a goose egg


let merrick garland do his job. these things take time. let him get his shit in order before he acts. prosecuting a former president and failing to win the case is as bad a result as not prosecuting him.


these are insane numbers. he’s fucking toast.


the person who comes off the worst in these hearing other than trump is Mark Meadows, a mediocre hapless incompetent goober glued to his phone doing nothing while knowing that the world is crashing around him. because this is the essence of “tea party” conservatism, the art of getting white people angry. but they’re already angry now what holy shit are they too angry now oh no they’re doing an insurrection now what do we do that’s not our area of expertise. I’ll just stare at my phone I guess. mediocre. fucking mediocre. fuck that piece of shit. fuck all of them.


there’s a 90% possibility that the select committee held the emergency hearing today to give Mark Meadows Rudy Giuliani and whoever else from the seditionist rat pack sufficient time to flip on the king rat


this is where the gop starts to disengage from Donald. not fully. that will happen with the video evidence that’s coming. I will be surprised if the percentage of Americans who want to see him indicted caps at anything less than 75


the first hour of the hearing was absolutely incriminating for Donald. the second hour will be corroborated with video evidence I’m hoping. it’s amazing how credible the witness was with her attention to detail and how effective this “prosecution” was in pointing out the significant aspects of what she was presenting. holy shit. watch the whole thing if you can.


that was the most devastating hour of hearings for Donald Trump Mark Meadows and Rudy Giuliani. I just can’t imagine anyone trying to defend this shit. no one’s gonna even try.

Donald knew there were armed people in the crowd

he knew they were his people

he wanted to remove the magnetometers so they could enter his rally with weapons because he knew they wouldn’t hurt him

he had an existing plan to lead these people to the Capitol

he wanted to execute that plan even though he now knew these people were armed

this is the definition of an armed insurrection.

holy fucking fuck.


holy shit the Jan 6 hearings just proved beyond doubt that trump was planning to lead an armed mob to the Capitol


what did you guys do the night before getting your US citizenship? I’m eating a Wendy’s spicy chicken sandwich nothing beats this shit


first amendment motherfucker. that’s the good shit


gonna take the train down to the city tomorrow morning with my friend Jeremy to get my US citizenship in the city that in Jeremy’s words told King George to fuck off and eat shit. tomorrow’s gonna be fun. we gonna get some citizenship then walk some history and drink craft beer.


with all due respect, fuck your religion. seriously, fuck that shit. move the fuck on. are you fucking serious with that garbage? get a new hobby. make some friends. burn that stupid ass book. buy a PS4. go for a walk. stop thinking about God. there’s an entire universe out there. there’s an entire world in here as well. take your pick. play music read a book. not that book. one that makes you happy not one that makes you feel guilty about having fun. get a bird feeder. visit your farmers market and cook some food. love your loved ones. your religion is worsening the world. I don’t fucking care if you’re enjoying that one aspect of your religion that appeals to you, the whole thing taken in it’s entirety is fucking toxic. get rid of it otherwise you’re complicit in the damage it causes just by normalizing it. thank you.


enjoying my final evening as a citizen of India with my man Jeremy who’s gonna accompany me tomorrow to Philly to the oath ceremony. after that we party


1 we’re well on our way to being a theocracy. 2 white Christians still don’t understand the idea of power imbalance. the idea that if a coach prays on the sidelines students might feel forced to pray with him


the emergency jan 6 hearing tomorrow makes me feel like they’ve discovered something explosive in the documentarians film that required an additional june season finale


suburban democrats are switching to the republican party because of dumbfuck garbage like “defund the police”. i mean its not like we warned performative blue bubble leftists that this would happen.


this is pretty much all you need to read that explains why trump does the things he does. which is something i have been screaming about incessently since even before the 2016 election


if you don’t want the DOJ to prosecute trump because:

1 it will appear politically motivated 2 it will deepen political divides 3 it will cause political violence

then you are a:

1 terrorist appeaser 2 terrorist appeaser 3 terrorist appeaser


the first amendment is why I have decided to tie my horse to this wagon. without the first amendment you have fascism


firefly season is my favorite season


my dad is concerned that the citizenship ceremony will require me taking an oath on the bible. don’t worry dad even if I have to do that I promise I’ll still be an atheist


9/11 terrorist attack hero assaulted by a “slap on the back”


grilled chicken hearts and sauted sea beans with spring garlic for my loved ones. happy Bourdain day


my town summer beer fest is back for the first time after a hiatus of three years not sure why. very excited to finally drink some beer. I’ve heard good things about it.


there’s only one aspect of my belief system that hasn’t changed at all in the past twenty five years of my life and that’s a seething hatred of religion and the very idea of god