a goose egg


its funny how the republicans who scream about voter fraud are the ones actually committing the fraud, zero exceptions


if i’m paying for your kids education you need to pay for my dog’s medical expenses


Mississippi is underwater. but it’s more important to vote for the Donald Trump who screams at the liberals.


it’s hard to know if I’m thinking rationally when the world is facing so many objectively existential threats


what an awesome wonderful wapo article about how lawns are pointless harmful wildlife desert pieces of shit, something I’ve always been screaming about. dissolve your fucking hoas and grow a native wildflower meadow


biden had another major win today and the democrats seem to be in better position for the midterms so i’m guessing blue bubble progressives are working furiously on a new horrible slogan to help the gop win


it’s cute that oz thinks he’s still campaigning for the gop primary trying to win over the cretin base who would actually applaud this stuff. bro you’re running for the senate. in Pennsylvania. that won Biden the presidency. get the fuck out of here with your sociopath shit


the trump gop incited terrorism against chinese americans during covid. it incited terrorism against the LGBTQ community by labeling them “groomers”. then it incited terrorism against the fbi, fuck the blue right? and now its inciting terrorism against IRS employees. the trump gop is a party of domestic terrorism and if it helps it gain power, the trump gop will eventually come for you whether you support it or not.


cautiously bullish about the midterms


is it time for texans to vote against climate change yet or still gonna vote for racism and guns


I made a big old fire


there’s no shame in speaking truth


I yearn so hard for white anti fascist people. if you’re a white anti fascist I would hug the shit out of you and probably cry in your arms for a little while. anyways this is what my wife has to go through every day


in the brewery

young guy drumming a beat loudly on the bar waiting for his beer

me to myself: dude calm down you’re in a public place

guy gets his beer, walks over to the piano and plays two of the most heartbreakingly beautiful piano solos (accompanied by vocals) that I’ve ever heard. he ends his set, pays for his beer and leaves.

as he walks by I say to him, good stuff man. he says thanks and hands me his business card printed on a cardboard scrap. apparently it’s the last one hes carrying. gonna go home and listen to the rest of his stuff on Spotify.


I’m more excited about voting in an election than the eagles season


this is the very first time ever that fall colors have sunk my heart. because it’s nowhere close to fall in Pennsylvania. these are trees changing color and shedding their leaves because of widespread drought. we’re watching the living planet die in real time and white Americans don’t want to do anything about it because climate justice also involves social justice


one thing I learned very late in my life is you are allowed to appreciate things that no one else can and this is why you fucking rock


it is okay to be mentally ill or republican. what is not okay is not treating that as a problem


most republican politicians are mentally ill. no one has told them they’re mentally ill because being mentally ill so closely aligns with american conservatism


there are moments in my life when I’m like I’m having the best time of my life. this is one of those moments. I’m just sitting by a campfire playing my music with tree crickets chirping their orchestra above me. this is the best time of my life. couldn’t ask for more.


I’m sorry what? the gop candidate for pa governor is a young earther?


the Hillary Clinton campaign was the last non performative campaign. it was assumed that the whites were smart enough to prefer substance over theater. unfortunately the whites did not prefer substance over theater. so now political campaigns are gonna have to do theater and ignore the substance. just because the whites are white.


you can fool a lot of people with your performance theater. but to the rest of us you’ll still be just a stupid brain dragging a body along


the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. where we perform for the white stupids. and it is fucking hilarious. and it gets us in. and then we fucking govern the shit out of the government.


the life hack is to be able to have fun and be happy by yourself. have your happiness be independent of other people. include them in your happiness whenever possible but have your own happy space that you can withdraw into as often as you can. interpersonal happiness is nice but personal happiness, those are the moments I remember