a goose egg


why do anti-Biden American Muslims hate Palestinian refugees?


apparently while a mentally disabled narcissist was killing americans with a preventable illness a 15 year “foreign policy buff” was running our foreign policy. cool cool.


out of all the places I’ve ever visited winter woods and the stream outside my home office window is still my favorite view


after watching elon musk and vivek ramu flush a whole bunch of their own money down the toilet can we just finally admit that rich people are not necessarily the brightest bulbs in the closet


if you wouldn’t use social media owned by donald trump there’s no moral justification for using social media owned by elon musk


theres zero difference between normalizing qanon conspiracy theories and normalizing religion


i think donald trump should just accept the fact that he’s going to jail and lie back and enjoy the experience

which white rural demographic should the democrats try to outreach?


which white rural demographic should the democrats try to outreach?

1 the friendly bartender in the PA mountains who thinks trump is a dumb brick but wonders why transsexuals should have human rights?

2 the fun-loving woman in the bar wearing a bedazzled trump hat who named her cats trumpy and pency because they fight with each other?

3 the dude next to me at the bar who waits for his black companion to go to the bathroom before he tells me “i like her because she ain’t a n*****”?

4 the people in the cabin up the street in the PA mountains with a confederate flag on their deck?

5 the woman who drives by our cabin twice a day with a trump poster on the back window of her car which makes it look like he’s sitting in the back seat?

6 the dude in exurban philly i have to drive by every time i go hiking in Valley Forge who has a sign outside his house saying “democrats proved that they will vote for a vegetable”?

7 the very helpful lesbian bartender in overton, nevada wearing a 2nd amendment shirt and a broken christmas tree outside the bar with a sign saying “the taliban destroyed my christmas tree, thanks uncle joe”?

8 the guy in the car ahead of me sporting a “joe and the hoe” bumper sticker?

9 the nice family at the craft fair in white haven, PA selling “joe biden: the quicker fucker upper” mugs?

10 or my favorite, the educated suburban white woman at the farmers market who pulls up in a car covered in qanon stickers?

yeah so please let us know which one of these fine upstanding citizens democrats should be mailing leaflets to educate them about what they’ve done to make their lives better.


why will many white progressives believe literally any cock and balls theory about the rise of trumpism other than Americans pervasive white supremacist mindset? because even though they profess to be bipoc allies, deep inside, a lot of them don’t even believe in America’s racist baggage


the only opinion I am interested in hearing from trump supporters is the wailing as they die of a preventable illness. send me that shit I’ll loop it into a song about dumb fucking cults


brah, as a christian man who supports a serial rapist who attempted a violent coup against the united states you should already know, you’re gonna end up nowhere close to the pearly gates


alina habba is basically vinny in the first half of my cousin vinny but too dumb to make it to the second half


the maga dating scene seems to be getting dire


i’m glad the orange shitbag is in the courtroom today listening about the real life effects of his malignant behavior. not that he gives a fuck but the fact that he has to stare at people who know he raped this woman and then put her through hell has to make him mad


if you’re a “free speech absolutist” read this thread and then go to hell mastodon.social/@GottaLaf…


if “independent voters” paid any attention to donalds rape civil trial today i doubt any of them would vote for him no matter how much they are mad that biden didnt blow a kiss at the tv while they were watching


trump lawyer alina habba: i’m glad i’m pretty because its easy to fake smarts

narrator: actually it is not easy to fake smarts


oh, “not trump” isnt a good enough reason to vote for joe biden? the half million americans who died from covid due to trump’s incompetence and jared kushner’s intentional blue state negligence would beg to differ


its fucking hilarious how even with exhaustive evidence to the contrary, white progressives are still trying to feed everyone the dreck that liberal democrats are the root cause of trumpism and not racist, fascist rural whites. fuck you and fuck your gaslighting.


how do you fight fascists like this devoted idiot when the people who claim to be on the side of good vote third party because Biden didn’t remember their birthday


vivek ramaswamy is dropping out of the presidential race to spend more time with ppl who dont think he’s a fraudulent moron who will say the most insane delusional shit to get someone to like him (himself)


vivek ramaswamy is still hanging around polling lines offering fellatio to ease your dick frostbite even though deep inside he already knows that your dick only wants donalds tight mouth around it


it’s still surreal to me how much America has normalized a serial rapist who attempted a violent coup


doesn’t matter if their crops are wiped out, white rurals aren’t worried about climate change, they are more worried that Biden is gonna outlaw saying the n word


the only question remaining about vivek ramu’s campaign is how much toxic pandering fascist jabber will continue pouring out of his face anus before he drops out hopefully, into permanent oblivion