me: hate speech is bad
twitter: lol cry more lib
mastodon: speech hating on hate speech also hate speech, I’m just saying
me: hate speech is bad
twitter: lol cry more lib
mastodon: speech hating on hate speech also hate speech, I’m just saying
point: Twitter is a Nazi playground owned by a sociopathic CEO who’s going to platform terrorists that will eventually unleash political violence
counter-point: Twitter is still a voice for underprivileged, underrepresented communities, charities, animal shelters and small businesses
the normalization of hate speech leads to violence. no matter how much fascists try to hide behind “the marketplace of ideas” or “freedom of speech” this is a fact. hold these motherfuckers accountable for their complicity.
first fire of the season is underway
donald trump was the inevitable culmination of American conservatism. elon musk is the inevitable culmination of American libertarianism. both just big piles of feces masquerading as ideology
bye sarah palin. you were trump 1.0 and i’m glad your career in politics died after being endorsed by trump 2.0
can’t wait for trumps announcement to slowly dismantle the republican party over the course of the next two years
went to the ER this morning for heart palpitations
nurse: has anything changed in your lifestyle for the past few days
me: yes the democrats are on the verge of somehow keeping both the house and the senate
my boys Chris Cornell and Tom Petty look on and upon the flag I received during my naturalization ceremony and the “I voted” sticker I received after my first vote as a citizen. we’re defeating trump fascism. we just need to keep doing it year after year election after election.
the dog has gained too much weight and my wife has warned me to halve his dinner portions and now I’m seeing my not so distant future
Pennsylvania, we did good. take tomorrow off
the only time I voted before this was 29 years ago in India and I didn’t give a shit about whom I was voting for or why. tomorrow I know exactly whom I’ll be voting for with a shitload of shits, so so many shits holy shit
apparently donald is expected to announce his presidential candidacy today because 15 points is too few points for doug mastriano to lose by
I hope someone’s working on an alternative real life network where we can move our real life personas once this one goes full on fascist
at the fetterman rally
fetterman: I’ll vote to codify roe v wade
everyone: YEAH
little kid next to me screaming: YEAH
little kid to mom: WHAT’S ROE V WADE
went to a Montgomery county fetterman rally today. the thing about blue suburbs is, no matter how blue the suburb you’re still wondering if the nice white person making conversation with you at the grocery or farmers market or bar is actually an adherent of qanon. this is why I like political protests and rallies, it’s not just an opportunity to get your voice heard and hear what your politicians have to say, it’s also because it’s a “safe space” where I know I’m surrounded by people who share my beliefs and values and are most likely good people.
trump terrorists tried to murder the vice president and the speaker of the house meanwhile Americans are worried about gas prices
watching elon musk try to manage Twitter is like watching a dog try to fuck a bicycle
is there such a thing as sports exhaustion because I have it
went to Twitter for the sports ranting came back because the new owner of Twitter is still a conspiracy theorist white supremacist fascist
what if I didn’t want to pay the salary of a man whose entire job description seems to be beclowning himself on a daily basis
I just feel like if it’s not worth getting passionate about it’s not worth being part of your life
I have spent the last twenty minutes in this bar trying to convince the old guy next to me that the Phillies game is being played in Philly and not San Diego. apparently he does not believe in the existence of stadium lights and thinks it’s in fact the warm California sun
happy incarceration you pustulent ratfucker
happy steve bannon sentencing day to those who observe