in the disease ridden rats nest that …

: is there anything more alpha male than doing a bunch of crimes and then making your dad and aunt …

: my life goal is to get rich enough that when i eventually lose my mental faculties and start saying …

: it’s sad that the richest man in the world has to pretend to be anti-vaccine just so twitter …

: amazing how ethical republicans can be when they hold so much power that being ethical wont lead to …

: i just cant imagine most americans not looking at lauren the bobo and marge the toilet and going we …

: hard to feel sorry for billionaires when they have an entire planet as an emotional support system

: red state politicians should perhaps consider not passing any laws and instead lounge around in bed …

: its fucking hilarious to watch steve bannon’s soggy carcass slowly realize that it entrusted …

: what the fuck kind of half-assed DOJ weaponizer cant even protect his own son from the DOJ? …

: just saw a god loves you sign next to a trump sign so my brain sawed itself in half and one half …

: the dog is concerned about deer activity down in the creek

: Dr Cornell West desperately trying to revive a dying tree by dancing around it screaming I NEED TO …

: say what you want about the green party you gotta admire their devotion to a cause that’s the …

: what is the point of ear wax? are some trump supporters trying to breathe through their ears? why …

: forget everything else why are you voting for a guy who is not able to hire a lawyer to defend him …

: spoiler alert: it isn’t about how to avoid getting murdered by your boss

: Biden should put his hand forward like he’s going to issue donald a pardon but then bring it …

: call me a cock-faced optimist but I feel like Americans won’t vote into the presidency a man …

: donald: mutants are responsible for my criminal indictment media: joe biden had a root canal …

: if you’re a politician afraid to speak truth to your constituents because they might not …

: every time i read an article mentioning a trump supporter and why they support him it’s clear …

: republicans are basically saying no republican politician should ever be prosecuted in any blue area …

: religious people are just straight up fucking weird

: george will says vivek ramaswamy and his wife “are the meritocracy incarnate”. my guy, …

: i have lost the international travel bug. i dont give a shit anymore. i am not interested in your …

: if you’d told me in January 2017 that 6 years later Donald Trump would be criminally indicted …

: Chris Christie is in this to try and save the country from Donald Trump, not Joe Biden. and the …

: holy fuck Chris Christie is destroying Donald. there’s no way the other gop contenders are …

: oh hey I guess the party of law and order is finally making the time to actually read the criminal …

: I don’t much like Chris Christie but if he’s going to speak truth about Donald Trump to …

: I’m sorry but if you’re running for the gop presidential nomination but won’t …

: this made me giggle out loud

: I would willingly donate to donalds campaign fund if it would be used to finance his defection to …

: the one and only thing I admire about donald is his ability to tell his stupid dumb marks straight …

: nothing, literally nothing warms my old cynical heart like a big man on a Harley Davidson honking …

: doesn’t matter how much the sociopathic gender-fascist ghouls of the republican party try to …

: the thing that’s unprecedented in American history isn’t that a former president is …

: it’s comical to watch Mike pence try to convince people who tried to murder him to vote for …

: read the fucking indictment you plank face slack jawed nitwit and if you can’t even do that …

: a lot of bad people are either dying or going to prison or getting indicted. this is a beautiful …

: I don’t know man, if you incited a violent insurrection to try and overturn an election you …

: if you’re a progressive who thinks now’s the perfect time to fuck around with American …

: clueless delusional motherfuckers like Cornell West are going to result in America having the …

: stick a fork in him, he’s done

: can we just fast forward to donald trump slurping diarrhea out of a prison toilet

: the year of accountability continues

: I’m always seething. is it normal to always seeth

: dumbfuck neighbor called the fire chief and told him I’m having a bonfire. dude came here to …

: it’s so weird that animals are afraid of us, even a goat could kill me if it put in some …

: took a walk around our new cabin lot and we discovered a new flower me: it’s so beautiful it …

: I’m fucking angry and I’m gonna rant all day

: the planet is dying in front of our eyes and American “conservatives” named after …

: red states are failed states

: woke: the desire to not fill your lungs with smoke from swaths of burning forest

: hard to not get demoralized by the inescapable fact that the survival of every living organism on …

: emergency zoom with my boss while I’m on vacation because a motherfucker in my team moved …

: missing Pune because it smells like Pune (smoky air because someone is always burning something …

: “hate when I chase someone and they climb up a tree”: me and my dog

: sorry sir I put the bird feeders in the shed. so you will need to raid my trash. which I put in the …

: usually I think deep thoughts by the campfire but today I’m only thinking about madhuri dixit …

: the third world failed state of Florida

: sitting here in the mountains of eastern Pennsylvania breathing in the smoke from Canadian wildfires …

: the deer and dog have resigned themselves to each other’s presence in the ecosystem

: my family surveying the quarter acre we just closed on behind our existing cabin quarter acre. …

: I found donald trump’s golden toilet in the same condition as his political career

: conservative policy discussion: bunch of white Republican men deciding whom to oppress and how and …

: everybody including the media needs to stop normalizing this horrific shit by calling it …

: you could sell a rock and a hammer at a craft fair, call it a musical instrument and I would …

: one of our neighbors got an nra hat in the mail for receiving gun training and she fucking hates the …

: vacations going good

: I don’t care how or why ppl justify religion. mostly it’s about coming to terms with the …

: wishing a shitty memorial day to republicans who once called us traitors for not supporting the Iraq …

: cleaned up the cabin for my family. can’t wait for them to see it

: we’ve had the cabin for four years now but only now did we realize that if you don’t …

: i am reasonably sure donald will be indicted and convicted for january 6 and spend the rest of his …

: the bear emptied the feeder while i was away from the cabin. i refilled it and now the red-bellied …

: my entire family is going to be here in two days and I’m worried about what they’ll find …

: drunk white guy started a beef with me and my friend outside the bar and left and now I’m …

: South East Pennsylvania in spring man. such a diversity of the wild. you could spend all day …

: the funniest thing about donalds upcoming indictment is his garbage supporters will be paying for …

: Anne gonna be deliriously happy when she goes into the woods and sees these “once …

: die in prison you seditionist shitbaboon. and welcome to the year of accountability

: oh you say you’re god-fearing? what else are you afraid of? goblins? sasquatch? crop circles? …

: oh no what happen

: the republican primary is going to be fascist assholes accusing each other of doing good things

: one of my instagram posts was blocked in belarus because it featured a song that is blocked there. …

: what is ron desantis plan to protect underaged girls from high school teachers such as ron desantis …

: is this the point where hindu liberals start to worry that trumpism has radicalized modi bhakts into …

: florida’s educational system will be raising a bunch of mediocre historically illiterate …

: if you’re still on twitter you might as well also go eat dinner at trump tower

: area “free speech absolutist” supports guy who bans literal books and literal speech for …

: republicans are trying to scare white suburbanite parents into turning fascist meanwhile the leader …

: loling on the floor rofling my ass off

: whenever we go on a hike my dog is like, hold on I need to sniff this blade of grass or whatever and …

: I’m only happy when I’m engulfed by trees or in the middle of a wildflower meadow …

: standing by the fire listening to a great horned owl. I don’t see you baby but I know exactly …

: taking my table top fire pit on a trial run and listening to two unidentified animals trying to kill …

: can’t wait for Vivek Ramaswamy to go back down the same toilet pipes that Herschel walker …

: there’s a guy wearing a let’s go brandon t shirt in this beer garden. gonna walk past …

: starting to realize that people have two dogs because when you want to pet and kiss a dog and …

: conservatives: i hate wasteful government spending also conservatives: pay ted cruz to perform …

: that’s it I’m fucking done with the news. wake me up when donald goes to prison or dies …

: if you thought rhonda santy was bad at governing Florida during a pandemic check out how bad he is …

: narcissistic sociopaths like donald and elon will always gravitate towards fascists because …

: keep dismantling and destroying florida in every way for your personal ambitions, rhonda santy. the …

: yes we definitely need a conservative man to teach us about manliness, a guy who shits his diaper …

: people are seriously debating whether indicting donald will cause political and social turmoil. bro …

: i like my coffee like i like the future of the republican party: dark

: at this point she’s passed Dinesh D’Souza as the worst fucking Indian in America

: do these fucking goobers live under a rock? off the top of my head I can think of at least 3 local …

: well this sucks

: donalds gonna lose Pennsylvania by 10 points in 2024 that is, if he hasn’t defected to Russia

: my divorce lawyer: its been 10 years since your divorce case so we’re going to destroy your …

: to those who claim childless couples are gonna die alone, which one of your kids do you think will …

: this will mean nothing to anyone outside of montgomery county, PA but incumbent white supremacist …

: voted in my first primary today. not as exciting as voting in an existential election but still …

: the only people who are outraged at “woke” beer are shitnipples like renowned twitter …

: my hairdresser: can you recommend me an indian place, i want to get into indian food me: oh? …

: republicans are targeting parents because they know that having kids turns white Americans into …

: what do “free speech absolutists” have to say about all the book banning going on all …

: holy fuck man we knew rudy was an insane delusional asshole but this is a whole new level

: the year of accountability finally comes for area horror show rudolph giuliani …

: rhonda santy is dismantling Floridas educational system and tourism business for what? to come a …

: apparently the artist known as “the weeknd” has reverted to his birth name, “hmp …

: I bought this at a local flea market because it’s a cute frame of an owl and her owlets but …

: as an immigrant I am constantly infuriated that the burden of saving this fucking country is on my …

: is it only me who’s fucking eternally furious to the extent of mental incapacitation that a …

: I’m sorry, you’re still supporting a guy accused of sexual assault by at least 24 women, …

: who are the people still buying electric Twitter cars made by the company whose CEO is demonstrably …

: ppl ask, is elon musk an imbecile or a fascist. I don’t think you can be one without also …

: if you’re okay with abortion when it’s a product of rape or incest you should be okay …

: I don’t have an emotional support system but I do have the ability to leave my body and look …

: perhaps i might be more open to believing in god if people who believe in god got their stories …

: voting for donald trump as president makes as much sense as voting for the baby shark video as …

: reading the food safety inspection report for a local restaurant and horrified by the fact that food …

: elon musk has hired a new twitter ceo to do his day job of shit-posting on twitter so he can run the …

: our backyard hummingbird boy is finally here. only two days later than last year. probably took too …

: dude who just got billed 5 million for defaming a woman goes on tv and defames her again. my man if …

: leaving the bar after the sixers lost to the celtics woman: fuck this place. the Phillies lost here …

: rose breasted grosbeak on the feeder today. may is magical

: every year I get better at identifying birds and I think it’s because my brain is replacing …

: foxes are dangerous animals. I saw one rolling around in a backyard while driving and got so …

: this is what happens in a fascist failed state and this is what Donald Trump is hoping to create …

: wife, watching me pick up food from the floor and eat it wife: why didnt you just give it to the dog …

: on the one hand its dangerous and unprofessional for a news organization to give donald a platform …

: if i watched cnn i would watch it less going forward but i can’t because i don’t

: went to the park early morning to do some birding but the landscapers were there making a ruckus. so …

: love the gop 2024 platform, “he didnt rape her he merely sexually assaulted her”

: george santos, like every other dumbfuck trumpy criminal, completely forgot that he didn’t …

: please. enough articles about how trump’s criminality is not going to affect his political …

: it’s gonna be fun to watch rhonda santy and rapistman bite chunks off each other’s dicks …

: Elton muskrat: Twitter will be the most trusted of news sources also Elaine mustardbreath: I’m …

: today is an exceptionally accountable day even in this here year of accountability

: only after 2 dozen sexual misconduct accusations, 1 video confession to sexual assault and 4 years …

: the year of accountability continues www.rawstory.com/e-jean-ca… 2023 is not going to be a …

: you dont “love” god you’re experiencing stockholm syndrome

: i just read e jean carroll’s lawyer’s closing statement and i have zero doubt that …

: this week donald trump will be officially designated a rapist and serial sex predator by the state …

: my goal in life is to die before this current generation of gun violence traumatized kids turn into …

: the first firefly of the season is here. too soon man go back to bed

: I’m all for my boys who drive around in cranked out loud vehicles. great bro, if this keeps …

: the thing about donald is he’s a huge fucking coward whose ass will never cash the check his …

: in the bar, after the sixers win in overtime old couple approaches me guy putting his hand on my …

: since thoughts and prayers aren’t working maybe try kicking governor Greg Abbott in the balls …

: fascism only exists because men are so fucking stupid and insecure the easiest gig in the world is …

: met a turkey vulture eating a fish and drinking a red bull. gotta stay awake to stay woke

: I genuinely do not understand the suspension of disbelief that 90% of republicans in this country …

: watching the Phillies game in a bar and the guy next to me is mumbling at the TV. bro if …

: the sheer amount of physical and mental damage Donald Trump has inflicted upon real human beings …

: just saw my first Pennsylvania bobolink and I’m feeling mighty blessed

: I understand why 30% of this country still supports a criminal terrorist for president because a lot …

: I don’t care why you’re a trump supporter you’re a bad person and fuck you

: the republican nominee for president normalizes rape but hark: the white women dance around his nude …

: Obama wore a tan suit

: good I was this close to moving to the bottom of the ocean

: went birding in a local park and what do I see, another bird that traveled thousands of miles from …

: the best thing about birding is standing in the middle of town watching a live band, noticing a …

: my towns first Friday block party theme today is 70s night so to celebrate it I’m gonna marry …

: looking forward to every gop goofy goof nominating themselves for the presidency to accuse each …

: donald trump: gives literal aid and comfort to convicted seditionists who literally attempted a …

: dave would be proud of wendy’s new ghost pepper spicy chicken sandwich

: now that we’ve convicted donalds army for sedition, donald, you better believe we are coming …

: donald won’t win. he won’t pardon you. you won’t get away with domestic terrorism. …

: the year of accountability continues. fuck the proud boys and fuck their orange daddy …

: for every news organization that pulls out of twitter i will donate five dollars to the pull elons …

: stop messaging me crypto bros if i wanted to buy fake currency i’d buy canadian dollars

: functioning melancholic

: Tucker Carlson is right, white men don’t fight like that (unfairly gang up against one guy) …

: not sure we should be putting a doofus with the emotional maturity of a sprig of parsley in charge …

: wait. theres a city in texas called “cut and shoot”? and that’s where the texas …

: the time has come for local performative woodpeckers to realize that drumming on my aluminum chimney …

: I don’t know why more blue state governors aren’t straight up inviting red state …

: the free state of Pennsylvania welcomes political refugees from fascist police states like Florida, …

: i realize this is hard to understand but companies aren’t being “woke”, it just …

: the only republicans worse than the deluded fascists who will support the future convicted felon …

: bold prediction: maggot toilet granola will be the gop vice presidential nominee and donald will …

: got the dude next to me at the bar kicked out because he was literally spitting on the floor between …

: there are three perspectives on American politics 1: empathy. make people’s lives better 2: …

: I wonder why

: when belief in a judgmental deity saps you of the desire to do anything remotely fun it is …

: if you were to get a fun hobby like bird watching or hiking you would likely spend less time …

: if god had made Adam and Steve it would’ve been a way less terrible game than performing …

: I was going to stay home all day because it was supposed to rain but turns out it only drizzled and …

: if god designed everything intelligently how come he put the thumbs up next to the middle finger

: recently we’ve started to see Eastern bluebirds in our backyard all year long. not sure if …

: the Carolina wren is a year round regular but it’s still one of my favorites. the sheer …

: my plan for this rainy dismal weekend is to watch birds all day. just saw a blue headed vireo so …

: Nikki Haley you’re a bad person and I realize that your profession requires you to ignore the …

: just hugged a drummer please hug your drummers

: I will never stop being furious that people died of covid only because their government failed them

: I got nothing to say

: the closest I’ve come to experiencing a ghost is when my phone asks me if I want to remove …

: stop worrying about biden’s age. while your fat youthful ass is busy shit-posting online this …

: I too have a prediction Nikki. your political career will likely die within a few months

: every time I go to this particular local trail a barred owl pair approaches and checks me out

: the intellectual mediocrity of the American conservative movement in a nutshell

: there is no way to look at this as anything other than a political refugee fleeing a fascist state. …

: I’m having the absolute best fucking time of my life in America and this is the only place on …

: the thing I like the most about America is the system genuinely wants you to have the best time of …

: mini harmonica bartender: i like your necklace me: this baby plays bartender: really me: plays the eagles fight …

: gop study on the sinking of the titanic doesn’t mention any icebergs

: glad that the governor of my state isn’t flushing my tax dollars down the toilet by picking a …

: they got so damn mad when Hillary called them deplorable

: it’s coming

: waiting for florida governor rhonda santy to declare war against fox news for firing tucker carlson, …

: the first gray catbird of spring has arrived in my backyard. and turns out last spring the first …

: my career goal is to not be so fucking bad at my job that even fox news wont employ me

: good luck to domestic terrorist tucker carlson for his future career in domestic terrorism as a …

: its fucking hilarious for a company to cancel one of its employees to protect its bottomline while …

: the only thing keeping america from collapsing into a failed state is accountability

: who else is loving this year of accountability that still has 8 more months to go

: lol bye bye tucker carlson. another trump grifter discovers accountability and the career ending …

: “your politics is making you stupid” is an acceptable thing to say. saves you hours of …

: donalds gonna win the gop primary in a landslide and lose the presidency in a landslide, grunting …

: no you don’t believe in karma you just have a coping mechanism

: bro you’re not gonna turn America into a white Christian nation. perhaps you should leave

: drinking beer and watching trains, baseball and birds

: congratulations wrexham and welcome to the football league

: wrexham up 2-1. they win, automatic promotion to the football league. let’s fucking go

: georgia’s about to put so many republicans in prison for election tampering we’re gonna …

: the texas legislature just passed a bill changing the official state license plate slogan to …

: republicans who pretend to be concerned about migrant refugees don’t seem to realize they are …

: texas wants to display the ten commandments in every public school. i have a suggestion, how about …

: everybody who knew donald was lying about election fraud and still objected to the certification …

: my dog likes to relax among my shoes wife: he likes the smell of you me: I certainly hope I …

: it is genuinely puzzling to watch florida go full fash for a complete imbecile goober who’s …

: it is super painful watching a tech bro slowly discover in real time the business model of the …

: blessed to spot not one but two barred owls today, only the third time I’ve spotted them in …

: more than anything else the normalization of political violence by donald trump and his accomplices …

: all this trump terrorism and for what? so you can persecute, dehumanize and marginalize the most …

: men will do racist things, nut for guns and persecute lgbtq instead of getting therapy for emotional …

: every time I think one religion is dumber than the other the other religion is like hold my beer

: about 90% of my job as a manager is to gently ask ppl to explain to me what the problem is before …

: what has happened to Google I can’t seem to get any search results for sports scores or …

: the gop must be collectively shitting its knickers over the coming Georgia indictments. this is the …

: lol still no mention of the settlement on Fox news. they’re just gonna pretend it never …

: by the time donald trump is done with his fans, grifters, useful idiots and ppl who made him their …

: the year of accountability continues and we are nowhere close to being done yet

: so how is fox news planning to cover their own demise

: I thought that ron desantis could be the smart fascist that we were all worried about. I was wrong. …

: the thing about malignant narcissists like donald john trump is that in the short term they will …

: close your eyes, put your finger anywhere on a map of the greater philadelphia region and i will …

: Philadelphia area people will understand. everyone else can fuck off

: things the founders never saw coming: emancipation, women’s rights, AR-15s, Clarence Thomas, …

: every time I find street parking in center city Philadelphia I come closer to believing in gob

: if you think qanon is batshit crazy you should check out all the other religions that preceded it

: got pulled over by a cop on my way back from the gym but when I told him how much I had just …

: whenever there’s a mass shooting republicans start babbling about tackling the mental health …

: bucks county, pennsylvania is my playground

: keep talking magaga toilet green and thank you for deradicalizing white suburbs by exposing them to …

: fox news is a terrorist organization www.nbcnews.com/politics/…

: this is the funniest shit youtu.be/vCKgewLdK…

: gentle reminder: the terrible thing that donald trump is currently in the news for is unrelated to …

: birds a crazy thing about birds is that the Louisiana waterthrush, a bird that migrates thousands of miles …

: after listening to me speak on recent zoom calls my wife got me this helpful reminder to attach to …

: my favorite new Instagram account turns conservative shit sippers into drag queens

: crime takes so much longer to catch up with rich white men. get your shit together, crime

: every credible purveyor of news needs to do this www.npr.org/2023/04/1…

: lol this country

: when I feel worried about fascism in America I look at India and feel less worried because …

: a lot of indian immigrants seem to be turning into qanon maga trash. bhai maybe its time to take a …

: if there is one thing american conservatives excel at, it’s finding bigoted solutions to …

: they were in wrexham the weekend before I was there and the weekend after. starting to think …

: holy fuck wrexham lets fucking go

: sucks when you have a coworker who’s trying to get you fired and also you have impostor …

: there should be an option for retiring and dying early

: today was the day that I seriously considered leaving my software job and opening a bnb in Vermont

: I just want to be loved by complete strangers driven by a one dimensional manipulated lens into my …

: i’m sure suburban philadelphians will be happy to know about the “defund the …

: a beautiful ode to the common house sparrow www.audubon.org/news/meet…

: this is an absolute must-read by amanda marcotte about the seriousness and necessity of donalds …

: happy open office window season to me

: yesterday wisconsin did its part in saving democracy and the “stop the steal” fascists …

: I just won my first trivia contest in this country and obviously it was bird themed and obviously my …

: take a moment to celebrate, it's okay remember the absolute hell we’ve been through since 2016, the tears on november 8, all the …

: area reality tv star not coping too well with reality

: he can squeal as much as he likes for as long as he likes as loud as he likes but no ones coming to …

: it’s been a while but it was totally worth it

: donald trump pooping blood before his arrest donald trump jr: here dad you can use my poop instead …

: i dont know why donald is raising money from his indictment. i have heard you dont have to pay for …

: happy trump arrest day to everyone who celebrates. religiously abstaining from water and food …

: when was the last time mike “I ate trump turds for breakfast lunch and dinner until he tried …

: I love visiting the UK but I also enjoy returning to a place where the sun is actually a thing

: donald genuinely believes that his only option is to threaten judges jurors prosecutors the …

: everybody protesting donalds indictment should be asked to explain one just one charge against him …

: whenever donald says if they can come after me they can come after you ask yourself this: have you …

: somehow I’m watching my first live Phillies game of the season in a London airport hotel bar

: it’s so fucking hilarious that the guy who is asking his supporters to turn violent when …

: stick a fork in him, the motherfuckers done

: my cautiously optimistic take: everyone other than the mentally incapacitated trumpy 30% are going …

: one of the ways white supremacy actually hurts white people: it fools you into paying the legal fees …

: while in Wales I’ve been greeted by ppl I passed on the street with a variety of phrases not a …

: good bye wrexham drinking my final pint in wrexham, north Wales. the last two days have been an absolutely bonkers …

: I genuinely don’t understand people who move to a country and complain how they were forced to …

: the moment you leave your Indian passport for an American passport is when you become a citizen of …

: I have so many stories just from two days in wrexham, wales

: every day I’ve been in Wales has literally been the best day of my life I’m not even …

: just scored a ticket to the sold out wrexham game. I’ll be in the stands cheering on my team …

: today was surreal. the entire whole day. just completely what the fuck is this really happening …

: I would spend the rest of my life traveling in trains helping old white women fight each other for …

: feels like an Indian was responsible for the creation of at least half these rules

: donald trumps winning has just begun

: burn motherfucker burn

: it is terrifying how much covid has radicalized white people all over the world

: I fucking hate spending the best part of my evening trying to convince a white ppl that shooting a …

: flying to the UK today. excited because: 1 first international trip in 4 years 2 first international …

: how’s the texas terrorist rally going? have they reached the part where margo tailor green …

: hero

: sorry I didn’t bring my reading glasses, the same glasses I use to look extremely professional …

: this moment in donald trump’s political career is that moment in the movie 12 angry men where …

: the worst regret of my life is spending more than half of it not appreciating birds. second worst my …

: sitting at the bar next to a guy with a dog guy: can I get a glass of wine bartender: sure guy: for …

: domestic terrorist donald john trump. this is the only correct way to refer to this fascist goober

: if a democratic president threatened death and destruction upon America and the rest of the party …

: its amazing how much better hydrated you stay throughout the day if you keep a giant 64 ounce …

: i think its time for the media to more accurately phrase headlines saying “trump warns of …

: sucks that your body cant party all the time after a certain age just when you actually have the …

: one of Jesus' lesser known powers was having hot doggy style sex with a man wearing a suit

: gun nuts are so weird I mean the world is full of things to go nuts over, hiking wildlife birds food …

: imagine still thinking donald trump is anything other than a mob boss

: inciting violence to fight his inevitable indictments was always his end game. its gonna be funny …

: lest we forget what all this is about, Stormy Daniels on having an illicit affair with the 45th …

: 90% of my job is remember to remind people to remember to do things and 10% adjust my balls so I …

: pair of red shouldered hawks just consummated their affection outside my office window and the first …

: if you’re a trump supporter you should clear your entire schedule for the year. you’re …

: gets strange low heart rates in the gym fitbit support: make sure your fitbit is loose enough me: …

: with so much blood on their hands i dont know how libertarians sleep at night

: I just realized that my team genuinely believes in work life balance because they are not in charge …

: if I had to go back to my own country I would have to disintegrate mid air and disperse my molecules …

: I’m not gonna run away from American fascists. holy shit I literally just found a place where …

: even though I understand how miniscule and irrelevant I am in the whole scheme of the universe I …

: if you think donalds indictment is a “political prosecution” you need to explain if …

: in a very busy bar me: can I close out bartender: take me with you

: ted van nukem, a trump nazi

: hell yeah a Philadelphia Phillie grand slamming his way to get the USA into the semi finals of the …

: apparently the Chinese are distressed at the possibility of their favorite American president being …

: donald is calling upon his terrorists to do violence on Tuesday not because he’s going to be …

: the trump library will likely be just a roomful of mugshot exhibits

: hard to understand why people who will believe anything the bible tells them will also believe …

: what better way to cleanse American society of mouth breathing knuckle dragging trump fascists than …

: if you are saying donald shouldn’t be indicted for crimes because his supporters will commit …

: donald trump is the chain smoker of crime. just before his previous crime disappears from the news a …

: meanwhile a white supremacist domestic terrorist who killed people sits free in his shit stained …

: it’s going to be a spring of trump violence

: it’s been 7 years of trump and Americans are still having a hard time coming to terms with the …

: which part of “free speech absolutism” is stealing money from businesses

: just fucking unreal how donald trump is running for president like he didn’t attempt a violent …

: if you are planning on doing violent things when donald gets indicted please make sure your phone is …

: I appreciate that Amtrak engineers apologize when the train enters new jersey. sir it’s not …

: happy that the oscar for best movie song went to “the gang dances their asses off” …

: the best part about visiting Boston is screaming MASSHOLE at every driver

: traveling on my first Acela and now I’m upset, furious and outraged that we don’t have …

: guy next to me at the bar: are you German me: no Indian guy: really? I thought I detected a German …

: “history will judge donald because I’m too much of a coward to do it myself and my …

: wael hates belly dancers because it makes his pants feel tighter

: leaning tower of piss, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

: I do want donald to be incarcerated for trying to attempt a violent coup but it would also make me …

: the lake was placid today unlike the hordes of canada geese converging upon it like a trumpful of …

: just listened to a Punjabi rap song that didn’t start with AOON don’t worry I’ve …

: my wife got a new job very close to a really good Indian restaurant. I’m so happy for us

: somebody in my department complained to my boss that I’m prickly. how dare you sir, whoever …

: if a woman can call her girl friend babe, a man should be able to call his man friend big dick hot …

: please stop making films about animals doing cocaine they are basically trump 2024 campaign …

: I love that years into the future I’ll be going back through my google calendar because I have …

: since she’s a devout loud Christian I wonder how her lord and savior feels about this shit

: bro if you love steering wheels so much why did you even buy a Tesla

: white privilege is the ceo of a tech company openly valuing people purely on the basis of number of …

: very much enjoying watching this 44 billion sequel to the titanic. elon musk is a tremendous …

: my sweet gentle dude, if neo Nazis want to pose with you for pictures it doesn’t really matter …

: every time mark finchem travels overseas (if he is aware of the overseas) foreign governments should …

: me: I’m going out to the preserve to spot some woodcocks wife: isn’t that the bird with …

: fascists get you killed regardless of whether you support fascism or not …

: ron desantis: florida is the freedom state. we eat and breathe freedom. we even shit freedom. we …

: this country has to do better than turn into a place where the vulnerable members of my community …

: most people are programmed to think about their own welfare. this is sociopathy, what is also known …

: how are people still having good faith conversations about which party is better? one party …

: I like how white people can trash trump in a bar but whenever I want to do it I’m like shit I …

: when republicans straight up call for the genocide of trans people during their flagship convention …

: donald trump attempted a violent coup with domestic terrorists and now he’s releasing a song …

: imagine being someone who still keeps mumbling the “both parties are the exact same” …

: truer words have never been put on a sticker and attached to the back of a car

: if your religion made you vote for donald trump do you at least now realize how stupid your shit ass …

: seriously who are these people who thieve precious time from their own life that is already limited …

: cocktail shrimp shouldn’t be a thing. fuck you. those shrimp deserve better.

: finally a trumpy buffoon saying something nice about the woke agenda

: when was the last time a democrat kicked out supporters of another democrat from his event? and more …

: how do i set my slack status to “watching birds during a zoom call”

: the sheer number of bartenders in north and south eastern pennsylvania who tell me how sad they are …

: the doomsday preppers are preparing for the wrong doomsday fucking jackasses

: checking London hotel reviews and one review says getting to the airport was a doddle and I’m …

: sometimes a mans gotta go alone deep into the woods and steep himself in melancholy

: when was the last time donald looked at something and didnt worry that it thought he was a loser

: I wish all these nitwits would come out as libertarian nitwits all at once to save me some time and …

: i cant remember the last time a donald headline didnt start with “trump flips out over” …

: it’s a snowy night in the mountains

: has anyone asked renowned “free speech absolutist” elon musk how he feels about fox news …

: remember the next time you get indicted for trying to violently overthrow the US government you can …

: if elon musk feels that calling all african americans a hate group is acceptable behavior why is …

: I guess this is better than trying to violently overturn an election

: went out for geocaching and the very first cache asked me a weird question so I turned it into a …

: good fuck off. my blue state doesn’t need these low IQ domestic terrorists

: got up early, shaved and washed my balls, drove an hour through the snow into the mountains to judge …

: white supremacy isn’t about claiming whites are supreme it’s about rigging the system to …

: gonna be visiting wrexham next month during a work trip to the UK and inshallah watch a game at the …

: Clarence Thomas mr justice I have a Friday challenge for you. 5 double whoppers in a row. with extra …

: some Indian fuckmuncher born in the US to rich parents and went to Harvard is running for president …

: gop: red states should either secede or divest liberals of their voting rights. white suburbanite: …

: its cool that the house gop homeland security committee includes someone who wants to secede from …

: okay then

: Realtors are like James Bond except instead of a license to kill they have a license to scam

: it has always been my dream to be sentenced to death and just as I’m about to be publicly …

: it’s funny how Philadelphia area sports fan brains all seem to be connected to one central …

: feels like we’re living in a time where if you are not an agent of chaos you should put that …

: Kari lake has achieved the honor of being a more pathetic piece of shit than Donald Trump

: hi and bye nikki haley Nikki Haley, I mean no disrespect but you will never be president. see, to win the gop candidacy you …

: the bell tolls, donny doofus. it tolls for thee.

: such a sad little unloved fascist boy

: the biden economy is doing so well that donald is trying to appeal to the white suburban vote by …

: marge green going through hunter bidens trash, finding chinese leftovers, taking a bite and bagging …

: what’s stopping Americans from celebrating cow hug day

: aint nothing harder than convincing a white man that another white man is not doing a good job

: starting to feel the Superbowl right… now. go birds

: gonna have fun watching the 2022 gop train wreck turn into a 2024 ship wreck

: the gop ass eaters caucus can hold as many hearings as they want, they’re all going to …

: this is the only correct way to describe elcocko monkeyfucker

: it shouldn’t have taken a dumb fuck doing dumb fuck shit to a dumb fuck website to leave the …

: googling local funerals to participate in the festivities

: i’ve been told that last night at the state of the union marge tailor green did not lower her …

: i wouldnt wish the future on my worst enemy and somehow people are intentionally producing little …

: went to get a drink of water and in the 2 minutes it took me, guy in the gym had picked my phone off …

: the only steve bannon news i ever want to read is him being arrested for accessory to seditious …

: lol chatgpt is terrible at loading my dishwasher. bowls go on top idiot

: next time a white person in a bar asks me where I’m from I’m gonna reply bofa

: it’s been two years since a man attempted a violent coup against the United States of America …

: sitting at the bar next to a guy who’s hit the sweet spot of being drunk enough to be annoying …

: if there was a god it wouldn’t have killed off all the good Kennedys and left us the one …

: not only would’ve donald shot down the Chinese balloon before it entered the United States he …

: I got them blues

: it’s fucking cold tonight if you get pulled over please make sure you tip the cop

: they postponed tomorrow’s local “snow blast” festival because it’s too cold. …

: its colder than lauren boeberts cortex and windier than marge greene’s underwear. stay safe …

: how much money do you think eric trump makes after taxes for admitting he farted when it was …

: i wish my house plants would stop tilting towards the window. my friends, you were raised to thrive …

: proud of my city

: this is worse than crying about losing the 2020 election

: so the fbi has searched bidens houses multiple times now and Biden still hasn’t logged on to …

: how do i know inflation is winding down? bird feed is once again in stock, thats how

: you can say what you want about eagles fans but we also turn a trump store into a rump store

: haha just remembered donald sitting in a semi cab gripping and screaming at the steering wheel …

: bars in Arizona are scared of us and rightfully so

: every time I appear in a bar after the eagles win bartender: what the hell where were you me: sorry …

: holy shit we’re going to the Superbowl again

: fly eagles fly. that is all

: playing the eagles fight song on the harmonica after every eagles touchdown in this bar and …

: 2023 birding season off to a good start

: final birding visit to the local waterfowl preserve before the birds game. first of year raven and …

: tailgating the Philadelphia eagles NFC championship game by watching that other Philadelphia sister …

: me back in the day: every little brown bird is a sparrow me today: that is definitely a purple finch …

: empowerment I still can’t believe I’m a citizen of this country. today I was reading about some gop …

: if the gop thought 2018, 2020 and 2022 elections were donald catastrophes they are completely …

: born again christian: has a once in a lifetime religious experience and discovers jesus christ born …

: friday morning contentment i’m experiencing a vague feeling of contentment. its friday, the sun’s out, radio …

: at this point the entire state of florida is a florida man

: looking forward to uglon moscow buying up all the florida libraries popular.info/p/florida…

: ever since i cut back on my drinking i’ve been experiencing less anxiety about the fact that i …

: my wife is on her third respiratory illness of winter. i miss when we only had to worry about one …

: my resting heart rate in january is down to 59. my goal for february is to get it down to 0 and …

: “lol what a shitty product why isn’t anyone fixing it roflmao emoji”

: eagles won, cowboys lost, good weekend. smell you in Philly, niners

: there are two Americas. trumpy America is where George Santos not only has a job, he sits on the …

: go cats, go birds that is all

: business idea: motorcycle jacket that comes with a free motorcycle

: the age old question: is it okay to urinate in the woods? absolutely. plant a tree, wait for it to …

: apparently chatgpt is going to end 47% of American jobs personally I don’t give a fuck …

: someone needs to explain to me like I’m elon musk why Netflix stock going up should have any …

: the best thing about not drinking beer at a bar all week long is it frees up my time to sit and …

: during our Superbowl season we were pissed that they were calling us underdogs. now we’re …

: i guess we’re at the “are ppl prosecuted for crime criminals or are they actually crime …

: apparently egg prices have gone up so much that americans are walking out of groceries instead of …

: this is only marginally less stupid than that other famous charity invented by that other george, …

: they still havent told us who was the woman in sunglasses following donald around pretending to be …

: sometimes my laptop fan is working real hard real loud and suddenly it just stops and i’m like …

: when trump starts tweeting again and you’re still on twitter and it’s not purely to …

: it’s amazing how little i miss twitter. thank you oblong mollusc

: my resting heart rate has dropped from 74 to 62 over the past two weeks. its almost as if sleeping …

: I never stopped loving doug pederson. I will always love you


: these pathetic motherfuckers are still wasting precious moments of their life re-counting 2020 …

: donald trump is not masculine a few areas where donald trump lacks masculinity: dances only with his arms lacking any foot …

: how much time do rich people spend just staring at their banking app and giggling

: if I die before Steve Bannons zombie carcass dies I’ll be very displeased

: a maga hat is more than just a red hat that says maga. until white independents understand why, this …

: gonna watch a live musical performance by a local artist tonight. he will be performing wearing a …

: an article about murdery toddler greens anti-trans rally ended in this line which is basically the …

: feeling a bit weird that i dont have any top secret classified documents stashed away in my office

: doing very well with my new years resolutions: drink less, cook more, sleep and wake up early, work …

: well that explains some stuff

: thinking of starting a “stop crying and go away, kari lake” go fund me

: i am sorry to report that butthole, one of the members of the covid denying maga duo “butthole …

: what is up with kids lifting weights in the gym bro you’re gonna grow up to be a three foot …

: why are american doctors treating bolsonaros belly illness when they could just deny its existence

: why is there a bird feed scarcity? are the youngsters doing a bird feed eating tik tok challenge

: elon tesla reinstating insurrectionists on twitter on the anniversary of the insurrection is not a …

: any news organization that doesn’t use the words “international terrorist” before …

: just read an article about how multivitamins dont make you healthier. next you’ll be telling …

: in any other country donald trump would have three different prisons fighting over his custody

: guy next to me at the bar: what if we go to the Superbowl and we’re playing the jaguars and …

: me texting wife: austere wife texting back: what me: austere was the word I couldn’t remember …

: today we visited the little hobbit style spring house that kicked off my fascination and obsession …

: TIL you can use Google photos to identify birds

: I don’t remember who recommended the detectorists on prime on which timeline but bless you …

: local trump supporter has removed his trump and let’s go brandon signs. I’m glad …

: I really wanted to like the pale blue eye but common loon and wood thrush songs in the dead of the …

: i am not averse to this new lifestyle of waiting for a new movie to be released on netflix without …

: the ghosts of our founding fathers materializing one at a time to kick donald trump in his balls …

: house gop: once we come into power we’re gonna release the kraken on Biden, his son, fauci and …

: you know how i know elon musk is a mediocre fascist? because he’s more worried about fascists …

: i will never stop being mad about what happened on this day two years ago and the fascist piece of …

: apparently donald trump lost the house speaker election yesterday. he only got one vote. fly this …

: morning ritual: 1 check my company stock 2 cry a little 3 check tesla stock 4 smile a little

: day 4 of sobriety: coffee gets me hjigh

: Kevin McCarthy just lost his ninth vote. he’s still got a long way to go to catch up with the …

: the most productive thing this republican house could possibly do for the next two years is keep …

: cardiologist: your heart is 20% more efficient than average but you need to cut down on your …

: term limits for politicians makes sense because how else would you know whether there are any …

: I feel very guilty if I break the yolk when I’m frying someone an egg. I know how furious …

: just encountered an extremely reasonable conversation between two suburban white women while i was …

: happy new year to everyone except Donald Trump and his cult, Putin and his minions and the Dallas …

: just stepped in poop in the middle of the woods. what kind of an animal poops in the woods like an …

: drove thirty minutes through Pennsylvania mountain soup but now we’re ready to party until …

: brunch place has a 45 minutes wait so my options for spending the next 45 minutes are: spend dollars …

: 8 mile hike. spotted 29 bird species and a fox. 5 stream crossings. 3 bars. good day.

: every time I sit at a bar next to a couple on their first date and the guy gets to the point where …

: watching the bad boys mower pinstripe college bowl game named after elon musk’s next child in …

: come on man, we’re trying to have a civilization here

: if only animals no matter how big or small knew how easily they could own libs (me) by just running …

: they’re gonna get naked cry in each other’s arms and rub their taints together

: I’m okay with the US testing travelers from China for covid. you know why? because I’m …

: listen to the asphalt

: today while hiking I came across this thing and kicked it just to see what it was but then I read …

: sunset hike at valley forge

: saw a sign today outside a house, “Dems are weak men and angry women”. I don’t …

: a guy at the bar next to me is wearing a “let’s go Brandon” t shirt. he’s …

: if you are still wondering why companies focus on diversity in their hiring think about all the …

: excited about this week when it will finally get warm enough to go hiking without your balls …

: the privileged brain is just too fucking stupid to understand that the constitutional right to do …

: little did I know when I first came to this country that 25 years later id be sitting in a …

: guess which ones mine

: pretty cool that two years later Joe Biden is still winning Arizona on a regular basis

: going out for some live music wife: why are you wearing gloves you never wear gloves me: because I …

: man it’s 2023 we’re way into the future but I can’t tell if I’m impressed or …

: if you are unable to criticize your own religion your opinions on everything else are worthless

: Duluth trading company is the Lowes of clothing I’m like yes I want to install all of that …

: I find salt cod in my local Italian market me: cool me: googles salt cod recipes recipe: first soak …

: today is an important day for America today is an important day in the history of America. almost exactly two years ago I was watching …

: Saudi investors: dude it’s starting to feel like you don’t know how to run a company. …

: thinking of attending midnight mass this Christmas eve. I hear Jesus Christ throws some wild …

: utterly grateful that my CEO does not base business decisions on the result of a Twitter poll

: fuck the cowboys week 2022 has officially begun in the greater Philadelphia region

: eagles won, cowboys lost to dougie big balls, I got to unexpectedly meet an old friend who used to …

: I might have brought down my mastodon server with my soccer shitposting

: elon musk on the shitter elon musk: holy shit did I really buy Twitter for 44 billion starts …

: everything starts to make sense once you realize this is how billionaires cry

: Messi’s kick was mental abuse

: watch out for Messis kick he’s a cunning little bastard

: I knew Argentina still had time for one more argentining

: people will bond with literally any online rando who will promise he will be there with his stupid …

: guy next to me at the bar: are you into gambling me thinking of literally every single person …

: this buffalo miami game is proving that you can enjoy a football game without having to support …

: it’s amazing how many men look at you affectionately when you wear a Santa hat. calm down sir …

: everyone at the bar is admiring my Santa hat but wondering if it’s too early to wear it hey …

: raw oysters on the shell in a little Pennsylvania town on the Delaware server: do you need hot sauce …

: just googled “should a middle aged man watch the Netflix series Wednesday”

: it’s going to be a long violent road back to normalcy. and literally all of this was easily …

: as instructed by local car bumper stickers I’m putting the Christ back in Christmas (showing …

: i dont know why its funny that donald supporters who helped him attempt a violent coup are rotting …

: my plan for the rest of 2022 today is my final day of work for 2022. my plan for the next 2 weeks: learn 10 new recipes learn a 3 …

: what does the gop think is gonna happen in 2024? 1 donald wins the primary and loses the general 2 …

: I have discovered Vegemite

: I was asked to keep out of a new Jersey Christmas tree farm because of my Philadelphia eagles hat. …

: teaching my wife the marathi language one road rage at a time

: five better alternatives to a soccer penalty shootout: bbq competition penis fight celine dion cover …

: holy shit Philadelphia our boy Mac is getting royally loved across the pond

: five possible alternatives to soccer overtime penalty kicks: hot dog eating contest one leg dance …

: gonna go watch the eagles giants game in the meadowlands this weekend with a friend who’s a …

: donald: dines with nazis gop: we haven’t really…. donald: demands to terminate the …

: to his credit kanye west has initiated a good discussion in the nazi community about how much nazi …

: like everything else he’s ever done elmo muskulature is discovering his love for maga 6 years …

: like everything else he’s ever done elmo muskulature is discovering his love for maga 4 years …

: fuck yes

: 3 more weeks to 2023. last call for the 2022 accountability police

: just watched herschel walkers concession speech and it was fine except for the part where he went …


: if the success of your presidential campaign was relying on hunter bidens dick tending on Twitter in …

: is it too woke to hope your Senate candidate doesn’t think he’s running for the house

: keep talking, citrus caligula

: immigrants are taking your jobs because even though you have a college degree you think it’s …

: donald trump is a terrorist stop trying to analyze what he’s saying and focus on what that’s actually going to …

: I thought I would miss twitter during eagles games but I’m having fun talking football with …

: “suspend the constitution” is a call for domestic terrorism how are we still not up to …

: elmo is either too stupid to realize the power he holds over domestic terrorists just waiting to …

: if a former president calls for the constitution to be suspended does it mean every supreme court …

: we’re down 0-2 because the guy who showed up in the bar for the Iran game wearing an America …

: soccer saturday in the suburbs. Guinness and donuts

: little known fact: the soccer off side rule was invented 35 years ago when I kept hanging out in the …

: bartender: you’re here for every game Phillies eagles soccer me: it’s all the TV’s …

: eflon mosquito thinks he’s helping the fascists make America great again but all he’s …

: One moment I was appreciatively hooting at the solo guitarist singing black hole sun on the bar …

: whenever you are trying to decide whom to vote for ask yourself the question, would they think its …

: you could replace Herschel Walker with an overripe banana and no one would notice not even Herschel …

: can you get killed four times

: bartender: fyi we open tomorrow at 9:30 am for the game me: do you know a place around here that …

: somebody has brought a laptop to this soccer bar. perhaps a hardcore Twitter employee

: imagine being the richest man in the world with only 30 days left in this year spending your waking …

: yes I am a soy boy if you mean I love edamame pasta mixed in with ground pork and kale sauteed in …

: just saw a hair jump off my head unassisted and drift to the floor. is this a real thing

: luzerne county, PA: wont certify election. come at me bro bro: ok, coming at you luzerne county, PA: …

: enema muckrodent: doctor is it serious? me taking off my glasses and sighing: i’m sorry mr …

: elbow musclecramp: holy shit!! ron desantis: what happen elbow? was it the libs? those bastards! how …

: what the main stream media wont tell you is that elton mustard’s four bedside diet coke cans …

: if you think eleanor muskroach’s (mis)management of twitter through his tweets is anything …

: gym leg day is awesome until its get out of bed and walk to the bathroom day

: elmo: great news guys tim apple has told me not to worry about the things i pulled straight out of …

: looking forward to the house committee telling us how many nigerian prince scams donald has tried to …

: wind storm outside dog: wakes up when a branch falls loudly in the woods and looks at me accusingly …

: publicly accusing the company you purchased for 44 billion of election meddling is quite a 5d chess …

: elmo has been framing and hanging his twitter shit-posts in the corporate office i guess to remind …

: holy shit i cannot wait for herschel walkers goofy face to disappear from headlines and not ever …

: I like how the gop is blaming donald’s staff for his Nazi dinner like how can you expect this …

: for an anti-government militia leader stewart rhodes sure gonna enjoy a lot of government lodging …

: great satan looking good today

: to everyone at the gym fake-lifting very heavy weights I have this to say: God is watching

: Kanye and Nick Fuentes for the next two years

: now I’m worried that I’m infringing on Elmo’s first amendment rights by not buying …

: so two red Arizona counties are refusing to certify the election as a political statement in support …

: Elmo really believes that companies not advertising on Twitter are infringing on the first amendment …

: what am I even looking at

: the eagles win me trying to high five the woman next to me at the bar and missing completely her: …

: at the farmers market me to my mushroom guy: are you all out of shallots? mushroom guy: well the …

: the size of Doug Pederson’s balls remains larger than average. nice win jaguars

: my wife just sold a painting she created using ash from a campfire that I created and I’m very …

: I think soccer would be a way sexier sport if the players wore dress shirts and ties with their …

: fucking hilarious to see a guy who’s so used to getting away with crimes as a CEO that …

: I see the orange man is dangling off a tree in Florida flinging feces at whoever approaches

: elon musk is so conventionally stupid. this is what most people are finding really hard to believe. …

: feeling bad for principled conservatives in the republican party who are unable to enact terrible …

: cheesesteak I know everyone says this all the time but I have found the best cheesesteak joint in the greater …

: you had dinner in a shitty florida club with an anti semite and a white supremacist. I had lunch …

: since I left Twitter for the second time yesterday I have bought two pairs of pants, returned one …

: it’s hard to enjoy a rap song without knowing the full context of whom the artist is …

: I’m going through an Indian hip hop phase. what would be the quickest way to get up to speed …

: seriously though, a political party that can’t do better than Herschel Walker should find a …

: donald would break bread with a dung beetle if it called him the greatest president in history and …

: Herschel Walker gonna lose by no fewer than five points (two touchdowns just so Herschel Walker can …

: most bad things in the world are caused by feeble minded men. everything else, religion

: Kanye West enters the maralago racially integrated dining room Kanye: hello maga Donald: hi Kanye …

: I have done a few things I’m proud of (composed music, dead lifted 310 once, convinced a dog …

: moved to a new mastodon server but none of my follows were moved and not all of my followers were …

: watching fire engines and ambulances speed around. happy throw wet turkey into hot oil day

: thankful that voters justified my cautious optimism about American democracy

: who would’ve thunk the red wave would involve turning Alaska blue

: thanksgiving eve dinner: grilled octopus, oysters on the shell and spicy mussels. for tomorrow we …

: thanksgiving menu: chuck roast low and slow sous vide, seared and sliced and covered in gravy with …

: your religion sucks ok. you’re demented. you’re being given special treatment that you …

: just spit balling this: perhaps we need to give countries an opportunity to improve their human …

: I need a t-shirt saying “nazism didn’t begin with concentration camps. it began with …

: that thing where the micro blog Android app is posting my replies 3 times is happening again

: me: hate speech is bad twitter: lol cry more lib mastodon: so..is speech hating on hate speech also …

: point: Twitter is a Nazi playground owned by a sociopathic CEO who’s going to platform …

: the normalization of hate speech leads to violence. no matter how much fascists try to hide behind …

: first fire of the season is underway

: donald trump was the inevitable culmination of American conservatism. elon musk is the inevitable …

: bye sarah palin. you were trump 1.0 and i’m glad your career in politics died after being …

: can’t wait for trumps announcement to slowly dismantle the republican party over the course of …

: went to the ER this morning for heart palpitations nurse: has anything changed in your lifestyle for …

: my boys Chris Cornell and Tom Petty look on and upon the flag I received during my naturalization …

: the dog has gained too much weight and my wife has warned me to halve his dinner portions and now …

: Pennsylvania, we did good. take tomorrow off

: the only time I voted before this was 29 years ago in India and I didn’t give a shit about …

: apparently donald is expected to announce his presidential candidacy today because 15 points is too …

: I hope someone’s working on an alternative real life network where we can move our real life …

: at the fetterman rally fetterman: I’ll vote to codify roe v wade everyone: YEAH little kid …

: went to a Montgomery county fetterman rally today. the thing about blue suburbs is, no matter how …

: trump terrorists tried to murder the vice president and the speaker of the house meanwhile Americans …

: watching elon musk try to manage Twitter is like watching a dog try to fuck a bicycle

: is there such a thing as sports exhaustion because I have it

: went to Twitter for the sports ranting came back because the new owner of Twitter is still a …

: what if I didn’t want to pay the salary of a man whose entire job description seems to be …

: I just feel like if it’s not worth getting passionate about it’s not worth being part of …

: I have spent the last twenty minutes in this bar trying to convince the old guy next to me that the …

: happy incarceration you pustulent ratfucker

: happy steve bannon sentencing day to those who observe

: election canvasser at my door: are you a Democrat me: of course what kind of a question is that holy …

: 55% of the United States is currently in drought or as we’ll call it a few years later, …

: some time ago I read an article essentially asking the question, climate change terrorism is coming, …

: red: gym green: Phillies playoff game

: I seem to have lost my wedding band does this mean I’m married to Jesus now

: 40% of this country is screaming about the january 6th committee being a witch hunt without having …

: really like herschel walkers new campaign slogan “i braves fan. so i cherokee indian”

: the government can’t prosecute you for lies. private citizens can litigate you for the …

: Alex Jones is the epitome of white Americans whom donald empowered to believe that laws don’t …

: the only difference between Alex Jones and Donald Trump is Alex Jones said he’s sorry for his …

: fucking wild that the top 3 stories on the wapo right now are about the former president of America …

: lol alex jones the year of accountability plugs onward

: breaking: donald trump scheduled to perjure himself in deposition next week

: the highlight of today was seeing this chukar scurrying along on the trail. chukars are game birds …

: I promise you they have a covid air test that they’re not releasing because it would result in …

: this is the biggest sporting weekend in the city of Philadelphia and adjacent suburbs since we won …

: I like when white Americans say they don’t identify with either party. oh okay so you …

: me: awesome jobs report stock market falls off a cliff me googling: what the fuck? thank you

: stupid ppl like herschel walker are dangerous for democracy but even more dangerous are sentient …

: you could throw a rock into an overflowing septic tank and hit a more qualified candidate than doug …

: little more than a month before i cast my first vote against trump fascism

: for a real time view into how nations fail because of fascism-bred mediocrity at the highest levels …

: the qualifying test for a “developed” country is it should not have herschel walker and …

: holy shit the Phillies are going to the playoffs

: who woulda thunk

: this makes me hopeful about the future of america, or at least, the 2022 elections.

: me: damn my brains stopped working me: shit that’s actually good

: perhaps I need to stop reading five thirty eight for mental health reasons

: it is heartbreaking to watch americans push the cart of their democracy over the edge of a cliff in …

: i guess we’re now a country where a former president can issue a literal call to assassinate a …

: after seeing a trump store in a local fall craft fair I sent this email to the organizers. if you …

: one day you’re spending your taxpayer money to fly migrants from texas to blue states, the …

: eat shit perla huerta (preferably out of a prison toilet). also make a sandwich for ron desantis

: my brain works best when I’m pleasantly inebriated especially when I’m happy such as …

: I don’t know man if you want me to donate to the Florida hurricane damage fund maybe …

: the problem with fall is not only do I have to worry about elections, fascism, fall colors, wet hop …

: dude at the Washington Nationals home game is wearing a save America hat. that’s like walking …

: the eagles are up by 6, the Phillies are up by 3 and a problem direct report called me to tell me …

: ron desantis: don’t tread on Florida bitches also ron desantis: respected sir/madam florida …

: saw a trump store stall at a local fall festival so obviously when we walked by it both my wife and …

: cool how America is an abusive relationship where liberals are expected to be empathic towards …

: in the airport electronic screener attendant: sir please pull your pants above your waist …

: more “free speech absolutists” need to be furious about the fact that America is banning …

: donald could say that hurricane Ian is bidens fault because he didn’t sharpie it through a …

: I want to ask this restaurant out on a date

: it’s been so long since I’ve been on a business trip I’m paying for alcohol with …

: the Philadelphia Phillies make me want to insert a finger into one ear, out the other and poke …

: really like mehmet “doctor” oz’s new campaign slogan “fetterman is too sexy …

: really like doug mastrianos new campaign slogan “I not winning so you stop eating”

: amazing how many people are and will be going to prison just because of a mediocre orange …

: motherfuckers will vote for the gop even after a once in 500 years climate catastrophe

: new orleans is one of those american cities where you walk around with a constant stupid grin on …

: me at every company event: hey man how you doing I’ve seen your name on slack

: god fucking damn I hate getting into a bar conversation with someone who is actually interested in …

: I am dangerously tired of explaining power, privilege, punching up and not down and the business …

: really like mehmet “doctor” oz’s new campaign slogan “I can’t find my …

: really like doug mastrianos new campaign slogan “I sad, no money. give money if you hate …

: when donald dies please make sure there’s someone next to his bed gently slapping him on his …

: really like mehmet “doctor” oz’s new campaign slogan “i hope avatar 2 is as …

: really like doug mastrianos new campaign slogan “go back to sleep folks I’m just here …

: head of the world bank doesn’t believe in climate change. bro maybe you should be head of a …

: my brain: screaming functional part of my brain: ok time to be functional my brain: ok screams …

: it’s not that hard to spot mediocrity or narcissism or mental illness in your politician. …

: narcissists dilemma donald: do I support this loser who’s going to lose or do I make money off …

: sometimes I feel like he’s judging me for my scratch scratch scratch sins

: donald: says some shit master dearie: are you willing to give this to me in writing donalds lawyers: …

: really like mehmet “doctor” oz’s new campaign slogan “guess which hand I …

: really like doug mastrianos new campaign slogan “my body my choice, tear my asshole up, …

: mehmet “doctor” oz, bouncing rocks in a parking lot and giggling mehmet …

: doug mastriano, gop candidate for PA governor having sex pictures jesus dying on a cross doug …

: “i can declassify a classified document just by thinking about it”: donald trump …

: dude next to me at the bar started drumming on the bar. turns out he was also a drummer and we had a …

: american conservatism is destined to lose in the long run because it relies completely on white …

: love when I meet really nice strangers at the bar

: India is a great place to live if you’re privileged and happy and satisfied with existing …

: embarrassing for donald’s trash judge Aileen “glub glub LAWWW” cannon

: really like mehmet “doctor” oz’s new campaign slogan “i know the gina in …

: really like doug mastrianos new campaign slogan “vote for me so i can make elections …

: black women are gonna keep donald and fascist criminals accountable while white men sit around …

: sings to here comes the sun here comes the pain, do do donald

: ron desantis going to prison for human trafficking should be a splendid end to this year of …

: really like herschel walker’s new campaign slogan “i not smart. my opponent smart. so …

: when I say I have faith in the system this is what I mean. donald can try his best to fuck with it, …

: watching the eagles game last night in a bar they show bradley cooper in the stadium, who’s an …

: restaurants need to come up with a way for patrons to tip other patrons who are being nice to their …

: really like mehmet “doctor” oz’s new campaign slogan “:) (i smile at …

: really like doug mastrianos new campaign slogan “spread wide the crack in your heart and slide …

: a country capable of electing a horrifically mediocre performative imbecile like marjorie taylor …

: how much doom can one brain gloom? stay tuned

: really like mehmet “doctor” oz’s new campaign slogan “I can spell …

: really like doug mastrianos new campaign slogan “we’re here and we’re queer (for …

: every time I see a fetterman sign in upstate rural pa I feel safe somewhat

: bought self serve firewood from a local resident me: one stack cost 25 bucks but I didn’t have …

: I have finally found the hot but not overly vinegary buffalo chicken wings I’ve been looking …

: really like mehmet “doctor” oz’s new campaign slogan “I’ll change my …

: I really like doug mastrianos new campaign slogan “tickle my balls and i’ll lick your …

: hear me out: if you refuse to say whether you’ll acknowledge the results of an election it …

: old people are all haha climate change deal with it like you deal with my diapers also I’m …

: soldiers sitting around a campfire in valley forge. one says it’s probably time to turn in …

: just read an article on how Midwestern farmers accept climate change but still vote gop because …

: ron desantis is trump without the debilitating self defeating psychoses that turned off white …

: wife’s watching a show about how a couple bought and fixed up a French chateau meanwhile …

: imagine doing this for some made up garbage shit called “the royal family”

: imagine giving Tom Brady a two minute warning

: it’s terrifying that the US armed forces have ppl like doug mastriano on the payroll. doug …

: the only thing migrant bussing is proving is that “liberal elites” aren’t trumpy …

: anyone who thinks trump didnt commit crimes is a fool. anyone who thinks trump wont get indicted on …

: it’s so weird that the republican “base” never realizes how the party is making …

: just applied to be a poll worker. gonna participate the shit out of this democracy

: woman in front of me at the hotel check-in line: excuse me, my room key didn’t work concierge: …

: at the bar guy next to me: I hate the cowboys me: yeah man fuck the cowboys guy: yes but please …

: guy at the bar just gave me the best compliment I have ever received. he says I’ll always …

: nobody: Indians: sir please can we have the kohinoor back now

: I want white Americans to introspect on why so many of you thought that Donald Trump, an …

: if Herschel “holy shit is that poor man getting medical help for his brain” Walker wins …

: the highlight of our day today in Chicago and there were a lot of highlights in the few hours …

: feels weird to call him King Charles. to me he’s always been little prince Charles

: hi football I’ve missed you

: I like how white democrats and leftists are suddenly very enthusiastic about elections after the …

: we made it through a once in a century pandemic. holy shit

: I like how Donald is shambling around the place thinking he’s king maker while the people in …

: pennsylvania will teach the gop the important lesson that the maga cult by itself will not win you a …

: I told my mother that I bought a portable music looper device and was explaining to her what it did …

: I’ve never related to a car bumper sticker this much

: driving around in the Philly exurbs, traditionally very white and leaning conservative. for every …

: when’s the time for the media to start reporting anything Donald says as the ravings of a …

: watching Biden speak the other day passionately against fascism is the first time I’ve ever …

: we’re officially under a drought warning does this mean someone from the bureau of land …

: glad to see that trillions of dollars later the United States has achieved military parity with the …

: enjoy your last visit to northeastern Pennsylvania before you get indicted you shitsipping orange …

: lord cradle me in thy arms and take away my news

: starting to realize that a healthy lifestyle when you’re young is basically doing what you …

: shittiest movie trailer opening line ever

: been reading a lot about burning man and it’s now definitely something I want to do before I …

: never thought even one pennsylvanian would feel that grubby human shawarma doug mastriano would make …

: the fact that this dangerous imbecile overwhelming won the gop nomination for pa governor has us …

: it’s so weird to have a president who doesn’t tell his supporters to murder his hecklers

: holy shit Biden finally gave the “I’m a single issue anti fascist motherfucker and if …

: seriously, how fucking stupid do you have to be to go on some rando radio show and claim that …

: has any former president of America incited domestic terrorism in such an open fashion? this is not …

: gonna be fun watching all of Trump’s “allies” throw him under the bus starting …

: Lindsay Graham running around buying toilet paper in the grocery with a dribbly butthole

: if Sarah Palin losing to a Democrat in Alaska doesn’t make you bullish on the midterms what …

: what’s your favorite alanis morrisette song about a dude wearing a “trump 2016: fuck …

: it’s really quite something that a sitting us senator is threatening violence if the leader of …

: having that kind of weekend where I don’t feel like sharing my happiness online because …

: I like how shooting stars make you question your vision

: sounds about right

: I don’t think people understand how sociopathic it is for someone with that kind of money to …

: staying in an Airbnb in Vermont this weekend. gonna explore all the places that my wife and I first …

: its funny how the republicans who scream about voter fraud are the ones actually committing the …

: if i’m paying for your kids education you need to pay for my dog’s medical expenses

: Mississippi is underwater. but it’s more important to vote for the Donald Trump who screams at …

: it’s hard to know if I’m thinking rationally when the world is facing so many …

: what an awesome wonderful wapo article about how lawns are pointless harmful wildlife desert pieces …

: biden had another major win today and the democrats seem to be in better position for the midterms …

: it’s cute that oz thinks he’s still campaigning for the gop primary trying to win over …

: the trump gop incited terrorism against chinese americans during covid. it incited terrorism against …

: cautiously bullish about the midterms

: is it time for texans to vote against climate change yet or still gonna vote for racism and guns

: I made a big old fire

: there’s no shame in speaking truth

: I yearn so hard for white anti fascist people. if you’re a white anti fascist I would hug the …

: in the brewery young guy drumming a beat loudly on the bar waiting for his beer me to myself: dude …

: I’m more excited about voting in an election than the eagles season

: this is the very first time ever that fall colors have sunk my heart. because it’s nowhere …

: one thing I learned very late in my life is you are allowed to appreciate things that no one else …

: it is okay to be mentally ill or republican. what is not okay is not treating that as a problem

: most republican politicians are mentally ill. no one has told them they’re mentally ill …

: there are moments in my life when I’m like I’m having the best time of my life. this is …

: I’m sorry what? the gop candidate for pa governor is a young earther?

: the Hillary Clinton campaign was the last non performative campaign. it was assumed that the whites …

: you can fool a lot of people with your performance theater. but to the rest of us you’ll still …

: the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. where we perform for the white stupids. and it is fucking …

: the life hack is to be able to have fun and be happy by yourself. have your happiness be independent …

: holy shit, I’m standing outside on my deck at night listening to an eastern screech owl …

: “bordering on unintelligible”. basically all of contemporary American conservatism in a …

: when anyone tells you why trump shouldn't be prosecuted the only proper response is fuck you one thing to remember when people scream and shout and whimper and wail, doesn’t matter …

: grateful to every news organization who is now accompanying their headlines with the picture of a …

: kind of strange that sarah “dumber than an empty bag of hammers” palin who supports …

: it’s apparent to everyone other than the dumbest of trump supporters that donald wants to see …

: fascinating that paying homage to trump and repeating his lies isn’t enough anymore to qualify …

: it was only a matter of time before I got a customized Viking ox-horn beer mug

: fetterman up by 18, shapiro up by 15. keep nominating those dirty trumpies, gop

: Florida is officially a failed state. which explains why the Republican base loves its governor

: what stage of trumper grief is it where you start to argue that the constitution doesnt prevent …

: donald could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and rand paul would introduce a bill to …

: at least bin laden was smart enough to hide out in tora bora after doing crimes and terrorism and …

: trust me you want to have fun every single day. treat every single day with the dignity of …

: there’s no friends or family anymore there’s just fascists and your fellow anti fascists

: he really needs to stop hiring lawyers from Craig’s list

: if there’s one thing I’ve learnt in my 25 years living in this country it’s …

: espionage act was not on my trump goes to prison bingo

: the difference between liberals and fascists

: I promise you most of maga world doesn’t know what a warrant is and that trump himself has a …

: holy shit we survived a pandemic. and dethroned a fascist. we’re fucking legit

: highlight of the day: driving down into the Wyoming valley to Wilkes Barre and the brewery where we …

: holy shit I prefer bears to humans

: patiently trying to explain to my parents why finding out that they have covid from them is better …

: holy fuck what do I have to do to stop my brain from thinking about fascism for one goddamn second

: you thought January 6 was bad, wait until trump gets indicted and convicted. but this is what it was …

: by the time things are over and done there’s going to be considerable violence bloodshed and …

: more blood on donald’s hands and everyone else who’s feeding his sociopathy in the gop …

: just passed a gas station selling regular for less than four bucks a gallon and felt a slight …

: the trump terror attacks have begun, assisted and incited by the mainstream Republican party and Fox …

: my parents finally got covid, luckily the mild variant. puts down the try and prevent parents from …

: we’ve lived here for 3 years and only today I come to know there’s a 349 acre wildlife …

: highlight of the day: brought my half bike out of hibernation and on to the trail

: baseball, beer, boom box, birds, bug spray, bitronella borch. what else do you need on a Wednesday …

: i dont know how the iranian assassin was planning to find john bolton was he just gonna check every …

: every day i get madder about 2016 and everyone who was complicit in it. fuck you all. because of you …

: just saw a couple of fetterman signs in my rural red mountain town. is my man actually gonna bring …

: ppl keep asking me how can you not be afraid of bears and im like bears didnt vote for donald trump

: excited to see how fox news is gonna spin this

: sitting by my campfire and a giant black bear strolls into my backyard towards my bird feeder. …

: it’s weird to think there are people young enough who don’t know there was a time when …

: watching trumpism unfold in real time I dare you to tell me religion is harmless as long as …

: highlight of today: bowl of air fried spicy masala chicken hearts for dinner lowlight of today: …

: there’s a massive unsolicited bull thistle growing in the middle of our yard. bull thistles …

: checking the firepit before starting a campfire me: hello, any froggies in here? me: holy shit …

: the FBI have been busy the past couple of days. and so has, I assume Mr Garland.

: desperately trying to convince myself to not trundle down to my little mountain bar in my Biden …

: kinda worried that in the coming days and weeks and months I’m gonna od on maga tears

: Fox news and the Republican party could avert the upcoming violent civil war by being honest with …

: the fact that donald hasn’t said one word about the nature of the search warrant but a lot of …

: the same people who screamed lock her up for an imaginary crime are now screaming abuse of power for …

: donald will go to prison for his crimes and you cant do shit about it but feel free to try because …


: amazing that ppl are shocked that the FBI searched the house of a guy who openly attempted a violent …

: intellectual heavyweights warning everyone that the fbi raiding the clown kings palace will help the …

: things are going to escalate fast. anticipate violent trump terrorism and hope at least some part of …

: i just feel like it should be bigger news that americas top military official was going to resign …

: one of the numerous ways in which you can avoid having your stupid palace raided by the fbi is by …

: when I die put me next to a campfire and play the music I like and listen to it really listen to it …

: the worst thing about every fucking thing that is happening right now is I have the luxury of …

: I can’t remember the last time I was just sitting and not worrying about something

: this campfire pauses its music for owl calls

: I didn’t know about the existence of slugs until I moved into the woods and everything I …

: imagine flying a giant flag with this man’s name on it in your front yard

: fucking exhausting to constantly try and come up with a way to passive aggressively motivate the …

: it’s amazing that the thing that is going to destroy our civilization is social networks. it …

: I envy white people man they sit around their campfires getting drunk without a care in the world …

: actually I don’t know if donald gonna survive long enough to die of scrotal polio. Ivanka …

: when donald dies of scrotal polio it’s gonna be fun to watch the media try to balance the fact …

: this is why Bernie and blue bubble progressives will never win any elections outside of their blue …

: open primaries for every election. what are we fucking waiting for?

: just got a warning notification from my weather app saying Pete Davidson has broken up with Kim …

: guys I don’t know if this season of life needs another simultaneous war and pandemic. what are …

: please let me know when everyone’s done getting their second covid infection

: the shittiest thing about the times we live in is that objectively bad people are making a lot of …

: it’s that time of night when my worst fears are colliding with my favorite music. the morn …

: I can’t watch a movie if there’s the possibility of a dog dying

: hopefully this makes other rancid online motherfuckers think twice before spreading toxic lies on …

: good to know: the smallpox vaccine (supposedly) has some protection against monkeypox bad to know: …

: the theme for my towns first Friday celebration today is the 80s. the themed costume I’m gonna …

: I have no data to back this but I’m pretty confident that doug mastriano smells of raw ass …

: Bernie just texted me to ask me to donate to the squad. Bernie with all due respect I’d rather …

: 2022 gonna be known as the year of comeuppance for the American scumbag community

: lol pay up Alex Jones, vile scumbag. and then pay up some more

: fucking new trump store on the way to my ramen place. fucking pisses me off. here’s your one …

: If I see a trump sign at your business I will give you a bad review motherfucker

: I’m in the mental state of giving terrible reviews to fascist business establishments

: I like how every trumpy gop primary candidate is all, if i win it’s all good but if I lose …

: singing in the tune of alanis morrisette’s ironic craft breweries are facing tough decisions …

: its not been a good day in court for dumpster slime alex jones

: closely following gop midterm primaries in states that are not even Pennsylvania as a matter of life …

: it is to the credit of American democracy that it has continued to exist despite its flaws, despite …

: hey look who’s in an extremely distant 5th place in the Missouri senate gop primary. my shitty …

: the most predictable thing about “free speech absolutists” is how they aren’t free …

: when I first came to this country I was so envious of people who smelled so good until I went to a …

: I have a mild urge to restart posting on Twitter and refrain from doomscrolling but I’m pretty …

: if you think there’s too much “wokeness” in art, the goddamn fucking asshole here …

: I’m reading Chuck Wendigs “the book of accidents”. this is only the second ever …

: it’s just sad and pathetic that the gops best alternative to trump is an anti vaxxer buffoon …

: white Americans are okay with their homes burning in forest fires and drowning in floods as long as …

: is this the first time in the history of this country where the platform of one of the major …

: that a mediocre intellectual lightweight like marc thiessen can make a comfortable living penning …

: some day I’ll be staring at a campfire and not be thinking about work or fascism

: I used to think white people were as intelligent as other races until they didn’t realize …

: just listened to ajay atuls bai ga and finally someone gathered the cojones to combine raag puriya …

: you may not think of yourself as special but if you’re sitting outside and you smell the …

: we’ve been taught to be tolerant of religion. you know what fuck that shit. I don’t have …

: anyone who believes in life after death is a danger to society. denormalize this fucking shit.

: standing on my deck listening to an eastern screech owl that is at the most thirty feet away from me

: just watched the brilliant 2015 movie the invitation and I don’t know what to do with this …

: the difference between having centrist Democrats in Congress vs having progressives in Congress is …

: certainly glad one of the country’s foremost newspapers is normalizing the domestic terrorist …

: this is the election where the Republican party finally realizes how much donald has damaged it by …

: even in an election marketplace crowded with mentally incapacitated gop candidates Herschel Walker …

: this is the most convincing article I’ve read that makes the case that Donald Trump is going …

: new trump store in my neighborhood. everything’s fine walks through a baby slicer

: glad that this blotchy motherfucker is finally aging as fast as he made us age in four years

: I cannot emotionally connect to anything other than nature this is probably some kind of mental …

: hate when moths fly into the fire. I wish they would stay a bit land on my arm let’s listen to …

: suburban deck night life is exquisite perhaps not as much as cabin campfire night life but it still …

: it’s amazing the shit you can actually accomplish towards mitigating climate change if you …

: it’s cute that blue bubble progressives think they can rail at the democratic party all day …

: it rained today for the first time since the heat wave began. glad I can stop worrying about climate …

: alternative headline: garbage juvenile fascist fails in grifting attempt

: sitting outside on the deck enjoying a drink and listening to music neighbor comes outside to water …

: I know it’s early but lol this is what happens when you let a malignant fascist leader empower …

: this is the bipartisan organization I will be donating to these midterms (other than my Pennsylvania …

: the wheels at the DOJ are finally turning in public. I hope whoever is being paid to empty …

: if you hate the American two party system of democracy because it involves compromise and …

: people always think they can weaponize the sociopathy of the narcissist to their advantage but hey …

: whenever I sit by a campfire I miss every single person with whom I’ve ever sat by a campfire

: whenever you feel guilty about burning a campfire because of climate change remember that your …

: hate when I’m driving and a song has either a siren or birdsong in it I keep checking my rear …

: rando guy at the bar to his bud: I don’t drink bud light anymore even though I like it because …

: race day at the Poconos raceway in the Pennsylvania mountains, which means, yes, pop-up roadside …

: I like summer because everybody is happy in summer other than Donald Trump

: holy shit I found a happy news headline

: rotten tomatoes needs to stop including Kyle Smith, an exceptionally mediocre right wing reviewer in …

: America is no more a country split between left and right, it’s a country split between …

: just donated to Liz Cheney. 2004 me would be so confused and angry at 2022 me. stfu 2004 me you …

: other than the effects of climate change the one thing I’m seeing more recently in the greater …

: everything that has happened in America in the past 6 years can be easily explained using this as a …

: I hope someone’s gonna release a peer reviewed paper soon titled “reversing climate …

: I never thought I would say this but I would vote for Liz Cheney over AOC for president

: doing a crossword puzzle ram’s mate me: lol easy starts writing sita wait only three letters?

: good luck to every living organism trying to stay alive out there in this heat wave. one more day to …

: what the January 6 committee hasn’t shown, because they’re not litigating the matter but …

: more blood on Donald Trump’s hands. dumbfuck blood but still blood

: not to worry, the gay guy candle company is on the case

: and thus begins human fart balloon stephen k bannon’s first prison term

: eagerly awaiting the jury’s verdict in the contempt trial of united states vs explosive …

: wondering if footage of josh hawley’s january 6 terrified scamper will have an effect on the …

: is it me or does the polio virus look very habitable

: in a few years we went from arizona is THE place to move to everyone in arizona is gonna die if we …

: it’s inevitable that one day the weather forecasters gonna be like the high temperature on …

: knuckle dragging slavering barking stupid rural imbeciles mired in mediocrity blaming everyone but …

: where is the insurrection video of ted cruz in a fetal position rocking back and forth hugging his …

: in his defense yesterday is a hard word to say when you have spicy miso ramen washing around in your …

: how do I tell the crickets the fireflies the bullfrogs that we’re not gonna make it

: I’m trying to process why Americans aren’t fucking furious about a president just …

: it’s grotesque how there’s a wholesale resignation about how nothing that is disclosed …

: holy shit just tell me which tv channel is analysing the January 6 hearings with the seriousness …

: a close friend lost his dad, migratory monarch butterflies are now officially endangered and I came …

: may I suggest to rachel maddow and company on MSNBC not to treat these hearings like a ratings …

: white suburbanites trying to protect their kids from American history and LGBTQ ppl while the planet …

: feels like this is the literal everything burning apocalypse the christian evangelicals have been …

: this is how you run a business

: I don’t know why people are still wondering why the fuck Donald is still openly trying to …

: me: no matter how bad things get at least we got rid of polio opens browser

: getting very hard to tell if we even have a planet anymore

: my absolute two favorite live concerts on film: Soundgarden live from the artists den and Nirvana …

: can’t wait

: we’re gonna keep America blue you fucking ingrates

: most people immigrate to America fleeing fascism. shit was bad in my home country because of that …

: put some money in my Roth IRA just in case we make it out of next year

: proud that my congressional rep Madeleine Dean got arrested at an abortion rights rally outside the …

: there’s literally nothing I’m looking forward to this year more than voting against …

: America has always been an imperfect democracy. but she’s always been striving to get to …

: I thought the Pennsylvania gop gubernatorial candidate was a steaming bucket of trump fascism but …

: seamlessly transitioning from okay mental health to incapacitation

: is there any other country in the world where the former president promised to pardon everyone who …

: motherfuckers gonna vote for cheaper gas while the planet combusts, you can’t visit a mall …

: fucking insane that there was a time when domestic terrorist Steve Bannons rotting carcass had …

: [Steve Bannon] (https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2022/07/politics/steve-bannon-us-democracy/) is a …

: I am dead serious if you voted for trump or didn’t vote in 2016 pick up a tooth pick and …

: this

: damn right

: American conservatism is all about hatred and resentment. American liberalism is all about fairness …

: I don’t think anyone in the rnc, a “January 6 was legitimate political discourse” …

: i like how a dude who watches tv in bed until late afternoon and whose primary means of getting …

: very much looking forward to elon musk trashing twitter on a daily basis even while he owns it

: i dont know how tesla manages to hire anyone when it’s common knowledge that the ceo is a …

: I would love to have donald run again in 2024 from prison because he will lose again but the thing …

: hate when I get a 79 sleep score. if only I hadn’t gotten up to pee. if only I hadn’t …

: my favorite thing about Twitter is I wasn’t allowed to ask someone to eat shit and die but …

: good luck to the secret service agent planning to commit perjury. actually, fuck you.

: every fetterman text starts with “oh no”. dude you’re preaching to the choir

: I rarely say this about any human being alive or dead but Herschel Walker might be dumber than …

: watching zindagi na milegi dobara for the twentieth time because I like this idea of having friends …

: Twitter was complicit in January 6. anybody paying any attention could foresee that Trump’s …

: this is how you debate with mediocre performative mucus bowls like josh hawley

: looks like gas prices are going down. if they go down enough and inflation goes down maybe we can …

: I’m still laughing about how donald destroyed his own presidency by denying covid because …

: so happy to have exchanged twitter likes for fireflies bullfrogs and my neighbors annoying heavy …

: fucking around with my new flkey 37 midi controller for flstudio. this has a serious potential to …

: her guys just checking again, how’s your 2016 protest vote looking now

: congresswoman stephanie murphy just said the exact same thing i have been screaming to any american …

: every white suburbanite has to watch today’s hearing to know the seriousness of what america …

: the most impressive thing about these hearings is the methodic questioning that builds up the …

: you gotta appreciate giuliani and sidney powell’s willingness to act batshit crazy on video …

: i will be astonished if mark meadows doesn’t flip after this hearing

: pat cipollone is making the case for criminal intent.

: if you’re a member of congress whos not watching this hearing you should be expelled

: pat cipollone’s testimony is going to seal the deal (i hope)

: liz cheney just threw a final life line to trumps inner circle to flip on him. what a move.

: this is a long read but an incredible first person account by insurrectionist oath keeper stewart …

: biden has a 33% approval rating and he’s still beating donald 44-41% for 2024. everybody calm …

: literally every other media headline: parkland dad disrupts Biden event marking new gun law new york …

: I don’t understand all the galaxy brain articles and pundits comparing bidens current approval …

: very cool that donald is charging people money to come hear him scream about the big lie. just …

: some day I’m gonna enjoy voting for president pete buttigieg

: Donald spoke personally with Stewart Rhodes didn’t he? that would explain his witness …

: embarrassing for this country that even one person believes this con artist when all this pretty …

: white leftists and trumpists love to fantasize about anarchism, dismantle the American system of …

: I will fucking not tolerate any Democrats are the same as Republicans bullshit on my timeline. …

: america is going to endure a whole lot of white supremacist terrorism because a drunk demented …

: since no one else is gonna point this out may I bring your attention to the fact that calling the …

: thoughts and prayers for everyone who ejaculated a little bit in their pants at the thought of elon …

: found a whole bunch of wild garlic scapes growing next to our cabin so breakfast tomorrow gonna be …

: if nothing else elon musk reintroduced many people to life outside of Twitter. thank you mr goober …

: worst use of a billion dollars ever

: nirvana live at the Paramount holy shit

: loving not feeling like I have to wave and smile at the local police every time I see them because …

: just watched the Superbowl 56 halftime show again and holy fuck was it good

: watching my favorite coke studio song under the light of my favorite satellite ref: (Roshe by zeb …

: I like how every step of this journey is independently delightful

: game over, donald. might as well start picking out your prison trousers

: so just to be clear Americans would rather have a president who attempted a violent coup over one …

: sometimes I feel like the only reason I’m on any social network is because where else can I …

: you can make anyone believe anything if you can frame it as an attack on their race or religion

: anyways back to the campfire and maybe I should just throw my fucking phone in the campfire

: the problem is religion. white Christian racists are making minorities vote for racism by focusing …

: working on my laptop on a picnic table next to a campfire in the middle of the woods listening to …

: I don’t know man it just feels like the mansion people have already started making post earth …

: holy shit this is the comprehensively angry 4th of July editorial piling truth after truth after …

: I fucking hate ketchup

: country music is the ketchup of music

: the smell of the forest as you sit by a campfire. grateful for every day I get to be alive in Billy …

: don lemon is drunk right

: everything is a whole lot more fun when you’re doing it for the first time as a citizen …

: Merrick Garland watching the fireworks through the window Merrick Garlands mother closes the window …

: just stood for my first national anthem as a citizen next to a blazing campfire just like our …

: how are we going to fight aliens when we can’t even get rid of Donald Trump? yes obviously …

: all I’ve done all day today is sit in my backyard listening to music and watching various …

: the women for trump sign in my town is gone and I don’t know whether to hope she got over …

: any hot take that justifies overturning roe v wade because it should be a state level decision is an …

: it’s funny how bears never walk up from a distance they just materialize out of thin air. …

: I miss when guitarists in music videos played hot solos on mountain peaks

: watching 90s mtv music videos because murica

: holy shit how much longer are Americans going to subject themselves to gun trauma instead of telling …

: if not now, when

: such a magical country being eaten away by greed consumerism religion and racism

: 2016 was not a hard choice. vote for the smart competent lady over the dumb rapey fascist. you …

: I refuse to get anxious about this country while watching a hummingbird gather spiderwebs for her …

: call me a cockeyed optimist or whatever the fuck but I’m reasonably sure that by the time this …

: happy independence day to everyone who believes that Donald Trump is a violent domestic terrorist …

: this country is valuable. not the people, they’re just baggage. what matters is the wildlife, …

: what if, and hear me out here, instead of lighting firecrackers we just got together and listened to …

: if there’s one thing I’ve learnt living in the woods it’s that insects have an …

: remind me to not climb a tree if I’m being chased by a bear

: pat cipollone = final nail in trumps coffin

: if Donald Trump was a black Democrat he would already be in prison for the rest of his life and the …

: sitting here by the campfire missing nothing of my past because it was all toxic. I’m all …

: playing music by the campfire softly me: shit I’m a citizen now raises the fucking volume of …

: the older I get the more I realize that my recollections of my life are only loosely based on my …

: very much enjoying this no character limit to allow my mind to wander from reality to farce. …

: at the brewery bartender: have you been here before, I remember your face me: she remembers us! my …

: I like how my wife completely disengages mentally when she visits her friends and family. I’m …

: chicken hearts mixed with garam masala and salt and air fried at 400 for 10 minutes then topped with …

: sitting in my reading nook watching the Phillies game and I watch this gigantic black bear saunter …

: got up too quickly from my bench and scared all the deer that were apparently right behind me. I …

: the only reason Donald keeps trying to overturn the 2020 election is because the 2016 election was …

: mediocre people like Donald Trump and Jordan Peterson believe they hold some kind of leadership role …

: every headline about Jordan Peterson should start with the words “mediocre self important …

: I wish more white Americans would realize the implications of the fact that anyone saying anything …

: in the brewery customer 1: I’ll have the gosay customer 2: actually it’s pronounced goss …

: I was sitting in the cabin backyard staring into the trees and using the alone downtime to think …

: me driving into a sweet old pa mountain town with cute houses on my way to a brewery me: this is …

: this is purely anecdotal but ever since the January 6 hearings began I’ve been seeing trump …

: my deck vegetable garden has yielded 6 cherry tomatoes and 2 cayenne peppers which makes me eligible …

: I don’t know why ppl are shocked by qanon it’s basically every abrahamic religion except …

: spending the long weekend alone because sometimes a man gotta spend time alone in the woods with his …

: this can’t be good for the democrats in the midterms. damn you biden

: wife: can you turn on the AC me: it’s nice outside I can just open the windows and dog starts …

: my favorite new historical discovery in Philly while I was there for my naturalization interview was …

: I have partied so hard between my naturalization interview and oath ceremony I’m now two …

: trump: I did not grab the steering wheel of the car. how would I even do that secret service: he …

: I genuinely believe that with the shit that remains to be still exposed by the January 6 hearings …

: pretty much zero probability that this textbook witness tampering was ordered by anyone other than …

: this here is a clear cut case of armed insurrection that will ensure trump never holds office again …

: let merrick garland do his job. these things take time. let him get his shit in order before he …

: these are insane numbers. he’s fucking toast.

: the person who comes off the worst in these hearing other than trump is Mark Meadows, a mediocre …

: there’s a 90% possibility that the select committee held the emergency hearing today to give …

: this is where the gop starts to disengage from Donald. not fully. that will happen with the video …

: the first hour of the hearing was absolutely incriminating for Donald. the second hour will be …

: that was the most devastating hour of hearings for Donald Trump Mark Meadows and Rudy Giuliani. I …

: holy shit the Jan 6 hearings just proved beyond doubt that trump was planning to lead an armed mob …

: what did you guys do the night before getting your US citizenship? I’m eating a Wendy’s …

: first amendment motherfucker. that’s the good shit

: gonna take the train down to the city tomorrow morning with my friend Jeremy to get my US …

: with all due respect, fuck your religion. seriously, fuck that shit. move the fuck on. are you …

: enjoying my final evening as a citizen of India with my man Jeremy who’s gonna accompany me …

: 1 we’re well on our way to being a theocracy. 2 white Christians still don’t understand …

: the emergency jan 6 hearing tomorrow makes me feel like they’ve discovered something explosive …

: suburban democrats are switching to the republican party because of dumbfuck garbage like …

: this is pretty much all you need to read that explains why trump does the things he does. which is …

: if you don’t want the DOJ to prosecute trump because: 1 it will appear politically motivated 2 …

: the first amendment is why I have decided to tie my horse to this wagon. without the first amendment …

: firefly season is my favorite season

: my dad is concerned that the citizenship ceremony will require me taking an oath on the bible. …

: 9/11 terrorist attack hero assaulted by a “slap on the back”

: grilled chicken hearts and sauted sea beans with spring garlic for my loved ones. happy Bourdain day

: my town summer beer fest is back for the first time after a hiatus of three years not sure why. very …

: there’s only one aspect of my belief system that hasn’t changed at all in the past …

: I will never give up on this country just because it’s the only one founded on rock solid …

: if you won’t let a user design your product why would you vote a populist into government

: so how many kids are Clarence Thomas and his insurrectionist wife gonna foster

: the fact that any American has to live in fear that their human rights could be suddenly and …

: be loud in your beliefs. loudness works. if your beliefs have substance but you’re not loud …

: this is how the Republican party dies and good fucking riddance

: good luck to forced birth states trying to attract new business and talent especially in this new …

: who could’ve ever imagined that electing a serial sexual predator as president would lead to …

: i cant even imagine how terrified the LGBTQ community must be right now knowing the supreme court is …

: how the fuck are you supposed to live in a country where a large swath of people around you dont …

: what the fuck kind of shithole country have we created where a neighbor reads the news while taking …

: its a fucking shit thing to have to say considering i’ll be a citizen in 4 days but this …

: hey guys are both parties the same? I still can’t fucking tell because I’m a gibbering …

: congratulations on your 2016 vote to turn America into a shithole country

: I’m sick to my stomach. fuck you

: every 2016 protest vote leftist has blood on their hands. you have made America an oppressor state …

: a friend is in tears on WhatsApp. my wife and neighbor just walked in. they’re both in tears. …

: your 2016 protest vote will kill a lot of women. hope you can live with that.

: I can’t remember when my brain wasn’t at defcon 1

: some of my happiest moments have been spent in a philly bar waiting for the last train to the …

: I a democrat will be donating to Liz Cheneys campaign for the following reasons: fuck you I’m …

: I’m in a weird Philly bar and it reminds me of all the times that I spent in a weird Philly …

: i’m seeing many republicans start paying attention to the hearings in good faith. we dont need …

: perhaps this country might be doing better if we didn’t have an entire voting demographic …

: after watching today’s hearing it seems inevitable that even if the DOJ or local jurisdictions …

: there are so many cowardly corrupt Republicans like ted Cruz and the rest of the gang of sedition …

: holy crap a lot of people are going to prison

: the more I watch these hearings the more I’m convinced Donald is going to prison on multiple …

: aaand we have the first first hand testimony of the day of trump asking someone to break the law

: every Republican in America should be watching this hearing to see how fascism eventually comes …

: is anyone else experiencing a crippling anxiety about the future of this country or should I start …

: this is the difference between privilege and not privilege whenever anything happens you …

: still gonna try my best and probably die doing it

: it’s hilarious how hard it is to get white people in America to recognize trump fascism. …

: Donald Trump former president of America. this is more embarrassing than the Iraq invasion

: someone in this bar is hijacking my playlist so I’m gonna fuck your shit up with Pantera

: guy next to me at the bar talking to me about golf and how he’s not doing well me uninterested …

: someone in this bar is playing the absolute worst white rock covers of good songs so I played …

: happy father’s day weekend. remember you have the choice to not be a father and it might be …

: the history of Philadelphia is not just centered around the American revolution but also the …

: I have fun new experiences every time I do anything. I think that’s a valuable life skill also …

: continuing with my explorations of the day, on my way to the skippack creek, found this cricket …

: went for a hike by the lazy Schuylkill, noticed the new pedestrian bridge that crosses over into …

: trump is the clear and present danger but this motherfucker right here is the future danger

: I have threatened my town with a protest scene if they reinvite a vendor selling trump flags and toy …

: I love my life in the white suburbs and I also know white suburbanites around me are going to vote …

: mark my words if elected ron desantis will be the functional fascist president donald could only …

: “free speech absolutist” elon musk has fired employees for writing a letter critical of …

: I’ve been “homeless” for more than a decade now, estranged from my country of …

: if you’re a way better person after you left politics perhaps your politics weren’t very …

: it’s been a happy week. let’s do this more often

: it’s going to be a beautiful weekend up in the mountains. haven’t been to the cabin for …

: holy shit these are good numbers

: John Eastman’s gonna fold and throw Donald under the bus if Mark Meadows doesn’t do it …

: there will always be 30% delusional cult maga in this country. but I have no doubt that there are …

: there is zero doubt and abundant evidence that trump committed crimes and we haven’t even …

: every single American should be watching these hearings either live or taped. the select committee …

: John Eastman is going to prison

: I like how native wildflowers are all stop staring at me you know I’m only gonna flower August …

: now that I’m not on Twitter I’m finding myself getting mad late at night about work …

: labradford by the fireflies and bullfrogs

: I like how you can find the answer to literally any stupid question on the internet like can I feed …

: the pixel 6 night vision is mind blowing. this was shot in complete darkness no flash

: I don’t think i enjoy anything as much as I enjoy cooking in summer with fresh seasonal …

: this is an insane article and criminally implicates both Jeffrey Clark and Donald Trump

: it’s only one poll and way early but fettermans up by 9 and shapiro’s up by 4. …

: one single extraordinarily mediocre mentally incapacitated narcissistic man has managed to …

: this is intent. donald is going to prison.

: always remember tomorrow whatever

: it shouldn’t be this hard for white people to be fucking mad and concerned about a violent …

: my hope for this country is based on this: there are two kinds of Republicans. the trumpists, the …

: at the naturalization interview USCIS officer: have you ever committed genocide me: lol USCIS …

: just realized that soon I’ll never have to deal with the US immigration service ever again and …

: the uscis already sent me an oath ceremony notice. it’s Tuesday after next. looking forward to …

: the pa gop has no idea what its up for in the next election. now that I’ll be a citizen …

: now that I’m back to earth I have to admit that my naturalization interview was more than a …

: as I get off the train from Philly what do I see but my own personal naturalization ceremony in …

: listen to immigrants. we chose this country over the country of our birth and we often offer …

: the last three years have been an emotional roller coaster

: I had planned to work in a Philly shared office space for the rest of the afternoon but then these …

: stepped in dog poop while walking the streets of Philly waiting for my pub to open then spent some …

: walked from 30th Street station to city hall to blow Billy Penn a kiss and formally anoint his woods …

: approved. oath taking in a couple of weeks. thanks for the good vibes everyone looks like they …

: excited but I also have an urge to vomit

: sitting outside on the deck listening to music drinking European lager and practicing naturalization …

: just attended my small town pride walk and now the entire town has converged at the town tavern for …

: has any other country in the world voted into the presidency a guy accused of sexual assault by …

: remove the photo from my previous post because it has nothing to do with what I said and either this …

: I just keep thinking how unfair it was for good people to have died of covid unfair both for them …

: me playing my traveling cajon in a beer garden guy walks up to me: cool drums man I wish I had …

: you: the trump flag on my truck means fuck you me: the trump flag on your truck means hold me close …

: more Americans need to be furious that an entire political party is okay with a former president …

: people have always underestimated the effect they have on other people. the age of social media has …

: and what the fuck are we planning to do about all the gop reps who begged donald for a pre emptive …

: donalds gonna be convicted of so many crimes fred trumps gonna exhume his own carcass just to tell …

: soon the “the” in “the donald” will be short for “the one in …

: I got out of a 3 year divorce with a woman with borderline personality disorder followed immediately …

: it’s so weird living in America right next to nature. I’m sitting in my house built …

: I watched the January 6 insurrection happen live in real time. I was working at home in our dining …

: I cried during officer Edwards testimony. to watch the assault on yourself, relive the trauma and …

: I can guarantee that many many people in the doj were watching this hearing and taking notes

: the word that keeps coming to mind watching trump insurrectionists crawl into the Capitol is vermin …

: a lot of people are going to prison

: good luck to whoever is planning to refute everything being presented during these hearings. …

: 15 minutes into the hearing I’m already convinced that Donald Trump will be going to prison

: I would rather be preserved as a crouching carcass in the vesuvius eruption than participate in an …

: politics is a hobby for white people. it didn’t matter who won, your life was gonna stay the …

: the gop candidate for pa senator is an insurrectionist fake doctor and the gop candidate for pa …

: Fox news was always an inciter of domestic terrorism but by not broadcasting the January 6 hearings …

: literally not one trump supporter would pass the naturalization test. I’m sorry but you will …

: the pandemic has made me not differentiate between weekdays and weekends and that seems right …

: I often experience these moments of pure bliss. like right now I’m sitting by the open window …

: cryptocurrency is so legit these folks have to resort to hacking your loved ones Instagram business …

: honeysuckle smells so much like jasmine but apparently these two species are relatively unrelated …

: fucking tired fucking furious of waking up daily to this shit. I don’t know how every American …

: my hand in summer is an NRI tricolor: sunburnt dark, watch strap pale and wore a wrist band during a …

: my fingers smell of garlic all the time but I guess that comes with the garlic lifestyle

: another batch of pesto ready to go

: everyone at the beer fest seems to like my t shirt

: I have been standing in the sun for so long that my skin is back to its natural Indian shade of dark …

: looking forward to getting my citizenship just so I can punch a Nazi in the face without getting …

: just spit balling here but more people need to read shit like this and go WHAT THE FUCKING …

: the more I am off twitter and writing here the more I’m realizing how much Twitter was …

: my favorite part of summer is farmers markets and beer fests and today I’m doing both

: I never remember any American names because the moment someone introduces themselves to me I start …

: there are three types of Americans: the blue leftists who are perpetually angry. the red rurals who …

: white suburban anti fascists need to fucking rise up because the white rurals feel like they got …

: I’m fucking furious

: I wish I was in the woods why am I even here: me any time I go to a bar

: I don’t need a lot of money for when I retire just enough to buy bird feed and feed myself and …

: my naturalization interview is in ten days. inshallah I’ll be able to vote against fascism …

: there’s an article in the inquirer today about how white Philly suburbanites are anxious about …

: if Donald Trump isn’t imprisoned I’m moving because this country is shit

: we blame donald trump for fascism but male inadequacy creating toxicity in society is not a new …

: the only time libertarians need to be taken seriously is if they call you complaining that they are …

: when I first landed in the US I did not know that twenty five years later I would be sitting outside …

: me entering the cabin: HEY wife: WHAT me: HANG ON I HAVE FIVE DIFFERENT INSECTS ON ME I shake off …

: a lot of hindus come to this country hating muslims and vote for dogand prump because he’s a …

: when I die remember me like this whoever he is

: my attitude towards dealing with black bears has changed a lot in the past three years since we …

: black people felt sad and they invented blues music. white people felt sad and they voted for a …

: a robin couple has built a nest outside our cabin bathroom window and when we showed up for the …

: is this enough wood and beer for a long weekend? only time will tell

: for once the bear has emptied my bird feeders without destroying them. someone’s learnt how to …

: at an outdoor brewery some kid is sitting alone in my vicinity crying and some dude is staring at me …

: weekly zoom meeting with boss boss: are you indoors? i dont hear birds me: yes unfortunately its …

: i would go one step further and submit that instead of teachers only employ self defense instructors …

: I hope when Americans go to vote in 2022 the single issue on their agenda is whether they want Mitch …

: all the pundits keep saying democrats are gonna be trashed in the mid terms but just watching the …

: nobody: science: alcohol is actually worse for you than previously believed

: gun manufacturers fund and run the entire gop but please continue with your “democratic party …

: farmers market season spring is Saturday farmers market season in Lansdale, my little suburban Philly hometown. farmers …

: wife: the Indian girl from the corner townhouse gave me an Indian dessert. it’s weird looking …

: guy at the bar drinking a peach wit: so did they use peaches from Georgia to make this bartender: I …

: it’s amazing how little I’m exposed to toxic performative riff raff from both the left …

: getting so many side effects from the second booster that I don’t know if I have booster side …

: “Americans love guns more than they love their kids”. actually no, white Americans love …

: trump must be fucking terrified of the January 6 hearings. also I like how the select committee is …

: some people like to call the democratic party the lesser of two evils. this is what an actual lesser …

: got my second booster today. gonna keep getting them until I can lift a car

: spring beech patch. love that blinding green spring beech patch on a trail

: the next few months: the Jan 6 hearings, The DOJs actions in response and the country’s …

: I need to stop buying kale. kale and I are just not on the same page

: I asked my wife if it is normal for someone to be extremely anti social in 2020 then be social in …

: I have finally found the drum I will be buried with or thrown into a dumpster with I don’t …

: my HOA has sent me an email saying a doe has given birth in the development and she is protective of …

: I have spent more money on musical instruments in the past year than I have spent on clothes in the …

: the gop candidate for pa governor is a far right conspiracy theorist fundamentalist christian anti …

: every time I see a house with a let’s go brandon flag I imagine the guy running around naked …

: didn’t see a lot of birds but the trail made up for it

: please reset the days since I went birding but forgot to pack binoculars counter to 0

: there are no words to describe driving on a late spring evening through the Pennsylvania countryside …

: last weekend, driving back from the bans off our bodies abortion rights protest me: you know what …

: I have lost the ability to process good news

: relating so very hard with this congratulations to Mr Cooper on the show

: Elon musk will be voting gop and wants the left to ask why. dude this is not rocket science. every …

: think about how exceptionally mediocre both madison cawthorn and donald trump are to lose their job …

: bye madison cowthorn you mediocre performative grifter I hope you remain unemployed for the rest of …

: it just feels like it’s going to be a summer of rampant trump terrorism

: me posting this on the family Whatsapp group: lol hilarious me moments later: oh sheeeeeet

: meeting got cancelled so I made a stone-ground basil black pepper dried mountain caper pesto

: my gardening enthusiast neighbor has finally put flowers on her deck. I was starting to worry about …

: spotted a historic mile marker in green lane, pa. 35 miles to Philadelphia

: what are the chances that the white supremacist Buffalo mass murderer is a trump supporter and …

: one of the most painful things to watch is someone play a djembe with a brush. fingers man. you …

: baseball is such a wretched sport it will take you on a journey of mental anguish and delight for …

: modesty culture is gender fascism

: a few notable observations about today’s “bans off our bodies” abortion rights …

: driving to the abortion rights protest wife: did you bring a mask in case we’re arrested me: …

: love those humid spring nights that’s when the forest aromas leave the forest and come hug you …

: the JBL flip 6 is an amazing Bluetooth speaker. I’m sitting on the deck listening to deep bass …

: I like how the pixel 6 digital zoom algorithm turns photos into paintings

: planned parenthood has organized protest rallies all over the country this Saturday …

: my brunch place is lit

: portable bluetooth speakers today, holy shit. got the JBL flip 6 to accompany songs on the djembe …

: my spring bird watching vacation has commenced. come forth and be identified you little flying …

: the days of working outside on the deck then grilling meat then watching sports next to the fire …

: back from Atlanta, boiled some nectar and put out my hummingbird feeder in case they’re back …

: I can’t believe getting off twitter was as easy as that

: I will be back Atlanta. you got me hooked

: I have found myself in a hippy bar that I found. the restroom wallpaper is records and I like their …

: the best thing about visiting an american city is drinking the final brews of the night surrounded …

: indeed

: sounds good to me

: the more I explore Atlanta its history and culture the more I celebrate the poetic justice of donald …

: took my coworkers back to Gus’s spicy fried chicken. while we were there the fire alarm began …

: there’s so much privilege that people don’t realize they have like I have so much social …

: I finally found a bartender who hates me. that’s quite an accomplishment that deserves a huge …

: feeling much sexier now that I’ve gorilla glued the sole back to my shoe. got the swag back …

: like beer left open in the sun your 2016 protest vote decision keeps getting worse with age

: when in doubt put it on your company card

: I’m at an in person company conference where coworkers are meeting each other for the first …

: visiting Atlanta for the first time and my first order of business was to taste Gus’s famous …

: small town craft fairs are the bomb. in the space of a few hours yesterday I got to chat with a …

: traveling to atlanta tomorrow, first business trip, flight, hotel room in two years. anxious but …

: good day of birding today considering it’s only the first day of may. spotted 46 species …

: playing unsolicited beats at my wife’s art stall at the town punk rock flea market. come for …

: I love how wildflower cover in Pennsylvanian woods keeps changing week by week month by month. this …

: I have decided to never have an ordinary day ever again

: watching my name sake, the Carolina Wren enjoy the suet feeder a few feet away from me 🐦

: when you’re a billionaire and you don’t need to hunt or gather anymore for sustenance …

: some day I’ll write a long form post about why I love wrens maybe tomorrow

: my local pub is doing a schitts creek trivia and I wish I remembered more from when we were panic …

: sister looked displeased with my presence

: in hindsight I should’ve left twitter when a twitter troll became president

: preparing for my first work trip in more than two years which means googling “business …

: a flock of yellow rumped warblers has congregated outside my window and i have cleared my schedule …

: day 2 without twitter and it feels like time not spent wilfully diving into a cesspool of negativity …

: I’m here you goons @pratik @parag @supremus

: left twitter today hopefully for good and i’m already able to watch a basketball game, watch a …