a goose egg


eagerly awaiting the jury’s verdict in the contempt trial of united states vs explosive diarrhea


wondering if footage of josh hawley’s january 6 terrified scamper will have an effect on the sales of his upcoming book “Manhood: The Masculine Virtues America Needs”


is it me or does the polio virus look very habitable


in a few years we went from arizona is THE place to move to everyone in arizona is gonna die if we don’t divert the mississippi into the colorado


it’s inevitable that one day the weather forecasters gonna be like the high temperature on Wednesday will be you don’t even want to know, there’s a 100% possibility of everyone and everything dying so go ahead and finally try that Indian place down the road tonight


knuckle dragging slavering barking stupid rural imbeciles mired in mediocrity blaming everyone but themselves for the cesspool that is their life i can understand you still buying donald shaped dildos to pleasure yourself with every night. educated suburbanites living in obscenely large houses driving a fancy car to the mailbox and back, what is your excuse for still supporting an incompetent sociopathic fascist who tried to openly attempt a violent coup


where is the insurrection video of ted cruz in a fetal position rocking back and forth hugging his knees calling for daddy and spraying urine


in his defense yesterday is a hard word to say when you have spicy miso ramen washing around in your skull cavity


how do I tell the crickets the fireflies the bullfrogs that we’re not gonna make it


I’m trying to process why Americans aren’t fucking furious about a president just watching TV watching a violent mob attack the literal US Capitol and it’s a grim realization that most Americans are like it’s just a bunch of white people doing things I mean I’m white they’re white we’re just tryna having fun in this our life you know everything’s good hang on the baby’s crying I gotta go


it’s grotesque how there’s a wholesale resignation about how nothing that is disclosed about Donald Trump’s criminal actions will affect his cult. motherfuckers, you don’t realize this but your resignation is normalizing his crimes. the moment you say this is not going to change anything you shift the discourse from litigating his crimes to political analysis about his crimes thereby normalizing his crimes, by turning them into an entertaining tale about how a guy did crime with no repercussions. this is where the media has failed us. by framing the narrative less about Donald Trumps objectively open violent fascism and more about how his machinations will still allow him to retain support thereby creating a whole heroic narrative that makes people follow this fascist motherfucker ignoring the reality of his criminality. for fucks sake scream if shit is not normal. by not screaming, by just accepting that this is political reality, with your cynicism, you’re complicit in the death of this country.


holy shit just tell me which tv channel is analysing the January 6 hearings with the seriousness they deserve and I’ll watch it


a close friend lost his dad, migratory monarch butterflies are now officially endangered and I came to know that the Soundgarden song “like suicide” was based on a robin who crashed into Chris Cornell’s window broke her neck and Chris had to kill her to put her out of her misery. that’s been my day today.


may I suggest to rachel maddow and company on MSNBC not to treat these hearings like a ratings spectacle with the goofy giggling and joyous triumph but fucking rage like the fucking rest of us


white suburbanites trying to protect their kids from American history and LGBTQ ppl while the planet is literally burning


feels like this is the literal everything burning apocalypse the christian evangelicals have been waiting for except jesus ain’t coming there’s no going to heaven you just stop existing and everything else dies


this is how you run a business


I don’t know why people are still wondering why the fuck Donald is still openly trying to intimidate ppl into overturning election results while he’s actively under investigation for doing so guys just google narcissistic personality disorder and marry someone who has it and everything will be crystal clear


me: no matter how bad things get at least we got rid of polio

opens browser


getting very hard to tell if we even have a planet anymore


my absolute two favorite live concerts on film: Soundgarden live from the artists den and Nirvana live at the Paramount. watching them both this fine balmy evening out on the deck


can’t wait


we’re gonna keep America blue you fucking ingrates


most people immigrate to America fleeing fascism. shit was bad in my home country because of that other religion, not my own religion of course. hey now that you’re here, get a load of fundamentalist Christianity. the problem is religion. the problem there was your religion. the problem here is Christianity. the problem is religion. realize it, come to terms with it. your religion is neither better nor worse than every other religion. you’re all the absolute fucking worst. try and be human beings instead of being stupid fucking cultists doing really stupid shit just so you feel like you’re better than everybody else. you’re not, you’re just fucking stupid. fuck you.


put some money in my Roth IRA just in case we make it out of next year