I just want to be loved by complete strangers driven by a one dimensional manipulated lens into my life that I control
i’m sure suburban philadelphians will be happy to know about the “defund the police” gop platform after reading about the flash mob in philly last night. and all this because donald was arrested for trying to influence the 2016 election by paying his mistress to stay silent about his toadstool dick
a beautiful ode to the common house sparrow www.audubon.org/news/meet…
this is an absolute must-read by amanda marcotte about the seriousness and necessity of donalds indictment www.salon.com/2023/04/0…
happy open office window season to me

yesterday wisconsin did its part in saving democracy and the “stop the steal” fascists are shitting their pants because they wont be able to steal the next election.
I just won my first trivia contest in this country and obviously it was bird themed and obviously my team name was bird lawyer, esq and obviously my victory cry was the scream of a crowtein crow

take a moment to celebrate, it's okay
#remember the absolute hell we’ve been through since 2016, the tears on november 8, all the nights we couldn’t fall asleep, the trauma, the therapy, the hundreds of thousands he killed through ineptitude and sociopathic negligence, the constant dread of 2020, the friends and family we lost to fascism. dont ever feel bad or guilty about celebrating on this motherfucker’s day of accountability. everything else can fucking wait another day.
area reality tv star not coping too well with reality

he can squeal as much as he likes for as long as he likes as loud as he likes but no ones coming to save this motherfucker and he’s soon gonna realize this and the terror is gonna make his brain cave in against the back of his throat
it’s been a while but it was totally worth it

donald trump pooping blood before his arrest
donald trump jr: here dad you can use my poop instead
eric trump: i made you two poops dad you can choose the one you like and i’ll freeze the other for later
i dont know why donald is raising money from his indictment. i have heard you dont have to pay for your own lodging or food in prison
happy trump arrest day to everyone who celebrates. religiously abstaining from water and food between sunrise and sunset and only imbibing alcohol
when was the last time mike “I ate trump turds for breakfast lunch and dinner until he tried to kill me” pence asked donald to not say or do something because it would divide the nation
I love visiting the UK but I also enjoy returning to a place where the sun is actually a thing
donald genuinely believes that his only option is to threaten judges jurors prosecutors the Democrats and just the country generally with violence because this is what happens when a privileged white criminal is finally held accountable
everybody protesting donalds indictment should be asked to explain one just one charge against him that they are protesting and why
whenever donald says if they can come after me they can come after you ask yourself this: have you done or are you planning to do several crimes? if the answer is yes, then yes, they will come after you. if the answer is no, then they will not, unless you’re black, in which case, they might.
somehow I’m watching my first live Phillies game of the season in a London airport hotel bar

it’s so fucking hilarious that the guy who is asking his supporters to turn violent when he’s indicted is quietly turning himself in on Tuesday. I don’t know man if I were a trumpy dump I would ask myself why
stick a fork in him, the motherfuckers done

my cautiously optimistic take: everyone other than the mentally incapacitated trumpy 30% are going to soon get tired and disgusted of hearing how donald paid a porn star to stay silent about having sex with him while his wife was pregnant with his child
one of the ways white supremacy actually hurts white people: it fools you into paying the legal fees of a serial criminal
while in Wales I’ve been greeted by ppl I passed on the street with a variety of phrases not a single one of which I’ve understood