a goose egg


i wish my house plants would stop tilting towards the window. my friends, you were raised to thrive not on the light of the sun but the darkness of the soul


proud of my city


this is worse than crying about losing the 2020 election


so the fbi has searched bidens houses multiple times now and Biden still hasn’t logged on to Twitter at 2:00 am to call the special counsels wife a radical leftist savage or whatever. weird


how do i know inflation is winding down? bird feed is once again in stock, thats how


you can say what you want about eagles fans but we also turn a trump store into a rump store


haha just remembered donald sitting in a semi cab gripping and screaming at the steering wheel because thats how a semi driver operates his truck


bars in Arizona are scared of us and rightfully so


every time I appear in a bar after the eagles win

bartender: what the hell where were you

me: sorry I was in a different bar. but I’m here now

it’s hard having so many commitments


holy shit we’re going to the Superbowl again


fly eagles fly. that is all


playing the eagles fight song on the harmonica after every eagles touchdown in this bar and receiving free beers from the ladies. it’s a good scam because I can only play the first line.


2023 birding season off to a good start


final birding visit to the local waterfowl preserve before the birds game. first of year raven and ring necked duck. LET’S GO BIRDS


tailgating the Philadelphia eagles NFC championship game by watching that other Philadelphia sister team from north Wales, UK, Wrexham AFC


me back in the day: every little brown bird is a sparrow

me today: that is definitely a purple finch and not a house finch



I still can’t believe I’m a citizen of this country. today I was reading about some gop nepo asshole from west Virginia declaring his candidacy for president and I started getting that sensation of achingly futile frustration and then suddenly I’m like holy shit I can vote his ass into the Atlantic ocean. I am a citizen. I am empowered. I am, and I cannot stress this enough, the man.


if the gop thought 2018, 2020 and 2022 elections were donald catastrophes they are completely unprepared for the donald cataclysm thats gonna be the 2024 elections


born again christian: has a once in a lifetime religious experience and discovers jesus christ

born again atheist: has numerous learning experiences a day and discovers new things about the natural world

friday morning contentment


i’m experiencing a vague feeling of contentment. its friday, the sun’s out, radio paradise is spinning, coffee’s kicking in, the philadelphia eagles are playing on sunday and i’m planning my saturday morning long hike. honestly, i have stopped giving a fuck about traveling to distant places for a vacation ever since i realized my happiest moments have been spent hiking our myriad and many local trails with my wife and dog. south-east pennsylvania is truly an outdoorsmans paradise. like the bumper sticker on my car says: today’s schedule, coffee, hike, beer.


at this point the entire state of florida is a florida man


looking forward to uglon moscow buying up all the florida libraries popular.info/p/florida…


ever since i cut back on my drinking i’ve been experiencing less anxiety about the fact that i might be drinking too much


my wife is on her third respiratory illness of winter. i miss when we only had to worry about one murder virus


my resting heart rate in january is down to 59. my goal for february is to get it down to 0 and violate the laws of physics until zombie isaac newton teleports to pennsylvania and kills me in my sleep