I will never give up on this country just because it’s the only one founded on rock solid ideals for the most part. it is tragic that one narcissistic fascist almost brought it down in a mere four years but we need to put in the work and get our fucking shit together. it can be done even if only because the alternative is unthinkable. stop recording, save, replay, believe.
if you won’t let a user design your product why would you vote a populist into government
so how many kids are Clarence Thomas and his insurrectionist wife gonna foster
the fact that any American has to live in fear that their human rights could be suddenly and wantonly withdrawn is a fucking embarrassment.
be loud in your beliefs. loudness works. if your beliefs have substance but you’re not loud you’re not gonna achieve shit. the fascists have no substance but they’re loud. their orange god is loud, that’s literally the only “skill” he possesses. that and the ability to make people hate with inhuman ferocity. but even that, because he’s loud. attend every protest you can because there will be many. show the fascists no one likes them and no one likes what they stand for and liberals might have lost the battle but we’ll regroup and we’ll be back.
this is how the Republican party dies and good fucking riddance
good luck to forced birth states trying to attract new business and talent especially in this new world of remote work. soon you’re gonna be nothing but a cesspool of mediocrity
who could’ve ever imagined that electing a serial sexual predator as president would lead to women being forced to have babies out of rape
i cant even imagine how terrified the LGBTQ community must be right now knowing the supreme court is likely coming for their rights next
how the fuck are you supposed to live in a country where a large swath of people around you dont seem to give a fuck that one of the two major political parties is actively and consistently engaged in disempowering vilifying and committing straight up violence on the vulnerable
what the fuck kind of shithole country have we created where a neighbor reads the news while taking a walk and breaks down into tears
its a fucking shit thing to have to say considering i’ll be a citizen in 4 days but this country is a fucking embarassment
hey guys are both parties the same? I still can’t fucking tell because I’m a gibbering quasi fascist fuckwit sociopath
congratulations on your 2016 vote to turn America into a shithole country

I’m sick to my stomach. fuck you
every 2016 protest vote leftist has blood on their hands. you have made America an oppressor state for women
a friend is in tears on WhatsApp. my wife and neighbor just walked in. they’re both in tears. I’m close to tears. this is not the country I chose to adopt
your 2016 protest vote will kill a lot of women. hope you can live with that.
I can’t remember when my brain wasn’t at defcon 1
some of my happiest moments have been spent in a philly bar waiting for the last train to the suburbs
I a democrat will be donating to Liz Cheneys campaign for the following reasons:
fuck you
I’m a single issue anti fascist and she’s actively fighting fascism
fuck her dad but she’s not her dad
I hate all her policies but at this point America has to choose between legitimate policy differences and literal fascism
fuck you again
thank you
I’m in a weird Philly bar and it reminds me of all the times that I spent in a weird Philly bar back in the day when I was sad and not really appreciating the weirdness because of my sadness
i’m seeing many republicans start paying attention to the hearings in good faith. we dont need to convince the maga rabble, just the good faith republicans. and i also think the upcoming british documentarians footage is going to blow this whole thing out of the water
perhaps this country might be doing better if we didn’t have an entire voting demographic excitedly waiting for the literal end of the world
after watching today’s hearing it seems inevitable that even if the DOJ or local jurisdictions dont prosecute trump (something i feel is in the realm of improbable), these hearings will at least lead to class action civil lawsuits against both trump and guiliani