holy shit, I’m standing outside on my deck at night listening to an eastern screech owl calling to my right and a great horned owl calling to my left and foxes calling each other to my front. love my tiny little patch of suburban backyard Pennsylvania wilderness
“bordering on unintelligible”. basically all of contemporary American conservatism in a nutshell

when anyone tells you why trump shouldn't be prosecuted the only proper response is fuck you
#one thing to remember when people scream and shout and whimper and wail, doesn’t matter whether they are outraged Republicans or terrified Democrats or apathetic independents, doesn’t matter if it’s george will of the Washington Post or david brooks of the new york times. when they say that the justice department shouldn’t investigate donald trump, a former president, just because it appears politically motivated, bros, the justice department is in this position only because the Republican party not only has failed to keep his crimes in check but has been actively complicit in his crimes. fucking people literally tried to violently overturn the election for him in a failed coup. rule of thumb for Republicans: if you don’t want your leader to be prosecuted for crimes, don’t overlook his crimes, more importantly, don’t help him commit crimes, request to him gently but firmly to not commit crimes and if he refuses to honor your request and insists on commiting crimes, make it clear that you’re not on board with his crimes and impeach and convict him for his crimes. sorry Republicans you can’t have it both ways. you can’t have your daddy commit crimes and look the other way and then also not have him prosecuted for his crimes. fuck you. and fuck everyone else who doesn’t want him to be prosecuted because it looks political, fuck you too. fuck you too because this shit IS political. no not the prosecuting part, it’s the not prosecuting part. not prosecuting a criminal violent domestic terrorist just because he’s the leader of a political party is political. if you don’t want politics to enter the justice department, donald has to be prosecuted. fuck your appeasement shit. but more importantly, fuck you.
grateful to every news organization who is now accompanying their headlines with the picture of a shitty pink palace instead of a bloated orange face dead eyes mouth wide open screaming about something
kind of strange that sarah “dumber than an empty bag of hammers” palin who supports donalds claims of mail in ballot fraud will be waiting 2 weeks for mail in ballots to be counted in alaska
it’s apparent to everyone other than the dumbest of trump supporters that donald wants to see the affidavit so he can decide which lie among all his contradictory lies to ultimately settle on and also which witnesses to intimidate
fascinating that paying homage to trump and repeating his lies isn’t enough anymore to qualify you to be a gop member of congress, you also have to make up adjacent unnecessary lies to stand out of the competition.
it was only a matter of time before I got a customized Viking ox-horn beer mug

fetterman up by 18, shapiro up by 15. keep nominating those dirty trumpies, gop
Florida is officially a failed state. which explains why the Republican base loves its governor

what stage of trumper grief is it where you start to argue that the constitution doesnt prevent felons from being president
donald could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and rand paul would introduce a bill to legalize murder, marjorie taylor greene would film herself going on a copy cat murder spree, kevin mccarthy would blame the nypd for not stopping donald from shooting ppl, jim jordan would threaten to investigate Hunter Biden for the shooting, lauren boebert would claim it’s a false flag operation to ban guns and mitch mcconnell would turn into a literal turtle and disappear inside his shell.
at least bin laden was smart enough to hide out in tora bora after doing crimes and terrorism and not a stupid palace in Florida subject to search warrants
trust me you want to have fun every single day. treat every single day with the dignity of enjoyment. because you know what’s coming
there’s no friends or family anymore there’s just fascists and your fellow anti fascists
he really needs to stop hiring lawyers from Craig’s list

if there’s one thing I’ve learnt in my 25 years living in this country it’s don’t eat the desiccant
espionage act was not on my trump goes to prison bingo
the difference between liberals and fascists

I promise you most of maga world doesn’t know what a warrant is and that trump himself has a copy of it that he is free to disclose any time he wants

holy shit we survived a pandemic. and dethroned a fascist. we’re fucking legit
highlight of the day: driving down into the Wyoming valley to Wilkes Barre and the brewery where we had our first outdoor meal and drink in June 2020 after the pandemic began. I still remember back then, us wearing masks even though we were sitting outdoors and the server was wearing a mask as well and there was a palpable tension but also a relief that the numbers were down for now and we could start doing certain things while taking risk mitigating measures. it’s still weird to look back to two years ago and remember how bad things were and how precious these particular moments were. anyways, today I enjoyed two flights, a pint and a delicious jalapeno roast beef sandwich. indoors. no mask. breaker brewing, Wilkes Barre.
holy shit I prefer bears to humans
patiently trying to explain to my parents why finding out that they have covid from them is better than hearing it from my cousin. sorry I lied I’m not being patient I’m ranting and raving and screaming
holy fuck what do I have to do to stop my brain from thinking about fascism for one goddamn second