a goose egg


there are three types of Americans: the blue leftists who are perpetually angry. the red rurals who are perpetually angry. and then we have the purple suburbanites who are living a life of I don’t want to be angry I have a good life. I’m sorry but in the age of fascism there’s no option of not being angry. you just have to choose what you’re angry about.


white suburban anti fascists need to fucking rise up because the white rurals feel like they got their fascism going good. the rest of us minority irrelevants are just watching and harming ourselves and hoping for the best


I’m fucking furious


I wish I was in the woods why am I even here: me any time I go to a bar


I don’t need a lot of money for when I retire just enough to buy bird feed and feed myself and my wife if there’s anything left


my naturalization interview is in ten days. inshallah I’ll be able to vote against fascism this election after all?


there’s an article in the inquirer today about how white Philly suburbanites are anxious about this hurricane season because of trauma from hurricane ida last year. okay but does this mean you’re gonna vote for climate change mitigation (blue) or you still gonna vote for racism (red)


if Donald Trump isn’t imprisoned I’m moving because this country is shit


we blame donald trump for fascism but male inadequacy creating toxicity in society is not a new thing just slightly less horrible


the only time libertarians need to be taken seriously is if they call you complaining that they are being swallowed alive by an alien creature and even then you should wait for the free market before taking any kind of action


when I first landed in the US I did not know that twenty five years later I would be sitting outside a cabin in the pocono mountains of pennsylvania playing the drums by a campfire. grateful to the current me for making it happen - past me (an absolute fucking idiot)


me entering the cabin: HEY

wife: WHAT


I shake off the insects and go back in

me: do you want to know about an interesting interaction I just had with a spider that will

wife: no

me: ok

goes back outside to my campfire and insects


a lot of hindus come to this country hating muslims and vote for dogand prump because he’s a muslim hater. friends look at me. look me in the eyes. let me tell you this. fuck you.


when I die remember me like this whoever he is


my attitude towards dealing with black bears has changed a lot in the past three years since we bought the cabin. back then we were hesitantly throwing paint brushes at a bear from behind a partially closed door trying to prevent him from destroying the bird feeders. eventually setting off the car alarm worked to scare him even though it made him crash straight through our fence. today I wait proudly for a bear to appear so I can extend myself to my fullest height, make loud noises and make him fear for his life according to mother nature’s rules. the fence however will still be crashed through. neither I nor mother nature can control this. whatever. it’s an ugly fucking fence.


black people felt sad and they invented blues music. white people felt sad and they voted for a narcissistic mentally incapacitated fascist as president


a robin couple has built a nest outside our cabin bathroom window and when we showed up for the weekend they were all who the fuck are you get the fuck out of here. guys sign the closing documents and start paying the mortgage, property tax and HOA fees and then we’ll leave


is this enough wood and beer for a long weekend? only time will tell


for once the bear has emptied my bird feeders without destroying them. someone’s learnt how to practise sustainable feeder harvesting techniques


at an outdoor brewery some kid is sitting alone in my vicinity crying and some dude is staring at me accusingly like I’m his dad. bro this kid is white bread and I’m a whole wheat chapati


weekly zoom meeting with boss

boss: are you indoors? i dont hear birds

me: yes unfortunately its raining

boss: oh okay

me: do you want me to reschedule

boss: no its okay i’ll manage


i would go one step further and submit that instead of teachers only employ self defense instructors in school after all how much math do you need to know to teach kids 2+2=disco


I hope when Americans go to vote in 2022 the single issue on their agenda is whether they want Mitch McConnell to be in charge of the senate when justice Thomas dies from pneumonia of the dickhole


all the pundits keep saying democrats are gonna be trashed in the mid terms but just watching the level of civic activism going on in the suburbs which is only going to increase as we get closer to november there’s a good chance 2022 upsets the conventional narrative the same way 2020 did



science: alcohol is actually worse for you than previously believed