when’s the time for the media to start reporting anything Donald says as the ravings of a terrorist trying to violently destroy America? if not now, then when?
watching Biden speak the other day passionately against fascism is the first time I’ve ever felt a politician truly speaking for me, speaking about my hopes and worst fears
we’re officially under a drought warning does this mean someone from the bureau of land management is gonna come water our dying forests
glad to see that trillions of dollars later the United States has achieved military parity with the Lord of the rings orc army

enjoy your last visit to northeastern Pennsylvania before you get indicted you shitsipping orange imbecile
lord cradle me in thy arms and take away my news
starting to realize that a healthy lifestyle when you’re young is basically doing what you would in your old age when you think you’re dying
shittiest movie trailer opening line ever

been reading a lot about burning man and it’s now definitely something I want to do before I am sent to the farm to run with the other dogs
never thought even one pennsylvanian would feel that grubby human shawarma doug mastriano would make a good governor but here we are
the fact that this dangerous imbecile overwhelming won the gop nomination for pa governor has us seriously considering moving to new England

it’s so weird to have a president who doesn’t tell his supporters to murder his hecklers

holy shit Biden finally gave the “I’m a single issue anti fascist motherfucker and if you have a problem with that come at me with everything you got, you stupid fuckmunching pissfaces” speech that I always knew he had in him
seriously, how fucking stupid do you have to be to go on some rando radio show and claim that you’re funding domestic terrorists and intend on giving them full pardons for acts of domestic terrorism on the very day you know that Biden is going on prime tv to tell Americans that you’re a domestic terrorist leading a domestic terrorism movement
has any former president of America incited domestic terrorism in such an open fashion? this is not just about pardoning January 6 terrorists. this is about pardoning anyone who will be carrying out domestic terrorist attacks after he’s indicted. this is about inciting and incentivizing future terrorists. this about trump sending every trump supporter in America an invitation to the party. come be violent on my behalf and I’ll keep you out of prison.

gonna be fun watching all of Trump’s “allies” throw him under the bus starting with Lindsay Graham
Lindsay Graham running around buying toilet paper in the grocery with a dribbly butthole
if Sarah Palin losing to a Democrat in Alaska doesn’t make you bullish on the midterms what will
what’s your favorite alanis morrisette song about a dude wearing a “trump 2016: fuck your feelings” t shirt in 2022? mines ironic
it’s really quite something that a sitting us senator is threatening violence if the leader of his party is indicted for crimes which he has clearly committed that may also have threatened national security. this gop is diseased beyond redemption
having that kind of weekend where I don’t feel like sharing my happiness online because I’m already sharing it with the people I love
I like how shooting stars make you question your vision
sounds about right

I don’t think people understand how sociopathic it is for someone with that kind of money to choose to live only in new Jersey and Florida. Vermont and New Hampshire are literally just a few hours away. but this bro loves fox news more than nature
staying in an Airbnb in Vermont this weekend. gonna explore all the places that my wife and I first visited seven years ago when we first started dating.