a goose egg


the biden economy is doing so well that donald is trying to appeal to the white suburban vote by promising public executions with firing squads and guillotines


marge green going through hunter bidens trash, finding chinese leftovers, taking a bite and bagging them as evidence


what’s stopping Americans from celebrating cow hug day


aint nothing harder than convincing a white man that another white man is not doing a good job


starting to feel the Superbowl right… now. go birds


gonna have fun watching the 2022 gop train wreck turn into a 2024 ship wreck


the gop ass eaters caucus can hold as many hearings as they want, they’re all going to backfire on them because reality doesn’t give a fuck how wide you open your mouth and how hard you scream


this is the only correct way to describe elcocko monkeyfucker


it shouldn’t have taken a dumb fuck doing dumb fuck shit to a dumb fuck website to leave the dumb fuck website. we need to get our shit together man


googling local funerals to participate in the festivities


i’ve been told that last night at the state of the union marge tailor green did not lower her pants, her underwear, squat on the floor, squeeze out a fresh glistening turd, check it for quality and consistency and fling it at joe biden. speechless at her dignity and class.


i wouldnt wish the future on my worst enemy and somehow people are intentionally producing little loved ones for the sole purpose of wishing it on them


went to get a drink of water and in the 2 minutes it took me, guy in the gym had picked my phone off my bench, returned it to lost and found, draped his stuff on the bench and was selecting a song to play. my man would’ve done well during young america’s expansion west


the only steve bannon news i ever want to read is him being arrested for accessory to seditious conspiracy or his carcass losing sentiency


lol chatgpt is terrible at loading my dishwasher. bowls go on top idiot


next time a white person in a bar asks me where I’m from I’m gonna reply bofa


it’s been two years since a man attempted a violent coup against the United States of America and he’s still being allowed to live a life of freedom and unaccountability


sitting at the bar next to a guy who’s hit the sweet spot of being drunk enough to be annoying but not drunk enough to not realize I’m annoyed by it


if there was a god it wouldn’t have killed off all the good Kennedys and left us the one absolute dreg at the bottom of the Kennedy barrel


not only would’ve donald shot down the Chinese balloon before it entered the United States he would’ve traveled to China and shot the man responsible for inflating it


I got them blues


it’s fucking cold tonight if you get pulled over please make sure you tip the cop


they postponed tomorrow’s local “snow blast” festival because it’s too cold. maybe change the name to “might get frosty tonight bring your plants inside just in case” festival


its colder than lauren boeberts cortex and windier than marge greene’s underwear. stay safe out there, libs. everyone else i hope your dick and nipples wither and fall off


how much money do you think eric trump makes after taxes for admitting he farted when it was actually donald