america is going to endure a whole lot of white supremacist terrorism because a drunk demented imbecile told a narcissistic buffoon to declare victory before all the votes were counted
since no one else is gonna point this out may I bring your attention to the fact that calling the select committee the unselect committee is one of the most kindergarten level infantile thing you could possibly do
thoughts and prayers for everyone who ejaculated a little bit in their pants at the thought of elon musk allowing free nazi discourse on Twitter. go wash your pants now
found a whole bunch of wild garlic scapes growing next to our cabin so breakfast tomorrow gonna be lit

if nothing else elon musk reintroduced many people to life outside of Twitter. thank you mr goober man
worst use of a billion dollars ever
nirvana live at the Paramount holy shit
loving not feeling like I have to wave and smile at the local police every time I see them because I’m a citizen now and fuck you and as my wife would say it, oink oink bitch.
just watched the Superbowl 56 halftime show again and holy fuck was it good
watching my favorite coke studio song under the light of my favorite satellite
(Roshe by zeb bangash)
(the moon)

I like how every step of this journey is independently delightful

game over, donald. might as well start picking out your prison trousers
so just to be clear Americans would rather have a president who attempted a violent coup over one who just happened to be president during a global inflation due to a pandemic. just checking with my jackass fucking country
sometimes I feel like the only reason I’m on any social network is because where else can I fucking speak my mind about religion the fucking horrific man made catastrophe that no one wants to acknowledge is literally destroying us
you can make anyone believe anything if you can frame it as an attack on their race or religion
anyways back to the campfire and maybe I should just throw my fucking phone in the campfire
the problem is religion. white Christian racists are making minorities vote for racism by focusing on their common Christianity. holy shit religion makes people so fucking stupid to the point of being mentally incapacitated
working on my laptop on a picnic table next to a campfire in the middle of the woods listening to music and frogs and this is the future of work
I don’t know man it just feels like the mansion people have already started making post earth plans

holy shit this is the comprehensively angry 4th of July editorial piling truth after truth after truth and I found it on…ESPN?
I fucking hate ketchup
country music is the ketchup of music
the smell of the forest as you sit by a campfire. grateful for every day I get to be alive in Billy Penns woods
don lemon is drunk right
everything is a whole lot more fun when you’re doing it for the first time as a citizen especially 4th of July television firework shows