a goose egg


is this the first time in the history of this country where the platform of one of the major political parties is to do bad things because the platform of the opposing party is to do good things


that a mediocre intellectual lightweight like marc thiessen can make a comfortable living penning his opinions is white supremacy


some day I’ll be staring at a campfire and not be thinking about work or fascism


I used to think white people were as intelligent as other races until they didn’t realize there was something obviously and seriously wrong with donald trumps brain


just listened to ajay atuls bai ga and finally someone gathered the cojones to combine raag puriya dhanashree and raag purvi into the same song. in fact I can picture ajay composing puriya dhanashree and atul being all WHEN CAN I INSERT THE SHUDDHA MADHYAM? NOW? NOW? HOW ABOUT NOW?


you may not think of yourself as special but if you’re sitting outside and you smell the forest and you appreciate and enjoy it you my friend are special


we’ve been taught to be tolerant of religion. you know what fuck that shit. I don’t have to be tolerant of religion. just like I don’t have to be tolerant of 2+2=1. or the earth being flat. or rigged 2020 election. I don’t have to be tolerant of any of that shit. what I can do is tolerate people who believe in that shit and only barely. you’re fucking stupid but I will make an effort and tolerate you. hey are you proud of being barely tolerable?


anyone who believes in life after death is a danger to society. denormalize this fucking shit.


standing on my deck listening to an eastern screech owl that is at the most thirty feet away from me


just watched the brilliant 2015 movie the invitation and I don’t know what to do with this shit


the difference between having centrist Democrats in Congress vs having progressives in Congress is getting shit passed vs not getting anything passed but cool Twitter memes bro


certainly glad one of the country’s foremost newspapers is normalizing the domestic terrorist who attempted a violent coup


this is the election where the Republican party finally realizes how much donald has damaged it by turning it over to the crazy base. just in Pennsylvania Shapiro and Fetterman are running ten points ahead of the trump insurrectionist and the fake trump doctor.


even in an election marketplace crowded with mentally incapacitated gop candidates Herschel Walker stands out. I don’t believe he actually knows he’s running in an election or even what an election is


this is the most convincing article I’ve read that makes the case that Donald Trump is going to prison


new trump store in my neighborhood. everything’s fine

walks through a baby slicer


glad that this blotchy motherfucker is finally aging as fast as he made us age in four years


I cannot emotionally connect to anything other than nature this is probably some kind of mental disorder I’m sure


hate when moths fly into the fire. I wish they would stay a bit land on my arm let’s listen to some music and then you’ll still fly into the fire because that’s what you do


suburban deck night life is exquisite perhaps not as much as cabin campfire night life but it still has its merits


it’s amazing the shit you can actually accomplish towards mitigating climate change if you don’t performatively march around screaming the words green new deal


it’s cute that blue bubble progressives think they can rail at the democratic party all day long every day and then show up during election season to try and make themselves relevant on the national stage. dude you’re literally hated fucking everywhere other than your blue bubble


it rained today for the first time since the heat wave began. glad I can stop worrying about climate change now


alternative headline: garbage juvenile fascist fails in grifting attempt


sitting outside on the deck enjoying a drink and listening to music

neighbor comes outside to water her plants

suddenly there’s a loud whinnying in the forest

neighbor: what the heck is that

me: it’s an owl

neighbor: really? I thought owls go woo hoo hoo

me: that’s a great horned owl. this one’s an eastern screech owl. it sounds like if a horse had a baby with a ghost

neighbor: have you heard it before

me: of course. that’s why I spend most of my time outside on the deck