Elon musk will be voting gop and wants the left to ask why. dude this is not rocket science. every person of privilege is a “liberal” until they’re held accountable, after which they’re “mugged by reality” into fascism.
think about how exceptionally mediocre both madison cawthorn and donald trump are to lose their job after a single term with the incumbency factor combined with the fact that Americans will forgive straight white men for just about anything
bye madison cowthorn you mediocre performative grifter I hope you remain unemployed for the rest of your pointless life
it just feels like it’s going to be a summer of rampant trump terrorism
me posting this on the family Whatsapp group: lol hilarious me moments later: oh sheeeeeet

meeting got cancelled so I made a stone-ground basil black pepper dried mountain caper pesto

my gardening enthusiast neighbor has finally put flowers on her deck. I was starting to worry about her mental health
spotted a historic mile marker in green lane, pa. 35 miles to Philadelphia

what are the chances that the white supremacist Buffalo mass murderer is a trump supporter and religiously watches Tucker Carlson
one of the most painful things to watch is someone play a djembe with a brush. fingers man. you remember fingers? you can use them to make drumming sounds on a hand drum named thusly because you play it with a hand containing fingers.
baseball is such a wretched sport it will take you on a journey of mental anguish and delight for 162 games over a period of six months and then the team that just happens to turn hot at just the exact right time of the playoffs through no rhyme or reason gets to win the championship
modesty culture is gender fascism
a few notable observations about today’s “bans off our bodies” abortion rights rally in King of Prussia, PA:
great to see teenagers of all genders heavily involved in grass roots human rights activism
a steady stream of drivers honking in support and surprisingly enough, a lot of old white men. just goes to show how much white people hate every single gop platform other than white supremacy.
truckers honking in support. truckers.
the protestors stayed through periods of increasingly heavy rain. if anything the number of people protesting increased during the rain.
just random people mostly women leaning out of car windows and standing up through moon roofs as they passed by waving abortion rights signs. apparently carrying abortion rights signs in your car is a thing now.
I didn’t see a single black woman who drove by and didn’t honk her support. black women will save this country.
white American suburbs will continue to step up in the fight against fascism like they did in 2020. I truly believe this.
driving to the abortion rights protest
wife: did you bring a mask in case we’re arrested
me: the cops aren’t going to arrest protesting suburban white women
wife: you’re not a suburban white woman
me: shit
love those humid spring nights that’s when the forest aromas leave the forest and come hug you to pieces
the JBL flip 6 is an amazing Bluetooth speaker. I’m sitting on the deck listening to deep bass chill music but also the creek singing in the woods
I like how the pixel 6 digital zoom algorithm turns photos into paintings
planned parenthood has organized protest rallies all over the country this Saturday www.mobilize.us/ppaf/ I have asked my wife to make me a sign that says “regulate my balls before you regulate her uterus” you may use it
my brunch place is lit

portable bluetooth speakers today, holy shit. got the JBL flip 6 to accompany songs on the djembe out in the backyard and at the risk of repeating myself, holy fucking shit
my spring bird watching vacation has commenced. come forth and be identified you little flying rascals
the days of working outside on the deck then grilling meat then watching sports next to the fire with a drink while listening to the creek sing are back

back from Atlanta, boiled some nectar and put out my hummingbird feeder in case they’re back from their winter vacation sure enough a young male shows up literally five minutes later

I can’t believe getting off twitter was as easy as that
I will be back Atlanta. you got me hooked