a goose egg


i logged on to unsubscribe but also to tell all the “biden is the exact same as trump but i gotta hold my nose and vote for him” ppl to think about the worst thing imaginable and do it to yourself. you know who your are. bunch of self absorbed mediocre performative sociopaths. fuck you. thanks.


it’s fucking hilarious to watch americans enjoy the fruits of a working democracy on a daily basis that’s fueled by, yes, voting, and then claim they don’t live in a democracy. get your privileged fucking head out of your dumb fucking ass.


you can perform online all you want for the worms dancing in your brain begging to be fed that daily diet of validation but after Biden wins nobody’s going to forget who were the allies of democracy and who were the assholes of fascism


worrying about democratic voter enthusiasm 10 months before the election is like worrying about saving for your child’s college tuition while googling “how to find hot babes”


looks like nimrata’s 15 year old “foreign policy buff” child has once again been googling “how to foreign policy” for his mother


the only thing i have to say to american muslims threatening to vote for trump over biden is that it makes you a domestic terrorist and america does not negotiate with terrorists


maybe we should have voted for the person who predicted all of this in 2016 www.rawstory.com/trump-ass…


donalds been always narcissistically delusional but this is full blown dementia: feeling he should’ve been named 2023 man of the year. worrying that he’s less popular than taylor swift. thinking he would be able to charm the jean carroll jury by smiling at them. this is an extremely unwell man.


at this point there’s no difference between trumpism and mental illness www.inquirer.com/crime/buc…


the white rurals who dont want their tax dollars to go to urban minorities are totally fine with paying the legal bills of a guy so he can keep posting shit about the woman he raped


white supremacism is so strong in this country that right wingers will vote for a serial rapist too incompetent to even put orange make-up evenly on his face and leftists will vote for him even though he promises to do everything that’s the exact opposite of their purported agenda


this year, take some time off from trying to prove how you are the smartest, angriest person online and convince at least one person to vote blue. i know i definitely will


if you love theatrical performance (parading around in the streets waving cleverly worded protest signs) but oppose doing something that will actually further your agenda (voting) you’re not an activist, you’re an agent of chaos


you would expect rock stars to perform and progressive “activists” to make change happen by getting out the vote. instead we have progressive “activists” performing on social media while rock stars like taylor swift make actual change by getting out the vote.


we keep talking about tech bros needing to take more social sciences courses in university, but no one talks about white progressives needing to take a basic math course in elementary school. biden votes - green party votes - protest abstention votes = trump victory


it’s the year 2024, one badly mismanaged pandemic and one violent coup attempt later, white progressives are still promising to vote for the “green party” because something something something ===> PROBLEMS GONE!!! it must be nice to be infinitely dumber than even the maga crowd and not realize it


the magas dont need social services they need mental health services. and vivek breh, its time to disappear and pretend you never existed www.wonkette.com/p/super-b…


fascists will eventually come for you regardless of whether you support fascism or not

the American ornithological society will be renaming several bird species. here are my suggestions


the American ornithological society is planning on renaming several bird species because many of them were named after awful people americanornithology.org/about/eng… . they have requested birders to send them some new name suggestions. here are mine:

cooper’s hawk: murder copbird

northern cardinal: non-denominational sexybird

american woodcock: breakdance gurubird

canada goose: raucous turdbird

wood duck: handsome ghostbird

carolina wren: noisy nosybird

house wren: hide n seekbird

mourning dove: clumsy but fastbird

blue jay: i scream you scream we all screambird

northern mockingbird: all your song are minebird

red-tailed hawk: everything is my food even your catbird

gray catbird: that extrovert friend you likebird

blue-gray gnatcatcher: angry eyebrowsbird

bald eagle: majestic thiefbird

osprey: seahawks are not a real birdbird

white-breasted nuthatch: gravity is fakebird

brown creeper: the bark is movingbird

mute swan: rage-filled princessbird

carolina chickadee: sweet survivorbird

pileated woodpecker: scream like yolobird

downy woodpecker: multiple concussionbird

red-bellied woodpecker: i don’t actually have a red bellybird

northern flicker: too pretty to be a woodpeckerbird

yellow bellied sapsucker: yellow bellied??? i kill all your treesbird

tufted titmouse: no time gotta gobird

turkey vulture: i will fucking eat you and your family (after you die of natural causes)bird


enjoying a delicious pint of dogfish head 60 minutes IPA from Joe Bidens home state to celebrate donalds loss. e jean Carroll could buy 12 million of these with her spoils.


Donald: file an appeal

Alina: on what grounds

Donald: I walked out before the verdict so it doesn’t count

Alina: great stuff you should be a lawyer

Donald: I’m smart I aced an dementia test

Alina: I’m pretty so I don’t have to be smart


feels like donald should have seen this coming after his lawyer went on tv to say she was faking being smart


there’s a 0% probability that donald will stop posting more defamation. rack that tab up, motherfucker.


keep hawking those trashy red hats from china, motherfucker. you’re gonna need the money
