a goose egg


election canvasser at my door: are you a Democrat

me: of course what kind of a question is that holy shit


55% of the United States is currently in drought or as we’ll call it a few years later, desertification. half the country is literally turning into a permanent desert in real time and people are still completely oblivious


some time ago I read an article essentially asking the question, climate change terrorism is coming, whose side are you gonna pick. I guess it’s time to pick sides. I pick the side of climate change terrorists www.google.com/amp/s/www…


red: gym

green: Phillies playoff game


I seem to have lost my wedding band does this mean I’m married to Jesus now


40% of this country is screaming about the january 6th committee being a witch hunt without having watched a single hearing


really like herschel walkers new campaign slogan “i braves fan. so i cherokee indian”


the government can’t prosecute you for lies. private citizens can litigate you for the consequences of those lies. if you don’t understand the difference you’re either alex jones elon musk or the brain worms of donald trump


Alex Jones is the epitome of white Americans whom donald empowered to believe that laws don’t and shouldn’t apply to them. guess what, you rancid ass goblin, you just got served some justice you can’t podcast yourself out of


the only difference between Alex Jones and Donald Trump is Alex Jones said he’s sorry for his actions (they’re both still horribly toxic abysmally mediocre conspiracy theorist online trolls grifting off the least intelligent lifeforms in America privileged to inhabit a human body)


fucking wild that the top 3 stories on the wapo right now are about the former president of America committing 3 different crimes, each one extremely serious in itself and wilder is the fact that this man is still the gop candidate for president in the next election


lol alex jones the year of accountability plugs onward


breaking: donald trump scheduled to perjure himself in deposition next week


the highlight of today was seeing this chukar scurrying along on the trail. chukars are game birds usually found in west central us. apparently they were introduced in Pennsylvania forests but didn’t do that well and I have never seen one in my area before so that was fun


I promise you they have a covid air test that they’re not releasing because it would result in too many bar fights


this is the biggest sporting weekend in the city of Philadelphia and adjacent suburbs since we won the Superbowl


I like when white Americans say they don’t identify with either party. oh okay so you aren’t a fascist OR an anti-fascist. you could have just said you’re intellectually lazy


me: awesome jobs report

stock market falls off a cliff

me googling: what the fuck? thank you


stupid ppl like herschel walker are dangerous for democracy but even more dangerous are sentient evil beings like rafael cruz who weaponize stupidity to benefit themselves at the detriment of democracy


you could throw a rock into an overflowing septic tank and hit a more qualified candidate than doug mastriano and hershel walker


little more than a month before i cast my first vote against trump fascism


for a real time view into how nations fail because of fascism-bred mediocrity at the highest levels of government you only have to look at donald trump and every single gop candidate who is running for election with his endorsement


the qualifying test for a “developed” country is it should not have herschel walker and doug mastriano as major party senate candidates


holy shit the Phillies are going to the playoffs


who woulda thunk