a goose egg


it’s been a happy week. let’s do this more often


it’s going to be a beautiful weekend up in the mountains. haven’t been to the cabin for a few weeks and it’s not good for my mental health


holy shit these are good numbers


John Eastman’s gonna fold and throw Donald under the bus if Mark Meadows doesn’t do it first


there will always be 30% delusional cult maga in this country. but I have no doubt that there are enough normal Republicans closely watching their fellow Republicans being critical of trump for the hearings to make a difference.


there is zero doubt and abundant evidence that trump committed crimes and we haven’t even gotten to the part where he watched and encouraged the insurrection and did nothing. he’s going to be indicted on multiple counts and spend the rest of his life in prison.


every single American should be watching these hearings either live or taped. the select committee is a fucking ice breaker except its methodically breaking through trump’s bullshit


John Eastman is going to prison


I like how native wildflowers are all stop staring at me you know I’m only gonna flower August 20 at 11:02 am and only 11:02 am


now that I’m not on Twitter I’m finding myself getting mad late at night about work things instead of Twitter trolls. Is this really an improvement?


labradford by the fireflies and bullfrogs


I like how you can find the answer to literally any stupid question on the internet like can I feed my dog hibiscus leaves the answer is yes dogs will love to eat hibiscus leaves and it is healthy for them but don’t overdo it because they’ll grow an extra tail


the pixel 6 night vision is mind blowing. this was shot in complete darkness no flash


I don’t think i enjoy anything as much as I enjoy cooking in summer with fresh seasonal produce from local farms. yesterday roasted squash blossoms stuffed with sauteed wild mushrooms and green onions mixed with goat cheese. today sauteed fiddleheads with green onions. tomorrow sauteed garlic scapes and asparagus. the main meat course almost doesn’t matter as much as these sides.


this is an insane article and criminally implicates both Jeffrey Clark and Donald Trump


it’s only one poll and way early but fettermans up by 9 and shapiro’s up by 4. let’s fucking go PA. the only way to destroy trumpism is by destroying donald’s dirty insurrectionist proxies


one single extraordinarily mediocre mentally incapacitated narcissistic man has managed to compromise the entire electoral system of the United States of America. just fucking breathtakingly dumb.


this is intent. donald is going to prison.


always remember tomorrow whatever


it shouldn’t be this hard for white people to be fucking mad and concerned about a violent attempted coup. are you still thinking this can’t happen in this country because only brown people do it? even though it literally happened on live tv? and is literally still happening as we speak? put your fucking kids to bed and watch the fucking hearings.


my hope for this country is based on this:

there are two kinds of Republicans. the trumpists, the full on anything goes fascists, violent terrorists, shitting in your fist and smearing it on the Capitol walls psychopath republicans.

and then there are the bill barr be a complete asshole but within the limits of legality asshole Republicans.

I’m hoping whoever wins the primary, the other side won’t vote for them and the January 6 hearings are kind of insinuating that it might actually happen.


at the naturalization interview

USCIS officer: have you ever committed genocide

me: lol

USCIS officer:

me: no ma’am I have never committed genocide


just realized that soon I’ll never have to deal with the US immigration service ever again and got mildly aroused


the uscis already sent me an oath ceremony notice. it’s Tuesday after next. looking forward to returning my 2016 green card with no Donald face on it and watching a video of Uncle Joe welcoming me to the United States. feels like I timed this shit perfectly


the pa gop has no idea what its up for in the next election. now that I’ll be a citizen I’m gonna do so much voter fraud. gonna register my dog as a voter. gonna buy five different dollar store sunglasses and vote five times. gonna die a whole bunch of times just so I can vote as 8000 dead people. gonna stuff a bunch of ballots in my hammock and lie on them naked and then set them afloat in the river. so many possibilities. the pillow guy gonna be busy dealing with my garbage