a goose egg


just standing here by the window waiting for a serial rapist to be held accountable


if progressive single-issue protest-vote enthusiasts get their shit together and vote for the guy with the most likelihood of getting their single issue implemented donald would lose by 15 points. however, this country is blessed with as many performance artists on the left as there are on the right


we’re participating in a cosplay revolutionary pub crawl tomorrow. i only have a french musketeer costume from halloween so i’m wearing it to represent general marquis de lafayette who was not a musketeer but he was a french general who helped defeat the british donald trump


is it a good thing if the judge threatens to lock up your lawyer during a civil trial? asking for a rapist reality tv actor


I measure my mental health by the number of dinners I am able to cook on weekdays. this week was 3 which is not too bad


has anyone checked on elon musk to see if he has enough drugs and shitter likes to get him through today


qanon is basically christianity for people who were requesting a modern interpretation of an ancient fairy tale


there’s a direct line between voting a vengeful serial rapist into the presidency and abusing taylor swift with AI porn


it’s amusing, nay fucking hilarious that we’re still blaming hillary for calling (some) trump supporters deplorable when they are all literally best case deplorable, worst case fascists


welcome to the year of accountability, season 2, pete. enjoy the open air toilet facilities


my parents keep asking me to visit india for a vacation. i haven’t been to india for ten years. how do i tell them i feel nothing for india. i miss nothing about india other than my childhood and even that is more shallow nostalgia than affection.


the gop is turning red states into third world fascist shitholes. this is the stuff that is a symptom of the even worse things that will soon follow. once again, i am imploring you to look at what is happening in india. if we get there there will be no more turning back for us or for the world.


melancholy is healthy. lean into your melancholy. forcing yourself to be joyous all the time is self-abuse. sometimes the mind just wants to deal with reality and you can’t fix it if you keep disassociating from it.


trying to come up with a plan to maintain my mental health this year but I just don’t see how that’s going to be possible this year or any other year or anyone’s mental health


oklahoma republicans just appointed the anti-lgbtq child abusing domestic terrorist chaya raichick in charge of their libraries but yeah, please continue targeting your explosive diarrhea at democrats because they are “exactly the same”


white ppl excited about trying out their shiny new toys in the coming election (RFK jr, Cornell West, the “green” party woman) should understand that giving fascism even an inch will make getting out of it way harder and violent, if not impossible. listen to all the fucking immigrants who fled it


a close childhood friend who i thought was liberal just “celebrated” vivek campaigning for donald on linked in. being an anti-fascist these days comes with aching mental loneliness.


for some reason Boeing put this bearded mug in their presentation during the inauguration of their new research campus in India. but more importantly Boeing should be embarrassed that they’re still doing research on air travel centuries after ancient hindus invented it. jai shree ram!


it shouldnt be this hard to vote for the guy who is not promising to free domestic terrorists who attempted a violent coup on his behalf but who am i to know what the privileged white brain is thinking, sometimes no amount of empathy can help in this regard


do protest vote enthusiasts make similar decisions in other areas of their life: slurp down a dripping turd because the soup didn’t come out well-seasoned


elon musk is “aspirationally” a lot of things: smart, funny, popular, jewish


if you want anyone to take anything you say seriously stop calling joe biden a fascist. all you’re doing is normalizing actual maga fascism which your white privileged ass is too dumb or performative to recognize.


watching donald try to say words at a rally its clear that by next november he’ll only be able to flop around like a worm on the floor opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish and eating his own feces like don jr


i dont know how to deal with the fact that close and extended family are now full blown fascists. i dont know what to do about it and i physically cannot pretend that everything is okay when i interact with them.


if you want to see america’s future with trump as president just look at india’s present and immediate past. we really have no room for error. i dont care if you have to punch yourself in your stupid face before you can get yourself to vote for joe biden but it will have to be done.