a goose egg


this is how you debate with mediocre performative mucus bowls like josh hawley


looks like gas prices are going down. if they go down enough and inflation goes down maybe we can get white suburbanites to worry about fascism and violent coups by the time the midterms are here


I’m still laughing about how donald destroyed his own presidency by denying covid because people with narcissistic personality disorder can only measure their self worth through other things and for donald that was the stock market. I mean I’d be laughing if he hadn’t eventually destroyed America so I’m just sitting here expressionless perhaps even frowning a bit now


so happy to have exchanged twitter likes for fireflies bullfrogs and my neighbors annoying heavy metal music motion sensor speaker to keep deer away from her flowers


fucking around with my new flkey 37 midi controller for flstudio. this has a serious potential to help me get back into making music just by not having to deal with computer keyboards anymore. first day using it and I’ve already produced a guitar and drum sample loop that would’ve been impossible to create using just a computer


her guys just checking again, how’s your 2016 protest vote looking now


congresswoman stephanie murphy just said the exact same thing i have been screaming to any american who will listen. im an immigrant from a country where political violence is the norm. listen to us immigrants when we tell you that this is where america is headed if you do not consider donald trump and trumpism as anything other than an existential thread


every white suburbanite has to watch today’s hearing to know the seriousness of what america is up for if we dont hold donald trump accountable and normalize january 6. this testimony from an ex oath keeper is fucking terrifying in its matter-of-factness


the most impressive thing about these hearings is the methodic questioning that builds up the narrative


you gotta appreciate giuliani and sidney powell’s willingness to act batshit crazy on video under oath


i will be astonished if mark meadows doesn’t flip after this hearing


pat cipollone is making the case for criminal intent.


if you’re a member of congress whos not watching this hearing you should be expelled


pat cipollone’s testimony is going to seal the deal (i hope)


liz cheney just threw a final life line to trumps inner circle to flip on him. what a move.


this is a long read but an incredible first person account by insurrectionist oath keeper stewart rhodes' son about his journey from being a member of the anti-govt militia right into the light


biden has a 33% approval rating and he’s still beating donald 44-41% for 2024. everybody calm the fuck down about biden, win some midterms, get donald into prison and then we’ll see what happens


literally every other media headline: parkland dad disrupts Biden event marking new gun law

new york post headline: Biden tells parkland dad to sit down

Rupert Murdoch is a cancer


I don’t understand all the galaxy brain articles and pundits comparing bidens current approval ratings in a certain district with how well he did in the 2020 election. that’s like comparing an apples approval rating with how you would rate it against an orange.


very cool that donald is charging people money to come hear him scream about the big lie. just another way this motherfucking scam artist has monetized sedition


some day I’m gonna enjoy voting for president pete buttigieg


Donald spoke personally with Stewart Rhodes didn’t he? that would explain his witness tampering by offering pardons to all his indicted January 6 vermin


embarrassing for this country that even one person believes this con artist when all this pretty much happened in the open. I mean Giuliani literally went on tv and demanded that they stop counting pa votes because trump was ahead. what the everlasting fuck is wrong with this country


white leftists and trumpists love to fantasize about anarchism, dismantle the American system of governance and somehow grow an entire democracy from scratch. motherfucker, you absolute historically uneducated motherfucker, do you know how many countries in this world are still stuck having no functional government? do you realize the fucking shit your own country had to go through to get to a working government and democracy? do you realize, even if you started from scratch right now you would get to this exact same place 200 years later after a lot of bloodshed because the problem is not the system, the problem is white supremacism. you fucking deluded motherfuckers, you complete imbeciles. fuck you.


I will fucking not tolerate any Democrats are the same as Republicans bullshit on my timeline. didn’t do it on Twitter, won’t do it here. fuck you.